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A10Lab ---- May 2010 News Letter<br><br>A10lab, the New Media Arts platform at Area10 Project Space, Peckham, London.<br><a href="http://a10lab.info/" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://a10lab.info</a><br><br>A10lab aims to increase access and awareness to cheep, free and DIY methods of digital and electronic creative media.<br><br>…...............................<br>Actions for May 2010:<br>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<br><br>1 – OPEN KNOWLEDGE SHARING<br>2 – WORKSHOPS<br>3 – LIVE PERFORMANCE<br>4 – RADIO & TV HACKING/STREAMING<br>5 – VOLUNTEER<br>6 – CONTACT<br><br>….........................................<br>1 - ///OPEN KNOWLEDGE SHARING<br>….........................................<br>Running every Tuesday from 7pm – 10pm<br>…...............................................................<br>Open Knowledge Sharing is the A10Lab's free, open, and informal learning platform.<br>The
sessions are free for anyone to come and do what they like; to learn
from and with each other. Just bring some equipment and yourself.<br><br>Tuesday 4th May - 7pm-10pm<br>\\PURE DATA LONDON PATCHING CIRCLE<br>Link up with other Pd-ers in meatspace to swap techniques, share patches, create new collaborative projects, jam, etc.<br><a href="http://puredata.info/community/LondonPatchingCircle" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://puredata.info/community/LondonPatchingCircle</a><br>Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing.<br><br>Tuesday 11th May – 7pm-10pm<br>\\SUPERCOLLIDER MEETUP<br>Exchange tips and ideas, get a bit of help from other users, etc.<br><a href="http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/</a><br>SuperCollider
is an environment and programming language for real time audio
synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted
object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state
of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.<br><br>Tuesday 18th May – 7pm-10pm<br>\\PROCESSING MEETUP<br>Exchange tips and ideas, get a bit of help from other users, etc.<br><a href="http://processing.org/" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://processing.org/</a><br>Processing
is an open source programming language and environment for people who
want to program images, animation, and interactions.<br><br>Tuesday 25th May – 7pm-10pm<br>\\LONDON HARWARE HACKERS MEETUP<br>Exchange tips and ideas, get a bit of help from other users, etc.<br>DIY Synth building, computer building, circuit bending, arduino, etc etc etc anything really.<br>Bring your creations and disasters !!!!<br><br><br>….........................................<br>2 - ///WORKSHOPS<br>….........................................<br>There is only 1 workshop running this month, so make sure you book yourself a place!!!<br>….......................................................................................................................................<br>Ryan Jordan's <br>D.i.Y Stroboscopic Goggles and Synth Building Workshop<br><br>Saturday 22nd May<br>1pm – 5pm<br>@ A10Lab<br><br>This
workshop introduces the participant to D.i.Y hardware hacking and
stroboscopic light. The workshop will focus on building simple hardware
synths from 555 timer circuits and CMOS4093 chips. These electronic
noise machines can also control lights and the workshop will focus
specifically on stroboscopic light.<br><br>The participants will then
build there own stroboscopic goggles, similar to those used in medical
EEG tests, which also can be hooked directly into a sound system to
create your own personal hallucinogenic flickering noise machine.<br><br>The
workshop will also cover basic electronics theory, soldering, practical
applications for using the electronics in art works and live
performance, and a brief history of stroboscopic light and its artistic
applications. The participant will keep everything they make during the
