[Microsound-announce] SB :: Mythical Beasts, Corsets and Kites

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 19 04:07:34 EDT 2008

April 18, 2008
As a sonic environment for Yvonne Oerlemans' _Mythical Beasts_
installation (to be visited still, daily from 12h till 17h, until the end
of the first week of may, in the Visitor's Center of the Amsterdamse
Bos - Bosbaanweg 5, Amstelveen, the Netherlands), I composed an
hour-long soundtrack, endlessly repeating.

It is called: _Where are you, Wolf?_ ...

On the occasion of the show's opening, on sunday march 2nd, we
went for a walk to discover and record the sounds of this 'Amsterdam
Forest': an isle of artificial green, cut in the middle by a busy highway
like a pie by a chainsaw, enveloped in the distant low-ish drone of
busy life in the dutch capital, and whipped by the roar of airliners
soaring onto the adjacent Schiphol airport every other minute or so ...

[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00632.php ]


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