[microsound-announce] Micro- Synth: build and play a monophonic synth Ribbon & Body controller

Derek Holzer macumbista at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 1 10:22:26 EDT 2012

Maybe there should be a press release writing workshop as well? You 
might want to tell people where and when this is... and double-check 
your link as well.

Best wishes from Berlin,

On 1/6/12 3:39 PM, Antonio wrote:
> Micro- Synth: build and play a monophonic synth Ribbon&  Body controller
> 15 hours of workshop about the diy musical synthesizer, body-contact,
> sound&  recycling, performing art.
> The workshop wants give to each participant, skills needed to assemble
> and customize, a monophonic mini-synth with pitch control, voltage
> controlled filter and LFO, playable by the ribbon-controller and
> body-contact controllers.
> During the workshop the participants will be stimulated towards a
> practical and creative approach. First of all, from the materials of
> the mini-synth (body contact surface, ribbon element) taken from
> unconventional source and objects of recycling, magnetic videotape and
> so on.
> The workshop is open to everyone and special knowledge in electronics
> are not required: it could be useful curiosity and a creative attitude
> toward manual labor and some skill with the soldering iron. Tools
> required, for each participant: soldering iron (25-50w) with a fine or
> very fine clean tip. Small piles-scissors, some cables with electrical
> measurements (not necessary) are welcome.
> The workshop includes a performance of the micro. Synth ensemble.
> Please contact alexpierotti at gmail.com for questions about materials
> and your idea-project about the performance.
> Preregistration is required and can be done by sending an email to
> alexpierotti at gmail.com.
> Participation fee: € 95 included electronic components-parts
> Accommodations:
> Double room with half board (breakfast and dinner) per person 42 €
> Single room with half board (breakfast and dinner) per person 54 €
> lessons will be:
> from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 16.00
> During the remaining time you can relax in the beautiful setting. You
> can extend your stay to continue the holiday with discounted rate to
> 10% on the official list that you can find on
> Deadline: June 20th
> http://www.hotel-coral-sardegna.eu./
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derek holzer

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