[microsound-announce] OpenNight w. MusicHackSpace @ Troyganic this Thursday, Nov 22.

Robert Munro ml at robmunro.net
Mon Nov 19 10:11:06 EST 2012

We are holding the next OpenNight w. HackSpace @ Troyganic this Thursday,
Nov 22. There are still opportunities to perform present if desired signup
below or just replay to this..

132 Kingsland Road
Corner of Cremer Street
London E2 8DY

OpenNight is a night of presentations/performances using open-source
software. Some closed is al
lowed/tolerated, it's not a hard boundary, the emphasis is that you publish
your code/work before you perform (your patches, code, artwork used,
schematics - whatever is relevant ), usually on the day. It's also good
form to do a quick intro about what you do & how you do it.

It's a pretty freeform night, just to show what you are up to, or test out
something new or experimental, people just sign up, publish and play - it
always good to fit as many people in as possible, all depending on how many
people enrol.

You sign up on the WIKI here:
Just make sure to read the RULES - it sort of defeats the purpose if people
turn up with *just* closed software.

or just leave a comment.

We will also have a thanksgiving bent for the Americans out there.
Hopefully with turkey but is not confirmed yet.


*Web*: http://www.my-pod.org     http://sentinelweb.co.uk
*Apps*: MyPOD <https://market.android.com/details?id=org.my_pod.mypod>
SuperCards <https://market.android.com/details?id=co.uk.sentinelweb.cards>
*Social* : twitter <http://www.twitter.com/sentinelwebtech>
 (@siliconeagle) |
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