<TITLE>Concert Wednesday June 20: New Interfaces for Performance</TITLE>
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<B>New Interfaces for Performance<BR>
a polar produce project | polarproduce.org | newinterfaces.net<BR>
NIP is a practical, artist led, European workshop and touring event, which examines techniques for creating new media and interactive work for live performance. Over 2007 the tour and workshop series will be happening in Bristol, UK, Amsterdam, NL and Lisbon, PT and focus on gesture-based interfaces.<BR>
NIP Amsterdam<BR>
<B>For the live performances at STEIM, Amsterdam the NIP artists will be joined by STEIM director Michel Waisvisz. Together the group will create an evening of short compositions and performances using existing and emerging techniques for live and gesture-based performance interaction.<BR>
<B>Live Performances: Wednesday 20th June 2007<BR>
Time: 20.00<BR>
Venue: STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam<BR>
Admission: €5<BR>
Reservations and more information: knock@steim.nl or +31 (0)20 6228690<BR>
<B>Performance Schedule<BR>
Birds of Paradise (UK)<BR>
Recently formed, Birds of Paradise are Teresa Dillon and Kathy Hinde. Together they draw on contemporary audio-visual and live art techniques to create playful and brutal real-time compositions.<BR>
TokTek, Crackle-Canvas (NL)<BR>
Visual artist and sound maker, TokTek ‘plays’ his unique Crackle Canvas sound paintings live.<BR>
Feltro (PT)<BR>
Fragmented, delicate and resonant computer music compositions by Portuguese multimedia artist André Gonçalves.<BR>
Ivan Franco, Air Stick (PT)<BR>
Ivan Franco will play his self-made ‘Airstick’ a Theremin style, physical instrument for gesture based musical performances.<BR>
Sonia Cillari, Conscious Space 01 (NL)<BR>
Responsive body-space environment, which explores our sense of touch and proximity using electromagnetic activity, computer algorithms and real-time audio composition.<BR>
Michel Waisvisz (NL)<BR>
Composer, musician, instrument maker and director of STEIM, Michel Waisvisz will create a short The Hands improvisation with visuals from André Gonçalves.<BR>
Forthcoming NIP: Lisbon, 19th-21st September<BR>
NIP is created and produced by Polar Produce and funded by the PRS Foundation for New Music, the Mondriaan Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with support from Watershed, Bristol, Steim, Amsterdam and Restart, Lisbon.<BR>
More information on concerts: <FONT COLOR="#1C00EE"><U>http://www.steim.org/steim/activity.php</U></FONT>Â <BR>
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(studio for electro instrumental music)<BR>
(studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek) <BR>
Achtergracht 19<BR>
1017 WL Amsterdam<BR>
The Netherlands<BR>
Tel: 020-6228690<BR>
Fax: 020-6264262<BR>
Email: <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>knock@steim.nl<BR>
</U></FONT>Website:Â www.steim.nl<BR>