[microsound-announce] Macumbista Benjolins 2016 pre-order now open

Derek Holzer macumbista at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 13 14:30:34 EST 2016

Dear microsounders,

I am now accepting pre-orders for the next run of handmade Benjolin V3 
and Butterfly Benjolin chaotic sound instruments. Pre-orders will be 
accepted up to 05 MARCH 2016 with a 50% deposit required. Projected 
delivery of this run from my Berlin studio will be mid-APRIL 2016.

The Benjolin is a standalone synthesizer designed by Rob Hordijk from 
the Netherlands. It contains two oscillators (one LFO and one VCO), a 
voltage controlled filter and a circuit called a “Rungler”, which allows 
chaotic cross-modulation possibilities between the different parts of 
the circuit. Hordijk refers to the Benjolin as a circuit which has been 
“bent by design.”

These hand-made Macumbista Benjolins are officially licensed by Hordijk, 
and have been further customized with a patchbay, which can be used to 
interface with other modular synthesizers or to setup further control 
voltage feedback systems within the Benjolin itself, attenuators on the 
three control voltage input and LEDs displaying the internal state of 
the Rungler. The double version, which I have named the Butterfly 
Benjolin, allows incredible amounts of chaotic cross-modulation between 
the two halves of the instrument.

The price of the Benjolin V3 is EUR 495 (incl. 19% EU VAT) / EUR 416 
(shipped outside the EU), and the price of the Butterfly Benjolin is EUR 
895 (incl. 19% EU VAT) / EUR 752 (shipped outside the EU), plus shipping.

Please contact me via MACUMBISTA at-the-domain GMAIL dot COM for inquiries.

There are a number of box options and customizations available on this 
run. For full details, please visit this first link:


Thank you for your kind attention! -D.
derek holzer

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