[microsound-announce] Sound/Spaces in, and of, Art

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 1 03:46:39 EST 2011

"If even a dog can understand it, then the audience should have no problems at all." An extensive tour of German sound artist and scholar Peter Kiefer's 'kaleidoscopic' book "Klangräume der Kunst" (Sound Spaces of Art), a collection of texts that focus on the complex and multifaceted relations between sound, space and art.
Meanwhile, this end of february saw the 8th weekly edition of my 10-seconds-per-day sound diary for the prime year 2011:http://hardhoofd.com/2011/02/27/seventy-seconds-852/
Full & growing collection of weeks at http://soundcloud.com/seventyseconds
"Singing. A roar. The blood is it. Souse in the ear sometimes."Keep well,
Harold Schellinxfollow http://twitter.com/soundblog 		 	   		  
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