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<pre>>BEAM FESTIVAL<br>><br>>24-26 JUNE 2011<br>>www.beamfestival.com<br>>Brunel University, Uxbridge, West London, UB8 3PH<br>><br>>BEAM is a high-tech music weekender, an experimental playground of<br>>homemade instruments and sonic robots. Featuring three days of<br>>performances, installations, discussions and workshops, BEAM explores the<br>>physical virtuosity of electronic music; everything at BEAM moves. An<br>>international line-up curated for veterans and beginners alike, BEAM<br>>takes place at Brunel University, NW London (Metropolitan Line).<br>><br>>Tickets and Programme at www.beamfestival.com<br>><br>>Festival pass Ł25 (Ł20 concession)<br>>Day passes from Ł10 (5 concession)<br>>Workshop tickets NOW ON SALE for Tom Bugs, STEIM & Dirty Electronics<br>><br>>Festival Highlights include:<br>><br>>PERFORMANCES<br>><br>>Stelarc and Jennifer Walshe; Chikashi Miyama (Angry Sparrow); Sarah<br>>Angliss; Ryan Jordan; Leafcutter John; Tim Exile; Stephen Cornford;<br>>Atau_and_Adam; Alex Nowitz; Philip Jeck; Tim Exile; DJ Sniff; STEIM and<br>>more<br>><br>>WORKSHOPS<br>><br>>Build your own WOM (simple electronic noise synth kit ) with Tom Bugs;<br>>create a Cracklebox with Daniel Schorno of STEIM; Dirty Electonics with<br>>John Richards<br>>Plus free workshops: Psychedelic Goggle with Ryan Jordan; AV<br>>Micro-Controllers with Chikashi Miyama and Music from Motion with Sarah<br>>Angliss.<br>> <br>>INSTALLATIONS<br>><br>>Installed work by Aleks Kolkowski, Ray Lee and BEAM OPEN SPACE artists;<br>>Sonic Picnic with Paul Whitty & Felicity Ford; SARC's brain-powered<br>>sleepover on Saturday night - bring a sleeping bag!<br>><br>>BEAM Festival is funded by Arts Council Englandąs Grants for the Arts.</pre> </div></body>