[microsound-announce] Introduction to Sound Synthesis and SuperCollider (today, Barcelona)

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Fri Sep 30 09:22:15 EDT 2011

Thor's seminar starts today at 18h. There's one last place available for last-
minute inscriptions. Just send an email to this address and come to the 
location of the workshop at 18h.


Introduction to Sound Synthesis and SuperCollider

by Thor Magnusson (ixi audio).

This seminar will cover the basics of realtime sound synthesis and introduce 
participants to SuperCollider. Attendees will be acquainted with basic sound 
generators and processors (oscillators, noise generators, filters, delays) as 
well as with synthesis techniques such as additive and substractive synthesis 
and amplitude or frequency modulation. This knowledge will then be used to 
build synths able to be controlled programatically, by means of graphical user 
interfaces or using OpenSoundControl.

Thor Magnusson works in the fields of music and generative art. He teaches at 
the Faculty of Arts and Media in the University of Brighton, works at the 
Department of Informatics at the University of Sussex and is also part of the 
Creative Systems Lab. He is also a co-founder and member of ixi audio and as 
part of this collective he develops audio software and systems for generative 

Level: beginners

Time Schedule:
Friday 30.09.2011, 18:00-22.00h.
Saturday 01.10.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Sunday 02.10.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h

Location: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Barcelona. Metro 
Poble Nou.
Price: 90€ (or cheaper if you sign up for the whole course)

To sign up or request further information, please send an email to 
info at lullcec.org.

Full program: [ http://lullcec.org/en/2011/tallers/introduccio-a-la-sintesi-
del-so-i-supercollider/ ]

This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of Consell 
Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and 


02.10.2011, 21:00 – ixi lang persentation + concert by Thor Magnusson.
                    Miscelanea. Guàrdia, 10. Barcelona.
                    + info: [ http://lullcec.org/2011/concerts/thor-magnusson-
ixi-lang ]


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facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]

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