workshop.<br><br>This workshop is ideal for beginners in hardware hacking and for those interested in stroboscopic light and sound/noise.<br><br>Participants must bring with them the following:<br>9v battery<br>a pair of glasses or goggles<br>2 inner tubes from toilet roll<br>soldering iron<br><br>Equipment provided:<br>555 timer circuit<br>cmos 4093<br>assorted capacitors<br>assorted resistors<br>battery clips<br>female jacks<br>potentiometer<br>LED’s<br>LDR’s<br>wire<br>PCB board<br><br>Participation is limited to 20 participants.<br><br>REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please email ryan-jordan{at}hotmail{.}co{.}uk<br><br>Workshop fee: £20<br><br>….........................................<br>3 - ///LIVE PERFORMANCE<br>….........................................<br>A10Lab related performances<br>…...............................................................<br>Thursday 6th May 8pm-Midnight<br>\\ILLFM<br>The Others<br>6-8 Manor Road<br>Stoke Newington<br>London.<br><br>Live event and broadcast on <a href="http://illfm.net/" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://illfm.net</a><br>> EVER ORCHID <br><a href="http://www.myspace.com/everorchid" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.myspace.com/everorchid</a><br>> BARACLOUGH <br>www.baraclough.co.uk<br>> ILL WILL <br>www.myspace.com/illwillsound <br>> HYLICS<br>Geraldine McEwan and Ryan Jordan<br><a href="http://myob.to/zpenergy/hylics_.html" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://myob.to/zpenergy/hylics_.html</a><br>>MISS GLITCH <br><br>£Free<br>...<br>Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May<br>\\York Spring Festival of New Music<br>Various venues.<br>Vultures featuring Ryan Jordan, will be performing 4 new scores<br>...<br>Thursday 20th May 8pm-Midnight<br>\\TRANSIENT CONSTELLATIONS<br>The Others<br>6-8 Manor Road<br>Stoke Newington<br>London.<br><br>>Content Nullity<br>(Dead End Power Electronics)<br>>Cementimental<br>(Multi-Functional Noise Enterprise Program)<br>>Ryan Jordan<br>(D.I.Y. Electronics + Sensory Response Systems)<br>>Ezcaton Visual Artist<br>(Harsh Noise Short Films)<br><br>£5<br><br>….........................................<br>4 - ///RADIO & TV HACKING/STREAMING<br>….........................................<br>Running every Wednesday from 7pm – 10pm<br>…...............................................................<br>A10lab's Radio and TV Hacking/Streaming platform is a weekly informal learning and digital arts programme.<br>Run similarly to the concept of Open Knowledge Sharing they are open to anyone who is interested.<br>We hope a range of people will come and attend bringing with them their own knowledge.<br>The outcomes are fairly open and the is no structured learning.<br>We will try and create an alternative broadcasting practice and resource.<br>Key areas of exploration:<br>>DIY Transmitter construction, both radio and TV<br>>Guerilla actions and performances<br>>Live airwave hacking<br>>Misinformation and propaganda<br>>Post digital switch off<br>>Web streaming and activation<br><br>This
platform is only in its beginning and your participation will shape the
direction it takes. If you are interested, dedicated and keen you can
direct this platform.<br><br>….........................................<br>5 - ///VOLUNTEER<br>….........................................<br>We are seeking volunteers here at A10Lab to help with the day to day running, practice, and creative output of the lab.<br>Currently we are not funded, low budget, and voluntary. So what does this mean?<br>Well,
it means we are not restricted in the activities we choose to do so
basically we're open to whatever you propose, as long as it generally
fits a D.i.Y, FLOSS, punk, electronic media ethos.<br>So if you're keen and want to get involved then get in touch.<br><br>….........................................<br>6 - ///CONTACT<br>….........................................<br>All enquires and workshop bookings should be made to<br>RYAN JORDAN<br>ryan-jordan (at) hotmail.co.uk<br><a href="http://a10lab.info/" onmousedown='UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), "532c9", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://a10lab.info</a><br><br>Area 10 Project Space<br>Eagle Wharf<br>Peckham Hill Street<br>London SE15 5JT</div></div><br><br><span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,Monospace;"></span><a style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,Monospace;" href="http://ryanjordan.org">http://ryanjordan.org/</a><span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,Monospace;"><br><a href="http://a10lab.info/">http://a10lab.info/</a><br></span><br><br> <br /><hr />Get a free e-mail account with Hotmail. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/197222280/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign-up now.</a></body>