[microsound-announce] Then Kiss the Spiral Arms of the Cochlea's Secret

Tomoroh Hidari hidari at gmx.net
Tue Jul 9 13:58:48 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I have a new album under my his Namelessness Is Legion alias out.
3 lengthy pieces of immersive drone-music created from processed field 
recordings and self built droneboxes.
This is the 3rd and final Album of the Liz-Anna trilogy, which follows 
the constructivist idea of music being composed inside the listener's mind.

Read more & check it out here:

thanks for your interest,

ps: did I mention that this - as well as the other hNIL albums are free 
dl on the mahorka weblabel?!

Tomoroh Hidari/Oliver Stummer

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