[Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 11.05.08

. m u r m e r . murmer at talk21.com
Tue May 13 15:35:50 EDT 2008

/*framework*/ broadcasts sundays on *resonance104.4fm* in london (uk) or 
worldwide on http://www.resonancefm.com from 10-11pm gmt

next edtion: *18.05.08*
~ time zone converter: http://thesaturnv.com/converter.html ~

*for general info, playlists, podcasts, or to stream the latest edition: 
http://www.resonancefm.com/framework *
*framework is supported by /soundtransit/: http://www.soundtransit.nl *



/*framework*/ - phonography / field recording; contextual and 
decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley

this edition of */framework:afield/* has been produced by *gilles aubry* 
and *stephane montavon*.  for more info see 
http://www.soundimplant.com.  about the piece:

    /? //Camp Victory //?// is a collaborative work between composer
    Gilles Aubry and writer Stéphane Montavon, both from Switzerland.
    This piece is a radio version containing excerpts from a 2005 live
    performance and parts which were recorded previously in the
    countryside in Switzerland.

    The main source for the text were blogs and war reports by American
    soldiers collected by the authors on the internet. In addition,
    fragments of diaries written by French soldiers during WWI and
    quotations of Slavoj Zizek's ? Welcome to the Desert of the Real ?
    have also been used. Once collected, the texts have been freely
    adapted and transformed using various techniques,such as translation
    into French, cut-up writing, and random text generators. The final
    result was then recorded by the authors and guest voices as a
    four-track tape composition, together with additional sounds. For
    the live version of //? //Camp Victory //?//, the composition was
    played over headphones to four performers with a different track for
    each. The performers were asked to repeat the words and sounds they
    heard as best as they could, while the sound of the original
    composition remained hidden from the audience.
    The title of the piece, //? //Camp Victory //?//, refers to the
    biggest US military base in Baghdad, hosting twelve thousands soldiers.

    Stéphane Montavon, born 1977, is currently a researcher at the
    Iconic Criticism Institute Eikones in Basel and teaches French
    literature at Basel University. As an experimental writer he has
    published poetry and essays in various magazines and on the Internet.

    Gilles Aubry, born 1973, is a sound artist and composer living
    currently in Berlin. He uses field recordings, computer programming,
    interviews and improvisation to create live performances, sound
    installations and CD works. His musical work has been published on
    Absinth Records, Creative Sources, Cronica Electronica, Schraum,
    Conspiracy, Sound Implant and broadcasted on several independent

    Comment by Gilles Aubry on Camp Victory :

    ? The invasion of Iraq by the coalition's troops started on the 20st
    of March 2003. I remember that day very well and how I was shocked.
    We had been following on TV the preparation of the war for the past
    six months, with its permanent flow of propaganda including speeches
    by president Bush and Tony Blair, General Colin Powell's
    presentation to the United Nation Security Council, staged images of
    aircraft carriers in the sunset, and the powerlessness of worldwide
    protests. When the invasion finally started I became speechless,
    silence being the only option remaining after the liquidation of my
    remaining few illusions not only about democracy and justice, but
    also about the power of reason, art, and the history lessons to have
    contributed to a somehow civilised society. Later on I discovered
    the existence of blogs on the internet by American soldiers and
    became fascinated by their dispassionate, cold-blooded tone while
    reporting on their daily-life in Iraq. As I was asked to compose a
    new piece for a festival in Switzerland in 2005 I decided to use
    these texts as main source material. //? //Camp Victory //?// is not
    a piece about the war in Iraq, but rather a reaction and commentary
    on its mediatization and on the discourse underlying its
    justification. It should be made clear that all the violence
    displayed in the piece is addressing the discourse of the invaders
    themselves and their societies, since the invaded populations were
    not given a voice from the beginning. ?

    The four performers for the live version were :

    - Roberto Garieri
    - Dave Phillips
    - Antoine Chessex
    - Christian Wolz

    Additional voices for the radio version :

    - Gilles Aubry
    - Stéphane Montavon
    - Didier Chappuis
    - Eveline Odermatt
    - Derek Shirley/

again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw 
field recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction 
submissions.  we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of 
our guest curated series.  send proposals or material, released or not, 
on any format, to the address below.  if you have any questions, please 
don't hesitate to get in touch!

354 rue de l'andelle
27910 perruel

framework at talk21.com


framework intro submissions:

1)    take yourself and a recording device to a location of your choice
2)    record for AT LEAST one minute before you -
3)    read aloud the following text:

*welcome to framework.*

*framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and its use in 
composition.  field recording, phonography, the art of sound hunting; 
open your ears and listen!*

4)    continue your recording for AT LEAST two minutes after you have 
finished speaking
5)    send the recording on any format to the above address, or as an 
mp3 via email


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