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Hi all,<br>I'm organising a web project for the Ear to the Earth festival in New York City in October (http://www.eartotheearth.org).<br>The theme of the festival is water, and the work I'm doing is a comparative sonic analysis of the weather patterns in New York and other cities. <br>Participants must gather weather data for the area they live in for a particular day such as:<br><br>rain/snow fall<br>humidity<br>dam levels<br>wind speed<br>max temperature<br>height of high tide<br>water temperature<br>pollution levels<br><br>Then convert these figures into frequencies, in whatever way you choose, for use in a sound piece. The only other requirement for the piece is that you include a sample from a song which contains the word 'water' in either its title or lyrics. Any other sounds are up to you.<br>Please get in touch if you are interested, and also send me some links to your work.<br>Regards,<br>Kate. <br>PS: The best email to get me on is kate.carr@gmail.com.<br>                                            <br /><hr />Download a free gift for your PC. <a href='http://experience.windows.com' target='_new'>Get personal with Windows.</a></body>