From mailing at Fri Jun 1 06:29:22 2007 From: mailing at (Noisejihad Mailing) Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:29:22 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] NORDIC NOISE ON A SUNDAY NIGHT Message-ID: <> KNTN presents: NORDIC NOISE ON A SUNDAY NIGHT Jon Eriksen (S) Utarm (N) Sten Ove Toft (N) + Lars L. Hansen (DK) Sunday 3/6, 7 pm. Entrance 40 kr Overgaden - Institut for Samtidskunst Overgaden Neden Vandet 17 1414 K?benhavn K WWW.KNTN.DK STEN OVE TOFT from the Norwegian duo Ryfylke has a wide musical range, bouncing from Deathprod's drones to Merzbow's extreme madness with an inferno of loops and live-treatments of found objects and the occational vocal - all supported by heavy, dark drones. Soon passing 50 titles on labels like Utech, Vendlus, Roggbif, [OHM], Paranoise, and many more. LARS L. HANSEN is probably best known from the Danish duo W?ldchengarten. " moving in a cabinet of mirrors where darkness suddenly falls. Here the senses are hit by a typhoon of charged electricity, and it is definitely not a display of human power. It is as if the music transcends its own will through ethereal radiation". JON ERIKSEN As a noise artist Jon Eriksen has since 1999 been playing improvised sets at venues and galleries in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany and the USA. This Swedish-Norwegian serves up something truly exceptional - intelligently composed harsh noise. Is it possible? Apparently. Imagine Merzbow, Masonna, Russell Haswell - all of them, spot-on focused and full throttle: the climax of harsh laptop mayhem noise. UTARM aka Sindre Foss Skancke Maybe not the harshest noisemaker ever to come out of Norway, but definitely the most evil. UTARM uses the core soundscapes of Norwegian black metal and pours out truly the most evil drones known to man. UTARM combines his noise and evil drones with collages of dirty, spastic beats bringing - as he states himself - doom and misery to the subjects in attendance. From chartier at Fri Jun 1 19:20:29 2007 From: chartier at (RICHARD CHARTIER) Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 19:20:29 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] 12k/LINE: JODI CAVE "FOR MYRIA" available now + summer Free cd sale! Message-ID: <> > 12k > JUNE 1, 2007 > > the Jodi Cave cd is here! and will start shipping out on monday. > we're running a little sale as a summer treat.. and here it is: > > > > > 1. Buy the Jodi Cave cd plus one additional cd and get another 12k > or LINE cd for free! > 2. the following CDs are eligible as free cds: > > 12k1023 - Doron Sadja > 12k1024 - Kenneth Kirschner > 12k1026 - Two Point Two > 12k1027 - Motion > 12k1030 - Shuttle358 > 12k1032 - Deupree/Kirschner > 12k2033 - Bretschneider/Steinbruchel > 12k1034 - Antti Rannisto > 12k1036 - Sebastien Roux > 12k1038 - Fourcolor > 12k1039 - Blueprints > 12k1040 - Seaworthy > 12k1041 - Moskitoo > > 12k2005- Shuttle358 > > LINE003 - Miki Yui > LINE009 - Bernhard Gunter > LINE010 - Roel Meelkop > LINE011 - Clean > LINE014 - Skoltz Kolgen > LINE015- Miki Yui > LINE018 - Richard Chartier > LINE021 - Vend > LINE023 - Chessmachine > LINE026 - Alva Noto > LINE027 - Chartier/Deupree > LINE028 - Steinbruchel > LINE029 - Tomas Phillips > > HAP001- Piana > HAP002- Gutevolk > > 2.5. repeat: the above cds are the only titles available for free > > 3. SALE ENDS JULY 1ST, 2007 > 4. to get your free CD, please let us know which one you want in > the COMMENTS field of your PayPal check out page! no comment = no > free cd! > > enjoy the summer, listen to great music! > > > From douglas at Sat Jun 2 07:50:53 2007 From: douglas at (douglas benford) Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 11:50:53 +0000 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Sprawl - INTERPLAY - London, Amsterdam, Bristol, Dublin Message-ID: ------------------------------------------------------------------- S P R A W L June 2007 bulletin ------------------------------------------------------------------- * A big thanks to everyone who came to SonicRecycler3! a great evening! * This month: Sprawl presents INTERPLAY 4, LONDON (for other cities, see below) date: weds JUNE 20 live acts: THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY EKKEHARD EHLERS vs BRIAN DUFFY (Modified Toy Orchestra) IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB biographies; Films before these London Interplay performances: TJ Norris Trimix project DVD (w. Ryan Jeffery/Scanner/ Clinker/Asmus Tietchens/Sue Costabile/Beequeen) and others tba. The Spitz, 109 Commercial Street, Old Spitalfields Market, London, E1 6BG, UK on-line tickets: ** the last Interplay events sold out, so booking advised! ** in collaboration with the Goethe Institute and the German Embassy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- other INTERPLAYS, 2007, on tour: Amsterdam JUNE 6 THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY IRIS GARRELFSv s SI-CUT.DB DJ SNIFF vs KEIR NEURINGER Bimhuis, Piet Heinkade 3 Amsterdam, Netherlands In collaboration with Steim Bristol JUNE 21 THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY EKKEHARD EHLERS vs BRIAN DUFFY (M.T.O) IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB Cube Microplex, Dove St. South, Bristol, UK Dublin JUNE 22 THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB