[Microsound-announce] [OKNO] rush before summer program

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Mon Jun 23 06:17:55 EDT 2008

OKNO - artist run organisation for art and mediatechnology - brussels                                               

1. 25/6 Guy Van Belle at Studiedag: Auteursrechten in cultuur, van lusten naar lasten? (Nl)
2. 27/6 - 29/6 Karasssuite.org at Linux Days Linz
3. 27/6 OKNO Mesh Network @ DorkbotBRU
4. 29/6 Symbiosis #3 Gamila and Effracted

1. 25/6 Guy Van Belle op de Studiedag: Auteursrechten in cultuur, van lusten naar lasten?
te Auditorium MuHKA, Antwerpen                                                                                       
Moderator: Katrien Van der Perre                                                                                  
Presentatie Guy Van Belle | Okno vzw. Case: omgaan met auteursrechten in                                          
kunst vanuit drie verschillende standpunten; de kunsteducatie, de eigen                                           
artistieke praktijk en een online database kunstproject (de Karass Suite).                                        
2. 27/6 - 29/6 Karasssuite.org at Linux Days Linz
at Linzer Kunstuniversitet

Karasssuite has been invited by Servus.at for a residency during the Linuxwochen. They will develop a component of the online database. Karasssuite works on interfaces between realtime applications such as SuperCollider, Pure Data... and on visualizing these processes in a php/mysql/drupal context. 


3. 27/6 OKNO Mesh Network @ DorkbotBRU
Being an organisation for media arts, OKNO has always concentrated on network arts. Recently we started exploring free wireless networks and joined the Brussels community network ‘Reseau Citoyen’ operated and maintained by ‘free network’ enthousiasts.
OKNO gives a presentation of the state of the project.


4. 29/6 21:00 Symbiosis #3 Gamila and Effracted 

OKNO would like to invite you for the next installment of Symbiosis. In a dramatic break with tradition, the performance will not consist of blue faces behind a screen, however fond we still are of those. 
Gamila steers clear of both traditional laptop music and academic electro-acoustics. Instead we get a dynamic performance of the young international band in a mix of instruments and electronics.

We also screen the film Effraction by Gamila-members Steindor Kristinsson and Ofer Smilansky.


OKNO Koolmijnenkaai 34 Quai aux Charbonnages - Brussels - Belgium                                                   
public transport: metro Graaf van Vlaanderen/Comte de Flandre -- Tram18                                             
With the kind support of the Flemisch authorities and the VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie).        

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