[Microsound-announce] endless endless (v3)

David @ Audiobulb dwnewman at clara.co.uk
Fri May 25 17:52:40 EDT 2007

||1|| Endless Endless

Endless Endless provides an ever expanding organic arrangement space. 
Artists are invited to send a piece of ambient/microsound music of 120 
seconds to Audiobulb. Tracks are mixed alternatively into the start or the 
end of the piece in a manner that expands Endless Endless.

Visit the Project page @ http://www.audiobulb.com to hear the latest Endless 
Endless with tracks by:

+ bbbb [gintas k]
+ one20s [tmns]
+ ueiop [craque]
+ truck becomes organ [c.cruz]
+ the passing of childhood [autistici]
+ 120 [effacer]
+ if gordon gano was a sloth [adcbicycle]
+ murther and walking spirits [the oo-ray]
+ waiting room [ochre]
+ alternates (1_b) (excerpt) [billygomberg]
+ gr_w [ocp]
+ Woe Misgiving [Andrew Halliday]
+ number 1 [tom lynn]

Endless Endless is always open to new submissions. To contribute contact 
audiobulb for details.

Best wishes

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