[microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 29.11.09 (#260)

. m u r m e r . murmer at murmerings.com
Mon Nov 30 17:12:11 EST 2009

/*framework*/ - phonography / field recording; contextual and 
decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley

/*framework*/ broadcasts:
    - sunday, 10pm, london, uk on *resonance 104.4fm*  
    - tuesday, 2pm, london, uk on *resonance 104.4fm*  
    - wednesday, 12am, thessaloniki, gr on *cooradio* 
    - wednesday, 3am, lisbon, pt on *radio zero* (http://www.radiozero.pt)
    - thursday, 7pm, lisbon, pt on *radio zero* (http://www.radiozero.pt)
    - friday, 1am, brussels, be on *radio campus 92.1fm*  
    - saturday, 5pm, south devon, uk on *soundartradio 102.5fm*  

~ time zone converter:  http://thesaturnv.com/converter.html ~

*for general info, playlists, podcasts, or to stream the latest edition 
at any time: http://www.frameworkradio.net *
*framework is supported by /soundtransit/: http://www.soundtransit.nl *

your subscriptions & donations help make the production of /*framework*/ 
possible.  visit out website to find out how to become a regular donor, 
or make a one-time donation here: 
http://www.murmerings.com/donate.html.  25% of all donations go to 
*resonancefm*, without whom /*framework*/ would not exist. (if you would 
like to donate directly to *resonancefm* please visit their support page 
here: http://www.resonancefm.com/support.)
december, 2009)*



*more /*framework250*/ tracks this week, this time from *jean-luc 
guionnet*, *felicity ford*, *toshiya tsunoda*, and *loren chasse*.  a 
few more of these programs to go (3 more after this one) and then we'll 
be ready to release the /*framework250*/ compilation.  a few surprises 
in store regarding that, as you may have noticed that we've got way too 
much material in the project to fit on 2 cds.  but more news on that as 
things become more concrete.

we also heard sounds in this edition from *alexandr vatagin*, from his 
short release /*shards*/, and from another collaboration between *bj 
nilsen* and *stillupsteypa*, this time on the *editions mego* imprint.  
all this began with a /*framework*/ introduction recorded for us by *joe 

speaking of which - as goes my usual plea: we are running low on 
introductions!  now is the time, if you've been meaning to get out there 
and record us a framework introduction - do it!  now!  guidelines at the 
end of this mail.

again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw 
field recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction 
submissions.  we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of 
our guest curated series.  send proposals or material, released or not, 
on any format, to the address below.  if you have any questions, please 
don't hesitate to get in touch!

tartu mnt 41
63710 ahja

info at frameworkradio.net


*(time  /  artist  /  track  /  album  /  label)* 

00:00 - 04:44  /  joe stevens  /  framework introduction

01:56 - 08:20  /  bj nilsen & stillupsteypa  /  /[track 3, extract]/  /  
man from deep river  /  editions mego
http://www.bjnilsen.com, http://www.helenscarsdale.com/stilluppsteypa, 

04:43 - 06:52  /  alexandr vatagin  /  it's better if you leave  /  
shards  /  valeot
http://myspace.com/vatagin, http://www.valeot.com

08:20 - 17:56  /  jean-luc guionnet  /  diptyque de la veille  /  
framework250  /  framework editions
http://www.jeanlucguionnet.eu, http://www.frameworkradio.net

17:56 - 20:54  /  alexandr vatagin  /  as we cross the cherrytrees  /  
shards  /  valeot
http://myspace.com/vatagin, http://www.valeot.com

20:37 - 27:00  /  felicity ford  /  celebrations  /  framework250  /  
framework editions
http://www.thedomesticsoundscape.com, http://www.frameworkradio.net

26:57 - 31:52  /  bj nilsen & stillupsteypa  /  /[track 1, extract]/  /  
man from deep river  /  editions mego
http://www.bjnilsen.com, http://www.helenscarsdale.com/stilluppsteypa, 

27:37 - 31:47  /  alexandr vatagin  /  stadions  /  shards  /  valeot
http://myspace.com/vatagin, http://www.valeot.com

31:21 - 40:56  /  toshiya tsunoda  /  vibration of the rope of a fishing 
boat under moor 12.aug.09. matsuwa, miura  /  framework250  /  framework 
http://toshiya-tsunoda.blogspot.com, http://www.frameworkradio.net

40:53 - 44:42  /  alexandr vatagin  /  similar decisions  /  shards  /  
http://myspace.com/vatagin, http://www.valeot.com

44:02 - 57:00  /  loren chasse  /  furniture next to twilight  /  
framework250  /  framework editions
http://www.23five.org/lchasse, http://www.frameworkradio.net


framework intro submissions:

1)    take yourself and an audio recorder to a location of your choice
2)    record for /AT LEAST/ one minute before you -
3)    read aloud the following text:

*welcome to framework.

framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and its use in 
composition.  field recording, phonography, the art of sound hunting; 
open your ears and listen!*

*/[3b)  please also feel free to translate this text into your native 
tongue!] /*

4)    continue your recording for /AT LEAST/ two minutes after you have 
finished speaking
5)   post the recording to us on any format, or send us an mp3


drop a note to info at frameworkradio.net to be added to or removed from 
this mailing list
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