DAVID LACEY vs FERGUS KELLY Darklight Festival, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland biographies; Films before Bristol/Amsteram/Dublin Interplay performances by: U-sun, Pimmon, Stephan Mathieu and others tba. In collaboration with the Goethe Institute and the German Embassy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- other UPCOMING PERFORMANCES etc ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUNE 2 IRIS GARRELFS performs a new piece 'Hotel Mexicano' 'made from practice sessions in Mexican Hotels' part of the Abolipop mexican label showcase. + DJ set: SI-CUT.DB 4-8pm. ROTA club (free entry) Nottinghill Arts Club, 21 Notting Hill Gate, W11 London, UK JUNE 8 IRIS GARRELFS presents a Clear Spot radio show on Mexican music 19:00 on Resonance FM 104.4 fm (London) and streamed on JUNE 10 IRIS GARRELFS in panel discussion 17:00, Galvanised Festival, Empire Studios, 32b Vyner Street, London, E2 JUNE 15/16 IRIS GARRELFS - live + installation 15.6.07, 20:00 live, 16.6.07, 16:00 installation Centre for Contemporary Arts, Celje, Slovenia JUNE 24 SI-CUT.DB performs new piece 'Reclamation' Sonic Picnic, SAN/I-DAT Expo festival, Western King Poiint, Stonehouse Plymouth, UK JULY 6 IRIS GARRELFS presents a Clear Spot radio show on music workshops 19:00 on Resonance FM 104.4 fm (London) and streamed on JULY 19/22 SI-CUT.DB live Glade Festival, Aldermaston, Berkshire, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------- best wishes Iris Garrelfs si-cut.db [d.benford] from SPRAWL E-MAIL From testtube at Sat Jun 2 09:35:15 2007 From: testtube at (test tube news ) Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 06:35:15 -0700 Subject: [Microsound-announce] test tube news ~ 007 ~ jun 2007 Message-ID: <> * if you can read this, go here: * test tube news ~ #007 ~ jun 2007 test tube news ~ #007 ~ jun 2007 BETTER YET Hello again and welcome to the Test Tube News digest format. Another three new releases in May, from three new artists to Test Tube. As we're approaching our third anniversary, some things will change (hopefully for the better), as an immediate consequence of a new collaborator joining our ranks. Mr. Olliver Wichmann from Germany will be part of the team in text proofing for releases, evaluating submissions and putting his creative mind into this, among other things. He will be (and already is) of enormous value to the label. In other news, we have a brand new contact page with lots of valuable information that we gathered in a short guide, for every musician that's considering submitting works to Test Tube. If you're one of those, go read it. See you in a month! Peace, '| May 31, 2007 NEW AND IMPROVED; TEST TUBE TEAM GROWS We have a new and improved contact page, with a thorough guide explaining everything you need to know about sending submissions to us. If you're a musician thinking about sending Test Tube some material, please read the guide carefully as we think it is and will be very helpful to you. In other news, the Test Tube team has a new member who'll be helping in text proofing, submission evaluating and overall mustitasking stuff. He will also be signing many of the liner notes to releases from now on, with the name Olliver Wichmann. Welcome Olliver! Because of this new helping hand, we'll have almost immediate results on the release queue, with an expected flow of 4 monthly releases, one every monday. Before the next planned release, 'Concrete Muser' by Nodepet, this weekend will see newsletter #007 coming out, so be on the lookout. Peace, '| May 28, 2007 332 VARIATIONS AT LARGE. " tube'|076 - ps - Friends reinterpretations of unreleased 332 variations vol. 1 ?This is our shortest release yet, and it is a long promised one. Promised to my friend ps (Filipe Cruz, curator at Enough Records) as part of a four - I think - volume series. Volume 2 and 4 are already out from some time now (Vol. 2 on Enough Records and Vol. 4 on MiMi). I don't know what happened to Vol. 3 but we're going backwards with this one. The story is quite simple: Filipe handed out one of his trademark dark ambient pieces, called '332 Variations', to several musician friends, for them to work out from there and turn the piece into something new or whatever. I got to release two of those workouts/remixes/reworks (pick one): One by Prolepse and the other by Etc (a.k.a. Erratic or Undacova). The results are quite different from each other. While Prolepse went with the drone/glitch approach to dark ambient, making the piece a mechanical and technological version of a nightmare (short but dense and scary), Etc opted for the 'acoustic doom' (Svarte Greiner's invention) - theme: Sparse and well directed granular distortion, echoing, damp sounds, earth shaking subbasses and other organic related sounds. Amazing track. The artwork was made by Infetu, which also appears with one reworked piece in Volume 2. He also made the artwork for Volume 4. Don't forget to check the previously released volumes, here (Volume 2) and here (Volume 4), for a complete and immersive experience.? - Pedro Leit?o '| May 24, 2007 CATCHING UP We've now reached 75 releases, which isn't bad, since we will only complete 3 years of existance next july. 75 releases is also what you'll get if you order our DVD collection, so I think it's time for some catching up on the work to