[microsound] wikileaks submission

john saylor js0000 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 17:43:13 EST 2011


i have submitted some audio for the project. w00t! here are some notes
i wanted to share about the submission.

# war-record.txt
# 2011 december 3 : jsaylor

most of the action here consists of taking a recording of the activity
of actual war, and turning it into an abstract representation of all
wars; or at least, wars of a massive industrial power against a lesser
industrial power [and its constituent peoples and their cultures]. as an
american alive in the early twenty first century, these are the wars i
have seen on teevee screens and read about both on line and off.

Q: how effective are anti-war artworks?
A: if you are looking for artwork to be politically effective, you have
already made the leap from art to propaganda.

Q: is there a place for humor in serious artworks?
A: <splat>

Q: is it music?
A: maybe. if not, perhaps it's a "sound artwork."

\js [http://or8.net/~johns/] : "A strange fellow with many odd
attitudes in human relationships" -d.luckham on j.mccarthy

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