[microsound-announce] today: ixi lang presentation + concert by Thor Magnusson (Barcelona)

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Sun Oct 2 08:49:07 EDT 2011

ixi lang presentation + concert by Thor Magnusson

In this presentation, Thor Magnusson will introduce the design rationale of 
the ixi lang and its functionality.
The ixi lang is a live coding (see toplap.org) programming language for 
computer music. It allows the musician to program in realtime in front of an 
audience that is able to follow the proceedings by means of a video 
projection, thus involving the audience in the thought processes of the 

The ixi lang is a particular take on the livecoding problem, as it allows for 
quick setup of musical patterns. It is a humouristic language that gives the 
audience clear message of what is going on, no understanding of programming is 
needed to understand the performance of the ixi lang. As such it has become a 
general musical instrument suitable for live improvisation and fast musical 

The goal was to be able to create a tune with rhythm and melody within a few 
seconds from the performance starting. The language should also be 
understandable to non- programmers who would be able to follow clearly the 
performer’s train of thought. It was implemented in SuperCollider, enabling 
the use of all its available synth definitions, audio busses, sample buffers, 
and language constructs.

After the presentation, Thor Magnusson, co-creator of the ixi software, will 
perform with the ixi lang, exploring its musical constraints and potential.


Sunday, 02.10.2011, 21:00h
Miscelänea. Guàrdia, 10. Barcelona.

+info: [ http://lullcec.org/en/2011/concerts/thor-magnusson-ixi-lang ]



           Cap Sembrat VI: Pulse Emitter.
           Moog. Arc del Teatre, 3. Barcelona.
           +info: [ http://http://lullcec.org/2011/concerts/cap-sembrat-vi-
pulse-emitter ]

           Seminar: Practical Sound Analysis, by Fredrik Olofsson. 
           Hangar. Passatge Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Barcelona.
           +info: [ http://lullcec.org/2011/tallers/analisi-practica-del-so/  


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