<h2>“The feeling of
the scene in Beijing is exciting and reminds us of New York in 1979,
there’s a tangible sense of discovery.” – Brian Eno & Elliott Sharp</h2>
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<param value="always" name="allowscriptaccess"> </object>For three days, China Express will immerse you in <strong>China’s musical undercurrent</strong>.
Because the underground music scene that lies behind The Great Wall has
more similarities to Western music than we think. China Express offers
you <strong>a look at counterculture in the Beijing metropolis, a
flourishing breeding ground for unique, groundbreaking and continuously
evolving artists.</strong>
<p>Vooruit will join East and West with <strong>three theme evenings</strong> featuring short but powerful concerts. But we have to admit organizing the festival it hasn’t been easy, as <strong>many of the featured musicians are simply boycotted by the Chinese authorities</strong>.
Their songs are not played on Chinese radio, and opportunities to see
them live in Europe are very limited. Vooruit has also set up a few
collaborations with local music talent for a meeting of cultures.</p>
<p>China Express has not only gathered accomplished players of the <strong>guqin and guzheng </strong>(i.e. <strong>traditional Chinese zithers</strong>), but also <strong>guitar virtuosos, voice artists and musicians hailing from genres such as noise, avant-garde and electronica</strong>,
inspired by Aphex Twin or Alec Empire. Some of them have their own
label, others have worked with Einstürzende Neubauten, Sonic Youth
orJohn Zorn. They’re all different in their own way, thrilling and
<h3>WED 2 <span class="caps">DEC </span>- VOICES</h3>
<p>20:00 Eastern Voices met Gong Linna, Li Huafu & Li Huaxiu, Wang Zhifang & He Jinhua<br>21:20 Wu Fei solo<br>22:00 karaoke</p>
<h3>THU 03 <span class="caps">DEC </span>- ENCOUNTERS</h3>
<p>20:00 Xiao He<br>21:00 Wu Fei, Heleen Van Haegenborgh, Ann Eysermans & Jean Yves Evrard<br>22:00 Li Tie Qiao & Lander Ghyselinck<br>23:00 Shenggy & Jürgen De Blonde (Köhn)</p>
<h3>FRI 04 <span class="caps">DEC </span>- ELECTRONICS</h3>
<p>20:00 Wu Na & Esther Venrooy <br>20:50 Yan Jun <br>21:45 <span class="caps">FM3 </span><br>22:30 iLoop <br>23:30 <span class="caps">B6 </span><br>
0:30 Sulumi</p>All info + other stuff here: <a href="http://vooruit.be/en/serie/51">http://vooruit.be/en/serie/51</a><br><br><br>