be done ahead. It's been a while since we last talked about the future... For starters, our release schedule for the remaining months until 2008 is already closed. Yep, that's right, we can only schedule new releases from January 2008 onwards. Of course you can keep sending your demos, they will get all the attention as usual, but don't expect to see them released this year. So, many good stuff coming up this way. Next up is a long promised release of a couple remixes from my friend ps (curator at Enough Records), and after that we'll have some newcomers: Nodepet from Germany, Quest.Room.Project from Russia, Yankee brothers duo Post Human Era, Spirit Elevating Brains from Peru, Christopher McFall and Billy Gomberg from the USA, meta:human from Germany, Brazilian improvisationist and field recorder Thelmo Cristovam, Hugo Paquete from local Porto city, another north-american project called The Jack Bohlen Book Club, Billy Gomberg's other project Fraufraulein (with Anne Guthrie) and a couple of others. But we'll have further occasions to talk about them. On the returning side, we will get to hear a new concept album by Ait?nna77 called 'Health Needs', and also new material from Lezrod's new album 'Genki' (released simmultaneously with Zymogen, but in a slighly different version); Canadians Dave Zeal and Daniel Maze also return with a fantastic collaborative EP called 'Small Airports'; Clorofila Azul returns as promised, with a second compilation, featuring old instrumental works; laptop duo e:4c from Porto will give us an album worth of new material, tentatively titled 'Technical Unwanted Signals Vol. 1' and Landfill's Daniel Catarino will present us with two (yes, two!) new works under a new alias, Long Desert Cowboy, featuring droning guitars and western spaghetti-like ambients. Our own 'Paris, Texas' soundtrack! Meanwhile, we'll be preparing our 100th release, which will be (if all goes as planned) a special compilation spanning two CDs worth of new material from a majority of test tube artists. We can't tell you anything more about this, yet, except that it's planned to be released early 2008.. Somewhere along the way, test tube's base (my home) will be on the move again (I hope). We expect to move down south, away from the city, to sit next to the ocean and countryside. If this happens before christmas, expect some period (weeks, possibly) of no website updates. We'll see how it goes... On another note, if the numbers we have are accurate, we've recently reached 100 thousand visits to our website, which isn't that bad in less than 3 years. Thank you for spreading the word! We've still one more release to give you this month, then it's newsletter time! Peace, '| May 20, 2007 BOOM! " tube'|075 - c4 - The opulent lifestyle of dynomite sounds ?Halfway between Chicago and Toronto, right next to the 'Great Lakes' and in the outskirts of Detroit, lies the city of Toledo, nicknamed 'The Glass City' but also known as 'The Auto Parts Capital of the World'. That's were Mr. Adam Crammond works and lives. Taking most of his influences from the Detroit Techno scene, but also from the British Intelligent Dance Music - WARP style, Adam, under the guise of c4, crafts up nifty beats dipped in acid with sluggish techno-house style. Adam was pushed into making music back when we was a teenager, because of long nights he spent picking up Detroit radios, taping them up and amassing a huge collection of cassette recordings. As far as we know, his favorite artists (and his stronger influences) are Plastikman, Autechre, Venetian Snares, Kid 606, Aphex Twin, Dabrye, Jan Jelinek, Drop the Lime, Scant Intone, among others. 'The opulent lifestyle of dynomite sounds' sums up some of the best half-hours of 'old-school dance music from today' - we might call it - selected among two years of material Adam has been working on in his free time. This first c4 release of many to come (we hope) features varied styles ranging from semi-hard jungle - 'Polygons for purchase' - to electronic hip-hop - 'France beat (419)' - , going to ambient - 'Structure source' - , skipping over to minimal - 'Before rave class' - and exploding your speakers with acid-house - 'b130'. Without further delay, test tube proudly presents: c4!? - Pedro Leit?o '| May 16, 2007 BACANAL INTRUDER AT S?NAR 2007! Our friend and artist Bacanal Intruder (aka Luis Sol?s) will play live at this year's S?nar Festival, to be held as always, in the Catal? capital, Barcelona. Bacanal Intruder will go live in the second day (June 15), at S?nar by Day (usually held at the MACBA). Don't know Bacanal Intruder's music? Shame on you! Check out his awesome test tube release here, and be sure to also check Zymogen's no less than excellent release as well as Bacanal's MySpace. Good luck, Lu?s! '| May 10, 2007 MOTHER'S WORK " tube'|074 - Mother - Live at Barnsdall Park ?If you're a Los Angeles resident you probably know where Barnsdall Art Park is, located atop of a hill with a nice view over the famous Hollywood sign (trust me, I've been reading about this). Barnsdall Park has gardens, trees and all that, of course, but also has one of the first Los Angeles works by worldwide famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Hollyhock House, named after the favorite flower of the building's original owner, Aline Barnsdall, a woman