[microsound] meta-theory

Manannan Mac Lir macdara at email.com
Sun Sep 27 13:08:06 EDT 2009

What do you think is beyond the loops.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Adam Davis"
  To: microsound at microsound.org
  Subject: Re: [microsound] meta-theory
  Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 17:30:57 +0100

  I would say it came from a long time trying to see the beauty,
  harmony and symmetry in absolutely everything, thus: Symmetry and
  asymmetry, which is itself a symmetry, or metasymmetry. But the
  dominance of the symmetry over asymmetry is itself a
  meta-asymmetry...so on and so forth, ad infinitum. Those cycles... Though
  I remain optimistic that in a very far future, say, in a
  postposthuman age, there'll be innovations which shall allow for the
  escaping of feedback and cycles which are impossible now and may
  remain possible even in a posthuman future (something I like to call
  "cyclo-anarchy"...I've written a little bit about it). I also
  envision a future where strange loops and feedback will actually be
  the musical instruments of the future...the tools of a new rhythmic
  appreciation. Such thoughts are inspiration for the more euphoric
  moments in my music. Also, I probably wouldn't say it's a dualism,
  rather, an infinitism maybe?
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  microsound at microsound.org

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