[microsound-announce] playlists for my 3 radio shows this week, Friday on JET FM + Saturday on Campus Grenoble and tonight Radio Grenouille

philippe petit philippe-petit at wanadoo.fr
Sun Jun 17 09:26:55 EDT 2012


BiP_HOp Generation on JET FM  //  Nantes
Friday evenings  : 20:30 - 21:30 PM 

"ALBUM"  (label)


Don Preston: analog heavens #1
"Filters, Oscillators&  Envelopes. 1967 - 1982" (Sub Rosa)

Violet: violet ray gas
"Violet Ray Gas And The Playback Singers" (Zeromoon)

Xambuca: noaydde
"Joulupukki" (Erototox)

Philippe Petit: magma from the aquarium
"Eugénie EP" (Alréalon Musique)

Potency: year of the pegasus
"Pegasus Unicorn" (Potency)

Father Murphy: diggin' the bottom of the hollow
"Anyway Your Children Will Deny It" (Aagoo)

Shara Worden: The Sea
"VA. Letters To Distant Cities" (New Amsterdam)

PAS: the dramatic exit
"Flanked By Women And Pumpkins" (Alrealon Musique)

Grumbling Fur (Alexander Tucker and Daniel O'Sullivan): huthering whites
"Alice" (Latitudes/Southern)

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BiP_HOp Generation on RADIO CAMPUS  //  Grenoble - 90.8 FM
Saturday evenings  : 20:30 - 21:30 PM 


"ALBUM"  (label)

June 16

Moon Ate The Dark: sleepwalk
"s/t" (Sonic Pieces)

Adam Fairhall/Paul J Rogers: ballad for a backslider
"Second-Handed Blues" (ASC)

Grumbling Fur (Alexander Tucker and Daniel O'Sullivan): wylderness waiting
"Alice" (Latitudes/Southern)

Father Murphy: his face showed no distortion
"Anyway Your Children Will Deny It" (Aagoo)

Bass Communion: drugged III
"II" (Beta Lactam Ring)

Onewayness: nothing is hidden, nothing is revealed
"Blue Star Is Freezing" (Onomastic)

Julien Demoulin&  Ia: #2 (extract)
"The Bay" (Basses Fréquences)

Raoul Lay&  Ensemble Télémaque: l'éloge du secret
"s/t" (Télémaque)

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BiP_HOp Generation on Radio Grenouille  //  88.8 FM
Sunday evenings  : 21:00 - 22:00 PM (19:00 - 20:00 GMT)  //  Marseille  //  France


"ALBUM"  (label)

June 17

Picore&  Strings Of Consciousness : labyrinth
« VA. FX 100 » (Jarring Effects)

Peter Kernel : organizing optimizing time
« White Death Black Heart » (Africantape/On The Camper)

Sand Snowman : under the snares
« The World's Not Worth It » (Tonefloat)

Oikos : deriva
« Ecotono » (Utech)

Macu : nightflight
'Nightflight » (Twisted Tree Line)

Dead Voices On Air : moon
« Michael And The Angels Fought » (Lens)

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