philanthrope and patron of the arts. Barnsdall Park was closed for remodeling until recently (~ 2003) but it reopened, offering the visitors brand new exhibits, visual design and overall conditions. It also showcases many concerts and performances along the year, which brings us to this release we are offering, a live recording from a CalArts alumni showcase that took place at this park. Mother is actually Chris Komashko, a former student of CalArts, California's best school of arts. He was there not for the music, but for a BFA in design. But what really tickled inside Chris's head was music and sound design, so he pursued it and years later was performing live at a CalArts Alumni Showcase. Life has a sense of humor. As a sound designer, Chris has done several original work for the motion picture industry, in trailers and such, for movies such as Pulp Fiction, Resident Evil or Blade II; as a musician he has done remixes for Madonna, A Flock of Seagulls, Kiss or Love & Rockets. But the Mother project, according to Chris, is "an ongoing project to learn more about the nature of sound and the auditory ties we all have to the emotional experiences of our lives. (...) mother is an attempt to push the concept of story telling as far away from song writing as possible and still communicate to the listener." Nothing to do with pop music or motion picture soundtracks , then. Did Chris accomplished the task he sought? We have to dwelve into his music to learn the answer. File under improv/experimental. Happy listening.? - Pedro Leit?o '| top (cc) 2004-07 '| test tube [m?c] " code and design aeriola::behaviour ................................................................ This email should only be sent to those who have asked to receive it. To unsubscribe, return to the web form where you first subscribed and click the "unsubscribe" button, or contact the owner of the website. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From testtube at Sat Jun 2 09:55:06 2007 From: testtube at (test tube news ) Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 06:55:06 -0700 Subject: [Microsound-announce] test tube news ~ 007 ~ jun 2007 (fixed image links) Message-ID: <> * if you can read this, go here: * test tube news ~ #007 ~ jun 2007 test tube news ~ #007 ~ jun 2007 BETTER YET Hello again and welcome to the Test Tube News digest format. Another three new releases in May, from three new artists to Test Tube. As we're approaching our third anniversary, some things will change (hopefully for the better), as an immediate consequence of a new collaborator joining our ranks. Mr. Olliver Wichmann from Germany will be part of the team in text proofing for releases, evaluating submissions and putting his creative mind into this, among other things. He will be (and already is) of enormous value to the label. In other news, we have a brand new contact page with lots of valuable information that we gathered in a short guide, for every musician that's considering submitting works to Test Tube. If you're one of those, go read it. See you in a month! Peace, '| May 31, 2007 NEW AND IMPROVED; TEST TUBE TEAM GROWS We have a new and improved contact page, with a thorough guide explaining everything you need to know about sending submissions to us. If you're a musician thinking about sending Test Tube some material, please read the guide carefully as we think it is and will be very helpful to you. In other news, the Test Tube team has a new member who'll be helping in text proofing, submission evaluating and overall mustitasking stuff. He will also be signing many of the liner notes to releases from now on, with the name Olliver Wichmann. Welcome Olliver! Because of this new helping hand, we'll have almost immediate results on the release queue, with an expected flow of 4 monthly releases, one every monday. Before the next planned release, 'Concrete Muser' by Nodepet, this weekend will see newsletter #007 coming out, so be on the lookout. Peace, '| May 28, 2007 332 VARIATIONS AT LARGE. " tube'|076 - ps - Friends reinterpretations of unreleased 332 variations vol. 1 ?This is our shortest release yet, and it is a long promised one. Promised to my friend ps (Filipe Cruz, curator at Enough Records) as part of a four - I think - volume series. Volume 2 and 4 are already out from some time now (Vol. 2 on Enough Records and Vol. 4 on MiMi). I don't know what happened to Vol. 3 but we're going backwards with this one. The story is quite simple: Filipe handed out one of his trademark dark ambient pieces, called '332 Variations', to several musician friends, for them to work out from there and turn the piece into something new or whatever. I got to release two of those workouts/remixes/reworks (pick one): One by Prolepse and the other by Etc (a.k.a. Erratic or Undacova). The results are quite different from each other. While Prolepse went with the drone/glitch approach to dark ambient, making the piece a mechanical and technological version of a nightmare (short but dense and scary), Etc opted for the 'acoustic doom' (Svarte Greiner's invention) - theme: Sparse and well directed granular distortion, echoing, damp sounds, earth shaking subbasses and other organic related sounds. Amazing track. The artwork was made by Infetu, which also appears with one reworked piece in Volume 2. He also