[microsound-announce] this saturday 15.00 - 18.00 cet+1 radio on with guest momus

rinus van alebeek rinusfiles at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 13:55:23 EST 2009

Hello friends and listeners,
Since a few weeks the radio collaboration between adrian shephard and me
(rinus van alebeek) is on air again every now and then.

This saturday we will have Berlin based musician and blogger Momus
( imomus.livejournal) as a guest
he will comment live on the comments that arrive
and lead us into more story lines.

Music will be played as well.
All can be heard through
on saturday the 7th of february
between 15.00 and 18.00 cet+1
most probably before a life audience

greetings from Berlin,


central station: zeromoon.com/rinus
the latest news: rinusvanalebeek.wordpress.com
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