[Microsound-announce] [ozono kids - l'ull cec] festival CAP SEMBRAT 4 - 22, 23, 24 i 25 de maig, Barcelona

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Tue May 20 14:51:55 EDT 2008

[ reenvieu a discreció | reenviad a discreción | forward at own discretion ]


FESTIVAL CAP SEMBRAT 4 - 22, 23, 24 i 25 de MAIG/MAYO/MAY 2008
[ http://capsembrat.info ]

Dijous 22/05/2008.
19:00-22:00 Acte inaugural: "Tast de Cervesa i sons" @ "la Cerveteca",
C/ Gignàs, 25 - Metro Jaume I (Aforament limitat)
mapa: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=gignas+25+barcelona&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=24.565398,58.710937&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr


Ferran Fages (Cat) [ http://cremaster.info ]
Dani Blue (Cat)
Trigal (Ar) [ http://myspace.com/trigalbcn ]


Divendres 23/05/2008.
16:00-23:00 a "l'Antic Teatre", carrer Verdaguer i Callís nº 12, Metro
mapa: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=verdaguer+i+callis+12+barcelona&sll=41.359116,2.144631&sspn=0.011322,0.028667&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr

 "The Imminent Failure Show", films sel.leccionats per Ben
Russell de Magic Lantern Cinema (EUA) [ http://www.dimeshow.com/failure.htm ]
"Backscatter", film de Robin Fox (Austràlia) [http://www.robinfox.com.au/ ]
Alfredo Costa-Monteiro (Por) [ http://cremaster.info ] i Pascal Battus
(Fr) [ http://pbattus.free.fr ]
Scant Intone (Can) [ http://myspace.com/scantintone ]
Static Kitten (Can) [ http://myspace.com/statickitten0 ]
Freida Abtan (EUA) [ http://myspace.com/freidaabtan ]


Dissabte 24/05/2008.
16:00-21:00 @ la Bàscula, C/ Foc, 128-132. Busos: 13, 9, 37, 109, N1,
23, 72, 125
mapa: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=foc+128-132+barcelona&sll=41.381549,2.180332&sspn=0.011318,0.028667&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr

Films de Botborg (Australia) [ http://botborg.com ]
Adrián de Alfonso (Cat) [ http://myspace.com/donthetiger ] +
Marc Viaplana (Cat) + Murders in the Rue Morgue (Cat) [
http://www.myspace.com/themurdersintheruemorgue ]
Tubular Balls (Esp) [ http://myspace.com/tubularballs ]
Au (Esp) [ http://www.xxauxx.com ]
Puma (Nor) [ http://puma-music.com ]


Diumenge 25/05/2008.
15:00-22:45 @ "l'Antic Teatre", carrer Verdaguer i Callís nº 12 Urquinaona
mapa: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=verdaguer+i+callis+12+barcelona&sll=41.359116,2.144631&sspn=0.011322,0.028667&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr

"Les Religions Sauvages", films de Le Dernier Cri [
http://www.lederniercri.org/ ]
"American Mess", presentació i films de Bryan Boyce [
http://www.dangeroussquid.com/mess/ ]
Gärgawhal [ http://www.myspace.com/gargamelll ]
Daniel Gutiérrez (Ven) [ http://myspace.com/morningpolaroid ]
Nate Davis (EUA) [ http://languagerecovery.org ]
Mattin (Euskadi) [ [ http://mattin.org ] + Arnau Sala (Cat) [
http://myspace.com/arnausala ]

+ actes poètics de Pau Gener (Cat) i Goiko (Euskadi)


L'acte inaugural a la Cerveteca serà de lliure accés, així com l'acte
off-Cap Sembrat que es farà al Bar Rouge (C/Poeta Cabanyes, 21. Metro
Paral·lel) a càrrec d'en Pau Gener i Goiko. Trobareu tota la
informació als flyers adjunts.
L'abonament pels 3 dies restants costarà 20 euros.
L'entrada senzilla per cada dia tindrà un cost de 8.5 euros.

The opening act at La Cerveteca will be free of charge, just like the
off-Cap Sembrat event by Pau Gener and Goiko at Bar Rouge (C/ Poeta
Cabanyes, 21. Metro Paral·lel). You will find all the info in the
flyers attached.
The 3-day pass for the remaining days will cost 20 euros.
Single-day tickets will cost  8.5 euros.

Si vols subscriure't o deixar de rebre informació sobre futures
activitats, escriu a:
Si quieres suscribirte o dejar de recibir información sobre futuras
actividades, escribe a:
If you would like to suscribe or stop receiving information about
future events, please write to:

info at lullcec.org
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