made the artwork for Volume 4. Don't forget to check the previously released volumes, here (Volume 2) and here (Volume 4), for a complete and immersive experience.? - Pedro Leit?o '| May 24, 2007 CATCHING UP We've now reached 75 releases, which isn't bad, since we will only complete 3 years of existance next july. 75 releases is also what you'll get if you order our DVD collection, so I think it's time for some catching up on the work to be done ahead. It's been a while since we last talked about the future... For starters, our release schedule for the remaining months until 2008 is already closed. Yep, that's right, we can only schedule new releases from January 2008 onwards. Of course you can keep sending your demos, they will get all the attention as usual, but don't expect to see them released this year. So, many good stuff coming up this way. Next up is a long promised release of a couple remixes from my friend ps (curator at Enough Records), and after that we'll have some newcomers: Nodepet from Germany, Quest.Room.Project from Russia, Yankee brothers duo Post Human Era, Spirit Elevating Brains from Peru, Christopher McFall and Billy Gomberg from the USA, meta:human from Germany, Brazilian improvisationist and field recorder Thelmo Cristovam, Hugo Paquete from local Porto city, another north-american project called The Jack Bohlen Book Club, Billy Gomberg's other project Fraufraulein (with Anne Guthrie) and a couple of others. But we'll have further occasions to talk about them. On the returning side, we will get to hear a new concept album by Ait?nna77 called 'Health Needs', and also new material from Lezrod's new album 'Genki' (released simmultaneously with Zymogen, but in a slighly different version); Canadians Dave Zeal and Daniel Maze also return with a fantastic collaborative EP called 'Small Airports'; Clorofila Azul returns as promised, with a second compilation, featuring old instrumental works; laptop duo e:4c from Porto will give us an album worth of new material, tentatively titled 'Technical Unwanted Signals Vol. 1' and Landfill's Daniel Catarino will present us with two (yes, two!) new works under a new alias, Long Desert Cowboy, featuring droning guitars and western spaghetti-like ambients. Our own 'Paris, Texas' soundtrack! Meanwhile, we'll be preparing our 100th release, which will be (if all goes as planned) a special compilation spanning two CDs worth of new material from a majority of test tube artists. We can't tell you anything more about this, yet, except that it's planned to be released early 2008.. Somewhere along the way, test tube's base (my home) will be on the move again (I hope). We expect to move down south, away from the city, to sit next to the ocean and countryside. If this happens before christmas, expect some period (weeks, possibly) of no website updates. We'll see how it goes... On another note, if the numbers we have are accurate, we've recently reached 100 thousand visits to our website, which isn't that bad in less than 3 years. Thank you for spreading the word! We've still one more release to give you this month, then it's newsletter time! Peace, '| May 20, 2007 BOOM! " tube'|075 - c4 - The opulent lifestyle of dynomite sounds ?Halfway between Chicago and Toronto, right next to the 'Great Lakes' and in the outskirts of Detroit, lies the city of Toledo, nicknamed 'The Glass City' but also known as 'The Auto Parts Capital of the World'. That's were Mr. Adam Crammond works and lives. Taking most of his influences from the Detroit Techno scene, but also from the British Intelligent Dance Music - WARP style, Adam, under the guise of c4, crafts up nifty beats dipped in acid with sluggish techno-house style. Adam was pushed into making music back when we was a teenager, because of long nights he spent picking up Detroit radios, taping them up and amassing a huge collection of cassette recordings. As far as we know, his favorite artists (and his stronger influences) are Plastikman, Autechre, Venetian Snares, Kid 606, Aphex Twin, Dabrye, Jan Jelinek, Drop the Lime, Scant Intone, among others. 'The opulent lifestyle of dynomite sounds' sums up some of the best half-hours of 'old-school dance music from today' - we might call it - selected among two years of material Adam has been working on in his free time. This first c4 release of many to come (we hope) features varied styles ranging from semi-hard jungle - 'Polygons for purchase' - to electronic hip-hop - 'France beat (419)' - , going to ambient - 'Structure source' - , skipping over to minimal - 'Before rave class' - and exploding your speakers with acid-house - 'b130'. Without further delay, test tube proudly presents: c4!? - Pedro Leit?o '| May 16, 2007 BACANAL INTRUDER AT S?NAR 2007! Our friend and artist Bacanal Intruder (aka Luis Sol?s) will play live at this year's S?nar Festival, to be held as always, in the Catal? capital, Barcelona. Bacanal Intruder will go live in the second day (June 15), at S?nar by Day (usually held at the MACBA). Don't know Bacanal Intruder's music? Shame on you! Check out his awesome test tube release here, and be sure to also check Zymogen's no less than excellent release as well as Bacanal's MySpace. Good luck, Lu?s! '| May 10, 2007 MOTHER'S WORK " tube'|074 - Mother - Live at Barnsdall Park ?If you're a Los Angeles resident