[microsound-announce] ► Added Show: Tomorrow Thu 18 Dec ◄ MSP/piano: w Aaron Bennett’s Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra ✹ plus avant-Bolly++ w Horn of Plenty @ Center for New Music, SF

Joe Lasqo joe at joelasqo.com
Wed Dec 17 19:00:56 EST 2014

The festively avant | Bollywood sound stylings of Aaron BennettDear µsounders -
This is to let you know about a just-added electroacoustic show tomorrow evening. 
If you are in the SF Bay Area then, you okay find it interesting.
MSP/Piano++: w Aaron Bennett’s Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra, + Horn Of Plenty, @ Center for New Music, SF: tomorrow, 18 Dec
◉ Aaron Bennett's Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra (Set 2)
Aaron Bennett's E.M.T.P.O. ensemble use the electro-magnetic field of their collective mind, tuned and amplified by means of unique "breathing chart" compositions in a special graphic notation which Aaron has designed for large improvising ensembles, to focus and unleash aural energies. The resulting sound is like nothing else and has amazed audiences in a string of orgone-accelerating Bay Area performances over the last two years.
— Aaron Bennett: sax, leader & compositions — Robert Ewing: trombone — John Finkbeiner: guitar — Ron Heglin: trombone & voice — Darren Johnston: trumpet — Joe Lasqo: MSP/laptop, objects, piano— Bob Marsh: cello — Lisa Mezzacappa: bass
◉ Horn of Plenty (Set 1)
3 saxophones reimagine music from 3 continents, from a multitude of traditions to create their own. Re-engineered sound track music from Bollywood films, original music, and more. 
Line-up: Aaron Bennett: tenor — Jon Raskin: bari — Aram Shelton: alto

☞  Write-up, show time/place details, venue map, and images: here  ☜
Join us for a fantastic double-shot of fiery soloist and composer Aaron Bennett in two completely different musical ecosystems, each populated by some very strange animals...
Joe Lasqo
joe at joelasqo.com
http://www.joelasqo.com/Show calendar & news: http://www.joelasqo.com/blog

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