[microsound-announce] Call for music - 2013 San Francisco Tape Music Festival

Thom Blum thomblum at pacbell.net
Wed Oct 3 19:24:51 EDT 2012

== 2013 San Francisco Tape Music Festival: Call for Music ==

The San Francisco Tape Music Collective and sfSoundRadio are seeking "fixed" electroacoustic works (i.e., works for tape alone) for possible 
performance in our 2013 Festival, January 25-27.  

We perform all pieces over a 16+ speaker system capable of BEAST-style diffusion of stereo works, multi-channel works, and works in B-format ambisonics.

Only ONE submission is allowed per person.

San Francisco Tape Music Collective maintains an "open call" for music submissions, however to be considered for the 2013 Festival, the submission 

Selection criteria is based on the quality of your piece and how well it will fit into our festival program.  In past years, the majority
of the submissions that were not accepted were pieces created mostly with synthy sustained tones and/or non-stop beats.
These kinds of pieces do not work well on our performance system.

To submit your work for consideration use the following link:

Please visit our website for for more information.

Thanks for your interest! 
The San Francisco Tape Music Festival

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