you probably know where Barnsdall Art Park is, located atop of a hill with a nice view over the famous Hollywood sign (trust me, I've been reading about this). Barnsdall Park has gardens, trees and all that, of course, but also has one of the first Los Angeles works by worldwide famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Hollyhock House, named after the favorite flower of the building's original owner, Aline Barnsdall, a woman philanthrope and patron of the arts. Barnsdall Park was closed for remodeling until recently (~ 2003) but it reopened, offering the visitors brand new exhibits, visual design and overall conditions. It also showcases many concerts and performances along the year, which brings us to this release we are offering, a live recording from a CalArts alumni showcase that took place at this park. Mother is actually Chris Komashko, a former student of CalArts, California's best school of arts. He was there not for the music, but for a BFA in design. But what really tickled inside Chris's head was music and sound design, so he pursued it and years later was performing live at a CalArts Alumni Showcase. Life has a sense of humor. As a sound designer, Chris has done several original work for the motion picture industry, in trailers and such, for movies such as Pulp Fiction, Resident Evil or Blade II; as a musician he has done remixes for Madonna, A Flock of Seagulls, Kiss or Love & Rockets. But the Mother project, according to Chris, is "an ongoing project to learn more about the nature of sound and the auditory ties we all have to the emotional experiences of our lives. (...) mother is an attempt to push the concept of story telling as far away from song writing as possible and still communicate to the listener." Nothing to do with pop music or motion picture soundtracks , then. Did Chris accomplished the task he sought? We have to dwelve into his music to learn the answer. File under improv/experimental. Happy listening.? - Pedro Leit?o '| top (cc) 2004-07 '| test tube [m?c] " code and design aeriola::behaviour ................................................................ This email should only be sent to those who have asked to receive it. To unsubscribe, return to the web form where you first subscribed and click the "unsubscribe" button, or contact the owner of the website. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ondasonoraradio at Sat Jun 2 14:30:24 2007 From: ondasonoraradio at (Onda Sonora Radio) Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 20:30:24 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Microsound-announce] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 26-05-07 Message-ID: <> ONDA SONORA (Experimental Radio Sessions), Madrid (ES) ?Radio C?rculo de Bellas Artes 100.4 FM Sabados / Saturday. 20h ?Listen any time CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 26-05-07 01. ALAN VEGA Track: Freedom?s Smashed / Psychopatha /Crime Street Cree / Station Album: Station Label: Blast First / Mute 02. UBEBOET Track: Il Sogno Album: Spectra Label: Twenty Hertz 03. UBEBOET Track: Approreappro Album: Appropriate Re-Appropriations Label: 04. CHEAP MACHINES Track: Vespers Album: Appropriate Re-Appropriations Label: 05. FAILSAFE Track: Oild Blood Water Album: Appropriate Re-Appropriations Label: 06. JOSH DIPPOLD Track: At-Most Park Album: Appropriate Re-Appropriations Label: 07. MIKE WILLOX Track: Inappropriate Appropriation Album: Appropriate Re-Appropriations Label: 08. JOHN ZORN Track: Litany III Album: Six Litanies For Heliogabalus Label: Tzadik 09. BOLA Track: Zoft Broiled Ed / Noop Album: Kroungrine Label: Skam Nota: Este mensaje no ha sido solicitado, pero hemos considerado que podr?a interesarte. De no ser as?, responde con un mensaje titulado "borrame" y ser?s inmediatamente eliminado del mailing. Muchas gracias Note: This is an undemanded message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If that's not your case, then reply us with this subject for the message: "delete me", and you will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you --------------------------------- ?Descubre una nueva forma de obtener respuestas a tus preguntas! Entra en Yahoo! Respuestas. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From chartier at Fri Jun 1 19:45:27 2007 From: chartier at (RICHARD CHARTIER) Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 19:45:27 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] RICHARD CHARTIER > 6.07 > news/event/release update Message-ID: <> - - NEW +RECENT RELEASES - - a limited number of these & other releases are available via the ONLINE STORE OUT NOW! BOOK/2CD . "EXTRACT: Portraits of Sound Artists" [ NVO, Austria ] Hardcover. 96 pages. + 2 CD. contains interviews and photos in a 4 page spread + CD track for each artist including: Keith Berry, Richard Chartier, Taylor Deupree, Heribert Friedl, Richard Garet, Andy Graydon, Bernhard G?nter, John Hudak, I8U, Dean King, Dale Lloyd, Roel Meelkop, Will Montgomery, Tomas Philips, Steve Roden, Jos Smolders, Ralph Steinbr?chel, Nao Sugimoto, Asmus Tietchens, Toshiya Tsunoda, Ubeboet, Michael Vorfeld. contains the track "a field for recordings.2" OUT NOW! VINYL . 