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<TITLE>Marching Rocks, Gloves & Code - Experimental electronica: new, old and somewhere in-between.</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Marching Rocks, Gloves & Code<BR>
Experimental electronica: new, old and somewhere in-between.<BR>
Saturday 24th October<BR>
7pm - Later<BR>
at SPACE, 129 - 131 Mare Street, London E8 3RH<BR>
SPACE and Culture Lab (Newcastle) come together to bring you an evening<BR>
of experimental electronica, featuring performances from:<BR>
Jamie Allen, Jo Kazuhiro, PixelH8, Massive Black Mountain (Will<BR>
Schrimshaw & Nick J Williams), Adam Parkinson(Rare and Glorius) and Dave<BR>
DJ Reroot (Marc Garrett) provides post punk and early electronica from<BR>
1976 - 1984 and Dean Baldwin's "Minibar" the smallest bar in London will<BR>
open its doors for one of the last times.<BR>
Tell your enemies, friends and family- this is going to be good.<BR>
More info at<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.spacestudios.org.uk/All_Content_Items/Media_Arts/MarchingRocksGloves&Code/">http://www.spacestudios.org.uk/All_Content_Items/Media_Arts/MarchingRocksGloves&Code/</A><BR>
Supported by Cutlure Lab and SPACE<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.ncl.ac.uk/culturelab/">http://www.ncl.ac.uk/culturelab/</A><BR>