[microsound-announce] SB :: Le son de l'art a sa naissance (Art's Birthday 2010)

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 18 10:54:29 EDT 2010

SOUNDBLOG - March 18, 2010 (#354)

Commissioned by the Swiss RSR Espace 2, my present to art on the occasion 
of its this year's birthday became an elaborate audio-bio-faction and a 
sonico-musical reflection on the concept of being born. 
Its key-ingredient is a chronson tape made one summer night in 2003, when
I found myself tumbling into a hole in the floor of a dark garage somewhere 
in Paris, with my dictaphone on and recording... 

[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00717.php ]

_ Have a great day!
Harold Schellinx

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