3 or 4 lock grooves as Richard Chartier (+ under one alias) Communication defines culture v.2 (12" vinyl) [ Conversation Records, US ] 2007. artists include: agaric, agnes, [a]pendics.shuffle, baby ford, barem, bart skills, benno blome, bruno pronsato, chris fortier, dan curtin, dapayk, dilo vs. gurtz, dj shiva, franco cinelli, fumiya tanaka, geoff white, the kooky scientist, jamie morris, mark-henning, miguel tutera, pinkcourtesyphone, protoype 909, ps (feat. losoul and bine), quenum, radiq, richard chartier, riley reinhold + emmuel geller, ryan crosson, seph vs. violett, so inagawa, someone else, twerk, vincent de wit, and others... May 29, 2007. OUT NOW! DVD . Camera Lucida [ LINE, US ] sound works inspired by the pioneering sonoluminescent installation "Camera Lucida" by Evelyn Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand with works by Carter Tutti (Chris & Cosey), Taylor Deupree+Richard Chartier, Asmus Tietchens, Evelyn Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, COH, Matmos, Kenneth Kirschner, Carsten Nicolai, and Alexander Kaline connected to hi resolution digital footage of the machine itself. OUT NOW! CD . "(sketch for) deletion" on Fear Drop magazine compilation. Fear Drop (issue 13) includes articles about and unreleased tracks by : Rapoon / Reformed Faction, Janek Schaefer, Richard Chartier, Lionel Marchetti, Toy Bizarre / C?dric Peyronnet, John Balance, Roger Caillois, Aidan Baker / Nadja, Dominique Petitgand, K.K. Null + reviews. OUT NOW! CD . Isolation [ Room40, Australia ] compilation cd contains track "a field for recordings.3" Artist featured: Stephen Vitiello, Stinbruchel, David Toop, Dale Lloyd, Richard Chartier, For Barry Ray, Scanner, Jeph Jerman, Sebastien Roux, Zane Trow, Janek Schaefer, Ben Owen, Richard Francis and Nest, Ben Frost, Greg Davis. - - CURRENT EVENTS + FUTURE RELEASES, EVENTS, ETC - - CD . Fabrication. collaboration with Asmus Tietchens. (limited copies will come with a bonus cd of material) [ Die Stadt, Germany ] june 2007. EXHIBIT . sound piece @ Sydney Non Objective [ Sydney, Australia ]. June 1-July 1, 2007. EXHIBIT . sound piece @ Counterpoint Gallery [ Melbourne, Australia ]. June 1-July 1, 2007 LIVE . CAPC Mus?e D'Art Contemporain De Bordeaux [ Bordeaux, France ] June 6, 2007. LIVE . Mediatheque Jose Cabanis [ Toulouse, France ] with Sawako. June 7, 2007 LIVE . CAVE12 [ Geneva, Switzerland ] June 8, 2007. LIVE . Festival des Musiques Innovatrices @ Musee de la Mine [ Saint- Etienne, France ] June 10, 2007. DIFFUSSION . Work to be presented as part of Airport Symphony [ Brisbane, Australia ] July 16-28, 2007. airportsymphony CURATORIAL . Colorfield Remix juried new media event for the Washington Project for the Arts/Corcoran @ the Corcoran Gallery of Art [ Washington, DC ]. June 27, 2007. $1000 and $500 awards for emerging artists. LIVE . Issue Project Room. 16 channel system. [ Brooklyn, NY ] June 29, 2007. LIVE . Buenos Aires (MAMBA) (Museum Modern Art Buenos Aires) [ Buenos Aires, Argentina ] TBC Fall 2007 LIVE . Carraffa Museum of Art [ Cordoba, Argentina ] TBC Fall 2007 LIVE . Atlantic Waves Festival [ London, UK ] Nov 9-11. 2007 EXHIBIT . "Levels(Lateral)" @ Light and Sound Gallery at the Portland Art Center. (Portland, Oregon, USA) December 2007 From email.fieldwork at Sun Jun 3 10:21:48 2007 From: email.fieldwork at (Gabrielle Nicholson) Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 00:21:48 +1000 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Fieldwork playlist 3rd June Message-ID: <> Hey Cats, Tonight, Sydney experimental/jazz drummer Alex Masso came in and shared the tunes from his car on a two week tour round the south east of Australia. It was pretty. Howlin' Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin' from His Best on Chess records Chris Abrahams - Bellicose & Can of Faces from Thrown on Room 40 Jamie Fielding - The Indra Suite from Notes from the Underground on AIJA Muddy Waters - Rollin' and Tumblin', part 1 from his best 1947 to 1955 Jamie Fielding - Yellow Grey from Notes from the Underground on AIJA Chris Abrahams - Hung Out To Dryfrom Streaming on Vegetable Records Ross Bolleter - Nallan Void from Austral Voices on New Albion Blue Gene Tyranny - The CBDC Intro from Country Boy Country Dog on Lovely Music Ltd Evan Parker and Lawrence Casserley - Coyolxahqui from Solar Wind on Touch Jamie Fielding - Dock of the Day from Notes from the Underground on AIJA Take Care Gabrielle -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From convnetlabel at Sun Jun 3 11:19:01 2007 From: convnetlabel at (conv) Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 08:19:01 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] Brouwer, Emery, Gilmore, Knapp, Martin, Peverett - new release on con-v Message-ID: <> Jim Brouwer, Paul Emery, Joe Gilmore, Tom Knapp, Ed Martin and Alex Peverett. 