[microsound-announce] (amb) Thoughtless idiots who masquerade as supporters of small labels

David Newman dwnewman at clara.co.uk
Sat May 7 12:10:12 EDT 2011

Absolutely Dene - we are being shafted - robbed - taken advatage of -

David Newman

 <http://www.audiomoves.com/> http://www.audiomoves.com | Audiomoves >
Digital audio solutions 

 <blocked::http://www.audiobulb.com/> http://www.audiobulb.com | Audiobulb
Records > Exploratory music 



From: dene.carter at gmail.com [mailto:dene.carter at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Dene
Sent: 07 May 2011 16:34
To: Maya R. Odinezenko
Cc: David Newman; <idm at hyperreal.org>; ambient;
<microsound-announce at microsound.nexthop.net>
Subject: Re: (amb) Thoughtless idiots who masquerade as supporters of small

I imagine that if this happened at some point after the release it might
have seemed less painful. 

I can quite understand why a bootlegged copy's existence spoils the launch
and undermines all the effort that went into producing the work whether it
ultimately hurt sales or not (a subject much debated elsewhere). 

Musicians and their promoters should at least have a choice when their work
becomes available as a whole. In the world of increasingly 'democratised'
media and distribution, creatives and those who aid them seem to have few
rights left.

On 7 May 2011 16:10, Maya R. Odinezenko <maya at elevatorium.org> wrote:

Honestly, I really wouldn't complain.

I know this will come off as harsh, but it really bothers me people use this
list more for promoting their own stuff than just talking about ambient

You're already investing in making music, but it sounds like you're involved
more fir making some sort if cash flow as opposed to just making music for
the sake of art/the love of it.

If I were a musician, I'd be flattered my music was being shared.  At least
it's good enough to be shared.  If people dig it, they will buy it.  There
are a ton of artists I invested in after I downloaded their stuff.

The investment is there for you, don't blame file sharing for losing sales.
Maybe people want to try before they buy, bc technology in this day and age
allows them to do so.

Just saying.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 7, 2011, at 9:27 AM, "David Newman" <dwnewman at clara.co.uk> wrote:

To the thoughtless idiots....
So here I am 3 weeks from the release of a beautiful album by A Dancing
The album has been sent out as per usual to 120 reviewers on our promo list.
One or more of these people who purport to support independent music and
small labels has uploaded the album onto every file sharing platform there
So it's out - people can help themselves for free. The £200 I spent on
postage won't get recouped, the £750 I spent on making the CD won't get
Some people think it's easy balancing the books if you are a record small
record company - I can tell you it is not. I only made 500 of these and if I
don't get close to £900 back I can see Audiobulb sinking/closing for good.
So you may be thinking why am I ranting at you? Well I don't know who has
done this - they hide behind stupid names in Fileshare etc - but whoever you
are - you are selfish, thoughtless and stupid.

David Newman

 <http://www.audiomoves.com/> http://www.audiomoves.com | Audiomoves >
Digital audio solutions 

http://www.audiobulb.com | Audiobulb Records > Exploratory music 



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