[Microsound-announce] Brussels - FESTIVAL SONS LIBERES 2008

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 24 15:45:39 EDT 2008

[ For those of you in and around Brussels : ]

Tomorrow on the second and final of this 2 night festival, organised by 
the Inaudible collective ....

* A Hug n'A Day, with Terry Day (poet pipes) and Charlotte Hug (violin)

* A Table! , with Har$ (things tapes) and J.J. Duerinckx (saxophones)
[ Post-alter free style exercice. Dedicated to Daniel Spoerri ]

* Camusi, with Patrizia Oliva (vox electrox), Stefano Giust (percussion),
Guy Strale (piano) and Marco Loprieno (winds)

Saturday october 25th, 20h
Petit Théâtre Mercelis
13, rue Mercelis

Have a great day!
-- Harold Schellinx

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