[microsound-announce] video + read + 6. + 7. oktober in Berlin, concerts

rinus van alebeek rinusfiles at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 11:52:02 EDT 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

In this mail you will find some announcements and links to video's ands some
Three video's from my recent U.S.A. east coast tour are to be found
in the comment section..-> http://rinusvanalebeek.wordpress.com/about/


A new entry On Narrative Listening, part 5
The Power of Knowledge ..-> http://tinyurl.com/6akqltn<http://t.co/FgTTSihP>


6. oktober, solo at Altes Finanzamt, starts 21.30
website + address and no info -> http://altesfinanzamt.blogspot.com/

7 oktober, trio with Tomek Choloniewski and Dj Lenar at die Friedenskirche,
starts 19.00
website + address and info -> http://www.die-friedenskirche.de/

Have a great not too dark and cold week-end,


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