[microsound] degrees in sound art

John Hopkins jhopkins at tech-no-mad.net
Sat Jul 18 16:53:34 EDT 2009

Hei Erik --

I'm just about to head to Sydney to finish off my PhD at the University
of Technology Sydney where they've got an interesting sound art program
-- actually I'll be teaching a nice course called "Ways of Listening"... 
-- and Sydney has a pretty good sonic art scene as well...

There is the sound program that's part of the Media Lab (at the Univ of 
Art  & Design Helsinki) run by Antti Ikonen as well as CMT, the Center 
for Music and Technology at the Sibelius Akademie in Helsinki...

I've taught at UdK-Berlin, and wasn't aware of the sound studies program 
(I teach in another MA Institute), but if you could get into that 
program, Berlin is really happening regarding sonic art things at all 

Sorry, no links, but you can google some of the names...


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