[microsound] supercollider question

mileece milalea at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 20:46:18 EDT 2010


now i am getting this message:

ERROR: Message 'map' not understood.




   Float 0.5984251968503937   3FE3264C 993264CA


DoesNotUnderstandError-reportError   163FC0D0

arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>

Nil-handleError   1765A070

 (which i usually get if i forget to initiate the MIDIClient), ONLY on
controller 1, the controller which is phantom-style mapping itself to my
synths... and DESPITE the error message, it is still actually controlling
the parameter!

any ideas??

thanks peeps...

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:04 PM, mileece <milalea at gmail.com> wrote:

> you are probably going to hate this- but since i have been using
> CCresponders AND freeing them everything i command., i have reset the pram
> and even reinstalled SC, i just can't think of what the issue is - my only
> thought is that it might be a node problem? please see below- and thanks in
> advance for your help and patience! this is driving my nutty!! hi scott,
> thanks so much for getting back to me...
> it's quite a complicated (or rather lengthy) patch so i have been trying to
> simplify it so i can get the whole issue across...
> but briefly (or not so briefly) i am using messaging style (for pan as an
> example) like this from my routines:
> var pos1Spec, pos1=0;
> ~cc1 = CCResponder({|src, chan, num, val|
> pos1 = pos1Spec.map(val/127.0);
> }, nil, 0, 1);
> ~chord_rout1 = Routine({
> var chordNotesArray = (#[ 34, 46, 53, 64]), nv2;nv2 = [~adsr,~adsr];
> inf.do({|i|
> var index;
> index = 2.rand;
> s.sendBundle(0.02,
> ["/s_new", "OneDeepOnce", chordNode1ID=s.nextNodeID, 0, tone_grpID,
> \outDry, 0, \outWet,44, \i_freq, (4 + (chordNotesArray @@ i)).midicps, \pos,
> pos1]
> ,[\n_setn,  chordNode1ID, \env, nv2[index].size]++nv2[index]
> ).yield; }); });
> as well as a direct MIDIControl from inside my synth for other parameters:
> (
> SynthDef("OneDeepOnce", { arg outDry=0, outWet=42, i_freq=500, pos=0,
> chord_allBuf=40000;
> var klank, harm, amp, ring, env2, env2_cntrl, wetMix, dryMix, offSet,
> noise, output, gate, tone, winde;
> harm = Control.names([\harm]).ir([2, 6, 8]);
> amp = Control.names([\amp]).ir([0.7, 0.6, 0.5]);
> ring = Control.names([\ring]).ir(Array.fill(3,6));
> env2 = Env.newClear(10);
> env2_cntrl = Control.names([\env]).kr(env2.asArray);
> offSet = MIDIControl.kr(0, 1, \lin, lag: 0.02, channel:0, control:7,
> id:~port);
> output = MIDIControl.kr(0.1, 1,  \lin, lag: 0.02, channel:0, control:8,
> id:~port);
> gate = MIDIControl.kr(0, 1,  \lin, lag: 0.02, channel:0, control:9,
> id:~port);
> noise = {GrayNoise.ar(Crackle.ar(1.5, 0.01))};
> klank = DynKlank.ar(`[harm,amp,ring], Decay.ar(noise, 1, 0.001).dup,
> i_freq, offSet, output);
> klank = Pan2.ar(klank,pos) * EnvGen.kr(env2_cntrl, gate, doneAction:2);
> Out.ar(outWet, klank*output);
> }).load(s);
> )
> Now, this:
> gate = MIDIControl.kr(0, 1,  \lin, lag: 0.02, channel:0, control:9,
> id:~port);
> is controlling ALL my synths (even one which doesn't have an env) !
> this:
> output = MIDIControl.kr(0.1, 1,  \lin, lag: 0.02, channel:0, control:8,
> id:~port);
> is controlling a couple of synths (it's not mapped to), but not all- ON
> I have been using cc.remove in this patch since i wrote it, but it isn't
> working!
> i just reset the pram... that hasn't helped either- i have even reinstalled
> SC...
> Do you think it might be my Node allocations?
> The synth that cuts off from the gate which doesn't have an env is in the
> first group and the two which are both responding to the the output change
> on CC1 are in the second and third respectively...
> tone_grp = s.sendMsg("/g_new", tone_grpID=s.nextNodeID, 0, 0); //head of
> node 0
> popp_grp = s.sendMsg("/g_new", popp_grpID=s.nextNodeID, 3, tone_grpID);
> //after pieces_grpI
> drone_grp = s.sendMsg("/g_new", drone_grpID=s.nextNodeID, 3, popp_grpID);
> //afterpopp_grppieces_grpID
> the other thing is that i am triggering my routines with a CCresponder so i
> the synthdef with all the triggers assigned as so:
> s.sendMsg("/s_new", "trig2", trig2_ID=s.nextNodeID, 0, 0, \id, 100);
> s.sendMsg("/s_new", "trigger", trigger_ID=s.nextNodeID, 3, trig2_ID, \id,
> 120);
> here is the CCresponder:
> OSCresponder(s.addr, '/tr', {|time, responder, msg|
> switch(msg[2]
> , 120, {space_rout.next}
> , 4, {chord_rout1.next}
> , 5, {drone_rout.next}
> and the trigger sythdef:
> (
> SynthDef("trigger", {|id=120|
> var midi, midi1, midi4, midi5;
> midi1 = MIDIControl.kr(0, 127, \lin, channel:0, control:1, id:~port);
> midi4 = MIDIControl.kr(0, 127, \lin, channel:0, control:4, id:~port);
> midi5 = MIDIControl.kr(0, 100, \lin, channel:0, control:5, id:~port);
> SendTrig.kr(HPZ1.kr(midi1), id); //space
> SendTrig.kr((midi4>50), 4);//drone
> SendTrig.kr((midi5>50), 5);//chord
> }).load(s);
> )
> So there it is- if there is a culprit, it's gotta be here somewhere!!!
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:16 AM, isjtar <list at isjtar.org> wrote:
>> are you instantiating a lot of new ccresponders without freeing them?
>> how is the code structured? are your variables in environments, classes??
>> without code it's very difficult to tell.
>> On Sep 8, 2010, at 8:02 PM, mileece wrote:
>>  hello!
>>> i'm working on an sc patch that has gone weird...
>>> i have discovered that there are several cc's controlling parameters in
>>> several synths they are not mapped to!
>>> i have created new synths on new nodes in new groups. this has not
>>> helped. i
>>> have even tried a new controller source and reprogrammed the cc's on my
>>> MIDI
>>> keyboard to see if it was coming from there.
>>> Nope!
>>> anyone have any ideas what could cause cc's to override all the code i
>>> can
>>> see on my patches?
>>> thanks... i'm stuck and it sucks :/
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