[microsound-announce] Paper-Synthesizer Workshop_Mai-09_Berlin

wolfgang spahn post at wolfgang-spahn.de
Thu Apr 30 04:59:49 EDT 2015


Paper-Synthesizer 110 – Wave Converter &/for the 

by Antti Pussinen and Wolfgang Spahn

In this paper synthesizer workshop,we look into, and build a wave shaper 
board for our ps110 vco. The wave shaper converts saw wave to sine, 
square and triangular waves. It also ads and input and control for 
linear frequency modulation and pulse width modulation for square output.
It is also possible to build a vco core, if you missed our last workshop.

The wave shaper takes the saw wave of the oscillator core and makes 
other waveforms on the same frequency.
Triangle wave is what you would expect from a tri oscillator.

Square wave is an analogue squ osc with sharp peaks in vertical parts of 
the wave, making it super crispy sounding. It also has an pulsewidth 
potentiometer and cv input and attenuation for pwm.

Sine wave is not the purest available but a cool sounding, bit squarish 
sound with low 1st harmonic content, but harmonics increase on higher 
harmonic frequencies.


A Voltage Controlled Oscilator, or vco, is the heart of any musical 
synthesizer. It usually forms the starting material for subtractive 
audio synthesis.
An analogue VCO of this kind creates an audible waveform by charging and 
discharging a capacitor.
Voltage control enables one to control the frequency of the produced 
waveform in selected musical scale and play notes or a melody.

-compatible with euro rack format
-built in power supply for stable voltage response and possibility to 
power over usb cable
-1V/octave response(configurable to 1v/hz)
-exponential frequency modulation with attenuation potentiometer
-sync input with sync level adjustment
-saw wave 10vpp output

additional features with wave shaper board
-sine, square, pulse width modulation and triangle outputs 10vpp
-pwm modulation cv input
-Linear frequency modulation with attenuatio potentiometer

All the tool and materials will be provided. The workshop will be held 
in German and English

Please let us know if you are interested in building the oscillator core 
or the wave shaper board.



Mai 09 2015, 11am – 5pm
Werkstatt Berlin
Mülhauserstr. 6. Hofgebäude 1. OG, 10405 Berlin
Costs: 50,00€
Registration: post<at>wolfgang-spahn.de

____________wolfgang spahn_______________________

____________kastanienalle 85_________10435 berlin
__Atelier:__gerichtstrasse 12-13_____13347 berlin
__030 39200060______________________ 0179 7935447

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