[microsound] 'that's edutainment'

John Hopkins jhopkins at tech-no-mad.net
Tue Jan 20 10:52:48 EST 2009


>1. the category of aesthetics is a problem. classical aesthetic theory takes the work as given for it's point of departure. 
>bourgeois and materialist forms of aesthetic theory differ primarily in the interpretive frameworks
>2. these days, everyone's a situationist.

well, I 'discovered' Debord about 25 years ago, and have watched the surficial popularization of some vocabulary (dérive, etc etc) with VERY little real understanding of where the ideas came from -- it is illuminating to discover how FEW people have actually read Vaneigem and DeBord, for example....

This is the same with Marx -- after collaborating with a friend in Germany who has about 10 linear feet of Marx in his library and who has read it all -- I realized how marginal the understanding of 99.999999% of the population is about Marx...

I don't think any of these had a full, complete, unified, and final model of the universe, but some of the ideas are very interesting and anyone working with new media in a social/public sense...  or simply living in this Consumer Capital world of ours...

On the other hand, I think the most important thing to be doing here on microsound is the (parroting) expression of phat ideologies, but more the idiosyncratic expressions of what individuals on the list are perceiving ...  that's my 2-cents, whilst waiting for Regime Change...


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