[microsound] micro-situations

Kim Cascone kim at anechoicmedia.com
Tue Jan 20 21:56:44 EST 2009

> Well, the Situationists threw tomatoes at Moles during his inaugural
> lecture at Strasbourg in 1966:
> <http://www.notbored.org/debord-27October1966.html>
> Debord's critique of Moles had appeared as an open letter in
> Internationale Situationiste no. 9, August 1964:

yes Debord worked hard to alienate many from the movement in its  
later days - even former colleagues
my theory is that he sense the movement was being co-opted and turned  
into a caricature of itself so he emptied it and created a vacuum

I just finished a very interesting book (more like a slim volume at  
44 pgs plus color plates) by McKenzie Ward titled '50 Years of  
I highly recommend it

but the Moles book as well as the work of the Constance School of  
'reception theorists' is also very worth reading
I like to mash up my philosophies and see what new ideas I can draw  
from them

as for politics and music:
- years ago I designed a workshop that uses a simple genetic  
algorithm as a framework for community based emergent content
- people found it an interesting approach to making music and asked  
me what was the purpose in getting people to work this way
- I had thought about this for a long time letting my thoughts evolve  
while watching the workshops take place
- it is amazing to watch evolution in process as well as the  
networking and community building that takes place
- in my own way I'm trying to teach people about the value of  
creating work that contains everyones individuality but is much  
greater than the sum of its parts
- and how evolution depends on collaboration as well as solo efforts
- but even the solo efforts become threads in the fabric of culture
- but community building doesn't stop once my workshops end, there is  
a WIKI site created by the participants which serves as source for  
further research as well as the relationships formed in the process
- it is rewarding to leave this 'seed' in these places and to hear  
how it grows after I leave
- this IMO is politics in action - no preaching, no reading Marx and  
no agenda other than to plant seeds and let the evolution take us  
somewhere bigger than all of us combined

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