<b>In celebration of the 100 year anniversary of John Cage's birth, we dig up two podcasts on the work of John Cage:</b><br><br><b>FLUXRADIO</b><br>Curated by Joe Gilmore and Rhiannon Silver, FLUXRADIO explores some of the concepts and ideas behind the music and performance pratice of Fluxus. Featuring sound pieces by John Cage, George Maciunas, La Monte Young, Joseph Beuys, Nam June Paik, George Brecht, Yoko Ono and others, the programme charts the emergence of Fluxus through 60s avant-garde New York, examining the relationship to John Cage, Zen Buddhism and European avant-garde music.<br>
<br>Link: <a href="http://bit.ly/nkyWNk">http://bit.ly/nkyWNk</a><br>MP3: <a href="http://bit.ly/cLnwxk">http://bit.ly/cLnwxk</a><br>Transcript (PDF): <a href="http://bit.ly/SjmlYf">http://bit.ly/SjmlYf</a><br><br><b>JOHN CAGE. Notes towards a re-reading of the “Roaratorio”</b><br>
Curated by José Manuel Berenguer and Carlos Gómez, JOHN CAGE. Notes towards a re-reading of the “Roaratorio” explores John Cage's relationship with radio, as an instrument, as a studio and as a media. Only available in Spanish.<br>
<br>Link: <a href="http://bit.ly/RKuxds">http://bit.ly/RKuxds</a><br>MP3: <a href="http://bit.ly/9zCfYJ">http://bit.ly/9zCfYJ</a><br>Transrcript (PDF): <a href="http://bit.ly/IGBc7K%20">http://bit.ly/IGBc7K </a><br><br>We are also highlighting contents related to John Cage work in our homepage: <a href="http://rwm.macba.cat/en/home/">http://rwm.macba.cat/en/home/</a>