[microsound-announce] Break the Ice. Play the Ice. Melt the Ice.

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 14 02:36:25 EDT 2013

French veteran avantgardists E t c … (Anthony Carcone, Jacques Foschia, Harold Schellinx, Cécile Zylberajch) brought a 150 kg block of ice to perform at this year's 2 day Festival des Ephémères in Paris, France. 
They un-froze it into éTcholalie: http://etcho.soundblog.net
The 6 track digital album is a sequel to last year's highly acclaimed 'eTcology'. "Un-frozen sounds are tossed around like stones. Time past is not just reconstituted; it bursts out..."
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