[Microsound-announce] eContact! 10.4 -- In Memorium: Michel Waisvisz (1949-2008)

CEC jef chippewa jef at econtact.ca
Sat Aug 23 08:44:19 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

[F] Nous publions une page en mémoire à Michel 
dans le prochain numéro eContact!. Veuillez me 
contacter directement si vous avez quelques mots 
ou photos (inclure une brève description) que 
vous voudriez y contribuer.

[E] We will be publishing an In Memoriam page for 
Michel in the next issue of eContact! Please 
contact me privately if you have some memories, 
words, comments or photos (include a brief 
caption) you would like to share in his memory.

jef chippewa <jef at econtact.ca>
Coordinating Editor, eContact!


Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) 
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
http://cec.concordia.ca | RECENT: 
http://cec.concordia.ca/econtact/10_2 (Aug 08)
http://econtact.ca EA journal | http://sonus.ca EA Jukebox
http://cec.concordia.ca/jttp Project for young/emerging sound artists

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