[microsound-announce] CD Release_ e-Saxbow _ Corps electriques

corps electriques corps.electriques at gmail.com
Fri May 31 11:18:42 EDT 2013


We're pleased to announce first album release of "e-Saxbow,
*"Polyphasie"* availble
at "Corps electriques".
CD-R Release /  Limited  — 100 copies. (7 tracks)

*e-Saxbow*, Contemporary electroacoustic duo.

( François Wong : electric saxophone / Florent Colautti : e-String )

about :

Electronic bows controlled via computer; A saxophone's* *sound transformed
by wave modulators...

The e-SaxBow duo triggers a frontal shock between electronic and acoustic
music. Noise and melody create living and vibrating matter.

In their plastic and experimental research,  Florent Colautti and François
Wong build original sound material of wave motions, organic masses,
synthetic rains, abstract sounds and cosmic bells.

Florent plays e-String, an hybrid home-made electroacoustic instrument.
With a computer, he controls electronic bows and stimulates the strings.
The collected vibrations are transformed into sound...

François amplifies a saxophone with a mouthpiece microphone. The wave is
transformed by an analogic/numeric set of effects and played through a tube

This album is also available via Bandcamp :

Tracks composed and recorded : Nov 2012 in Grim (Marseille, France).
©picture by Vincent Munier

Infos :  http://www.corpselectriques.org<http://www.corpselectriques.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=9&Itemid=17>
Contact : corps.electriques at gmail.com <oran.outan at gmail.com>

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