[microsound-announce] Call for proposals/works

Phil Thomson hellomynameisphil+mcrsnd at gmail.com
Sat May 30 01:52:14 EDT 2009

I have some disk space on my website that I am not using. I would like
to donate this space and bandwidth to some worthy individuals or
organizations. Maybe one of them will be you.

I know free hosting is not that hard to come across any more, but if
you need some free hosting for your work or for a specific project,
please drop me a line with your idea.

I want to be a bit discerning with my space, so I won't host just
anything, but if I feel your work or project is worthwhile, I will
gladly provide as much disk space as I can for as long as I can.

I can't provide lots of tech support but Dreamhost has good support
and you should be able to contact them directly.

Please email me with the deets of what you wanted hosted and your
estimated disk space/bandwidth requirements. Provide as much
information as you can to help me assess your work/project. I would be
into hosting works by individual artists whose work I think is
interesting, weblabels doing interesting work, online sound-based
net.art, etc. If you're not sure whether I would consider hosting your
stuff, try me anyway. Maybe we'll both be surprised.

Don't take it personally if I don't get back to you. I can be terrible
at responding to emails. But if I like your idea/work, I will get back
to you for sure.



~ Phil Thomson
~ http://philthomson.ca/

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