[microsound] towards a classification of generative/algorithmic music systems

Samuel van ransbeeck thinksamuel at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 13 17:21:21 EST 2010


i am looking to make a classification of different applications for generative music (generative as a synonym for algorithmic). So far I used the following division:
Maurer (1999) speaks of stochastic and deterministic music. Suppr (2002) divides deterministic music in 
- rule-based music for modeling of traditional compositional concepts (for example to make Bach chorales)
- rule-based music for modelling of new, original compositional methods
- rule-based music based on extra-musical phenomena like L-systems, cellular automata.

I believe that these three categories can be subdivided in 
- rule-based methods (the rules are hard coded in the system)
- genetic algorithms
- neural networks

Does anyone objects this view or is this a good division in different categories?

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