[Microsound-announce] donate to kosovo library

Ben info at seasonalbk.net
Wed May 25 02:33:17 EDT 2005

forwarding this from a mail art list, the subject I in the letter is 
not me.


Begin forwarded message:

> I recently donated one of my artist books to a library
> in Kosovo (Balkans, ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia). I just
> received a thank you letter from Roman A. Dogan by
> snail mail. I am the ONLY one to send a donation to
> them. He said the average monthly salary in Kosovo is
> $30 and unemployment is 60%. They have no computer or
> internet access. They depend on donations, but there
> has been no response from abroad. He asked me to ask
> others to send donations of videos, CDs, books or
> periodicals. They are especially interested in books
> on politics, art & artists, and practical issues: arts
> & crafts, garden, home repairs, No fiction or
> literature is needed. Any languages are welcome,
> though he mentions that few people speak Spanish in
> Kosovo. Also send T shirts, artstic prints and used
> postage stamps for the children's collections.
> I found the Kosovo library from this website:
> Infoshops & Zine Libraries
> http://www.undergroundpress.org/infoshops.html
> Here’s the listing, with an updated address as of May
> 2005 --
> Please donate!
> -
> Kosovo
> RLP, c/o PF 44, CH 4142, Munchenstein 3, Switzerland
> Using this address because it is more secure; no
> Internet access. Seeking donations for "independent
> free reference library." Any zine or book donations
> welcomed.

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