[microsound-announce] [l'ull cec] Workshop: Switch from PureData!

Marco Donnarumma devel at thesaddj.com
Fri Apr 29 11:01:14 EDT 2011

good luck with the workshop!

but why not switch from Max too?


On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 1:52 PM, l'ull cec <info at lullcec.org> wrote:

> 13.05.2011, 17:00-22:00h
> Workshop: Switch from PureData!
> During this one-day workshop we will focus on the free software
> SuperCollider and show why programming with syntax can be both easier
> and far superior to patching in graphical environments.  This session
> offers a great chance for beginners as well as seasoned users of other
> synthesis environments to get a taste of the features that make
> SuperCollider such a flexible and powerful tool. While not intended as a
> full introduction to this synthesis environment, it will function as a
> preparatory session for a series of SuperCollider seminars that we are
> preparing for after the summer.
> Topics will include envelopes, patterns, granular synthesis and
> networked music. These are specifically chosen to show how SuperCollider
> is a very dynamic system where things easily are replaced on the fly or
> adapted to varying number of sound channels, the kind of things that are
> cumbersome or hard to do in PureData.
> Led by Fredrik Olofsson [ http://fredrikolofsson.com ]
> Location: Hangar. Barcelona.
> +info:
> [ http://lullcec.org/en/2011/tallers/workshop-switch-from-puredata/ ]
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> web:      [ http://lullcec.org ]
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> twitter:  [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
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Marco Donnarumma
Independent New Media and Sonic Arts Professional, Performer, Instructor
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Lab: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://cntrl.sourceforge.net |
Event: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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