[microsound-announce] Tonight: ToBeContinued 2016 sound marathon

Antonio Della Marina antonio.dellamarina at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 03:13:40 EDT 2016

Tonight at midnight: ToBe Continued 2016 - 24h relay of sounds across the globe for the World TB Day

48 sound artists from 43 countries in 24 hours.  Un-interrupted sound marathon raising awareness on the fight against Tuberculosis. 

March 24th h 00 - 24 UTC+1 - live streaming on www.stazioneditopolo.it <http://www.stazioneditopolo.it/>

Check the programme online.

The whole initiative is under the patronage of the World Health Organization and of the Global Health Incubator, the 'laboratory' established in July 2009 in Topolo' by Mario Raviglione (WHO director of Global TB Programme) to create links between the world of creativity and that of science.

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