hello microsounders<br>
Just a quite reminder to let you know that tonight (every Wednesday) 9.00-11.00pm
(21.00-23.00) BST(GMT+1) my radio show "Beach Nourishment"
is on <br>
The SourceFM<br>
<a href="http://www.thesourcefm.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.thesourcefm.co.uk/</a><br>
click Listen<br>
Or locally Cornwall UK, around Penryn and beyond, 96.1 FM<br>
Last weeks playlist included <br>
Pop Group,Vibracathedral Orchestra, Barry Guy, Pauline Oliveros, Evan
Parker, Tony Conrad, Terry Riley, Mika Vainio, Gavin Bryars, Steve
Moore, Paul Lansky,Gordan Mumma.