[microsound-announce] SB :: Silence is a sound, stretched to last forever...

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 14 14:26:27 EDT 2011

SoundBlog, March 14th, 2011 [#403]SB Tweet Digest #12 (February 2011)
Learn all (well, almost...) about:* the ookoi exploring Small World* Einstein's Errors* Anton Mobin's Impronet* Why Messiaen's Turangalîla Symphony and Yes's Tales from Topographic Oceans are so very similar * Silence is a sound stretched to last forever[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00762.php ]
Also: * "If even a dog can understand it, then the audience should have no problems at all."Sound Spaces of Art explored by German sound artist and scholar Peter Kieferhttp://resonancenetwork.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/sound-spaces-in-of-art/
* "Alle utopieën zijn van gisteren" - A short utopia for Jean Bordé, the Hendrix of the double bass (in Dutch). Comes with free download of rare DIKTAT track ...http://www.deoptimist.net/2011/03/alle-utopieen-zijn-van-gisteren/
* Hatsu-Kobo dreaming in Kyoto, in the 10th week of Seventy Seconds, every Sunday on the hard//hoofd daily, with pictures by photographer Pieter van Wynsbergehttp://hardhoofd.com/2011/03/13/seventy-seconds-1052/
"Call me a doctor, Sato-san!"__________Harold Schellinxfollow: http://twitter.com/soundblog 		 	   		  
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