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<br>The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico motivates this exhibition, presented by
Transnational Temps and hosted by MediaNoche.
<br><a href="http://transnationaltemps.net/spill/" target="_blank" class="postlink">http://transnationaltemps.net/spill/</a>
<br>Deadline for submission: July 20th, 2010
<br>Responding to what has been called the United States' worst ever
environmental crisis, the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
frames this forward-looking group exhibition. Following on the heels of a
decidedly unsuccessful round of climate negotiations in Copenhagen, the
months of news coverage of oil gushing into the Gulf have provoked
widespread unease with business as usual. As BP desperately attempts to
recover both the oil and its public image, artists and designers from
around the world are wrestling with the question of sustainability in
the aftermath of these shocking events.
<br>The Deepwater Horizon accident coincided with the 40th anniversary
of Earth Day, a custom that itself came about partly in response to the
Union Oil Platform A oil spill in Santa Barbara (1969). That spill,
relatively small in comparison, catalyzed an environmental movement and
the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency in the United
States. It remains to be seen what lessons and institutions may arise
from this summer of junk shots and containment domes, but there can be
little doubt that the stakes are high. The Gulf of Mexico, already
reeling from deoxygenated 'dead zones' due to pollution arriving via the
Mississippi River, now faces unprecedented ecological challenges
stemming from both the oil and chemical dispersants. Moreover, these
events call attention to the problem of fossil fuel dependency in this
era of global warming. The passionate and incisive responses of
contemporary artists, unencumbered by journalistic norms of decorum, are
an opportunity to see these historic events through the eyes of others
who are fed up with humanity's unintended war on the environment.
<br>MediaNoche is the place where art, technology and community
converge. We offer artists working in new media exhibition space and
residencies in order to provoke a dialogue that blurs all lines of
marginality and alterity. Unique among art and technology groups,
MediaNoche is directly linked to the oldest Latino community of New York
City, Spanish Harlem, and has showcased a roster of local and
international new media artists. <a href="http://medianoche.us/" target="_blank" class="postlink">http://MediaNoche.us</a>
<br>Transnational Temps is an international arts collective concerned
with ecology, sustainability, and media. Since its formation in 2001 it
has produced a series of critically acclaimed works and exhibitions
under the banner Earth Art for the 21st Century. Working primarily from
Europe and the United States, works to date have emphasized
participation, tactical media, and spanning the sometimes awkward divide
between activist advocacy and aesthetics. <a href="http://transnationaltemps.net/" target="_blank" class="postlink">http://TransnationalTemps.net</a>
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