[microsound] project: microacoustic pt2

Justin Glenn Smith noisesmith at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 17:04:23 EST 2009

Adam Davis wrote:
>  Question: Are autopan, gate and downsampling acceptable forms of processing
> for this project?

Good point. Also, what about selecting a mic or sound card to record with specifically for the way it colors the sound? Overpowering the mic? A mic with a damaged membrane? Moving a powerful magnet near the mic cable while recording? Recording in spaces with unusual or "unnatural" resonant characteristics? Unconventional mic placement? Recording without equalization or compression? Failure to record in an acoustically dead space and use the typical measure of electronic reverb?

I think the standard set of rules for recording of "acoustic" music state that pre or post processing that makes the sound seem cleaner or more natural is obligatory. Absence of processing typically gives you the "low fi" sound, which is just another genre of hybrid electronic music. It's kind of like how you don't look a real live human on TV unless you have a solid pancake of makeup on your face.

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