25 May 2002, The Crypt, Leeds Town Hall. Poulenc is a live interpretation of Francis Poulenc's religious choral and organ work Litanies ? la Vierge Noir (1936). The original work consists of a series of prayers to Mary and was composed after the composer's pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Rocamadour which contains a wooden Black Madonna. Black Madonnas are thought to be related to pre-Christian Earth Goddess traditions. Their dark skin, the colour of fertile earth, is associated with feminine sexual power and an archetypal Earth Mother who presides over both fertility and death. The ensemble performed on three consecutive nights to three different audiences. The unedited recording documented here was recorded directly to DAT on the second night and contains no overdubs or post-production. It was the intention of the artists to preserve the spiritual nature of the original work, to harness the sacred and cosmic, whilst recontextualising the sound. "I was really struck by the careful dismantling of the original music. Like handling an ancient vase or something. It was like watching a tight-rope walker ? the perfect balance between unpicking the classical and reassembling it as something totally contemporary." ? Dominic Gray, Opera North. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection. From jef at Tue Jun 5 18:25:51 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 00:25:51 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Fwd: CLC Grant Writing Workshops (Vancouver) Message-ID: >From: "Micheline Roi" > >To those of you in the Vancouver Area on June 16th, > >CLC is holding an incredible workshop on Grant >Writing. It 's an opportunity to learn how to >improve your grant writing skills and to find >out about all the revenue sources out there that >you may be missing. > >I highly recommend this to all, imagine if we >all got the money our ideas deserve! > >Info about the workshop and registration is >attached, and the fee is tax deductible. > >Hope to see you there. > >Micheline > >Grant Writing for the Professional Composer >A professional development workshop presented by the >Canadian League of Composers > >Lead by Michael Jones >Saturday, June 16th > >1:30 pm ? 4:30 pm >$30 Members/$90 non-members >$5 off for early bird enrollment by June 8th > >To be held at: > >The Canadian Music Centre >British Columbia Region >837 Davie Street >Vancouver, BC >V6Z 1B7 > >CMC-BC Phone: >(604) 734-4622 > >All enquiries: > >Sean Corcoran, >Project Manager >The Canadian League of Composers >sean at >(877) 964-1364 > > > >Dear CLC member, > >Have you considered that there is money >available to you, as a composer, which you are >unaware of? Are you confident in your ability to >write an effective grant or foundation >application? > >The Canadian League of Composers has undertaken >a new initiative to bring professional >development workshops to composers and you are >invited! The workshops are open to both emerging >and established composers who are looking to >advance their skills in a variety of fields. The >first workshop, Grant Writing for the >Professional Composer, is to be held Saturday >June 16th at 1:30 pm at the Canadian Music >Centre BC Regional office in Vancouver. Michael >Jones, one of the best arts administrators in >the country, will lead the workshop. The CLC is >offering this workshop with the assistance of >the Creators' Assistance Program of Heritage >Canada, as administered by the SOCAN Foundation. > >This session, planned as an interactive workshop >with examples and opportunities for input from >workshop participants, will focus on common >procedures and challenges of writing >applications to both private and public sector >funders. Topics covered will include locating >possible sources of money, creating partnerships >with organizations, preparing application >materials, and avoiding common application >pitfalls (or pratfalls). You are encouraged to >bring in any grant, foundation or residency >application that you are working on to gain >valuable advice on how to improve its impact. > >Michael Jones is a proven arts administrator >with almost 20 years' experience in senior-level >positions. He is the recently appointed Arts >Program Director at the Metcalf Foundation, one >of the largest private funding organizations for >the performing arts in Toronto and Ontario. >Prior to coming to the Metcalf Foundation, he >was the General Manager of The School of Toronto >Dance Theatre (2001-07) and Arraymusic >(1998-2001). Also a practicing artist, Michael's >current work focuses on theatre in the roles of >director and/or music director; recent credits >include work with Acting Up Stage, Buddies in >Bad Times Theatre, Drayton Entertainment, >Etobicoke Musical Productions, and Scarborough >Players. He has a master's degree in music from >the University of Western Ontario. > >This workshop is a must for anyone looking to >expand his or her grant writing capacity. The >cost is only $30 for CLC members and $90 for >non-members, with $60 applicable to a CLC >membership, upon approval. Be sure to let your >colleagues know about this opportunity, but be >warned: space is limited to the first 30 >participants so be sure to enroll early. As a >bonus for earlybird enrolment, the CLC is >offering $5 off if you book before June 8th. >Please RSVP Sean Corcoran at the CLC: >sean at or by calling (877) 964-1364. > >Hope to see you in Vancouver! > >James Rolfe & Micheline Roi >Executive Council, Canadian League of Composers -- Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community c/o Dept. de Musique, Universit? Concordia RF-302 7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montr?al QC CANADA H4B 1R6 [ | | ] From jef at Tue Jun 5 18:32:11 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 00:32:11 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] REMINDER: ISCM 2008 Canadian Section Call [deadline 15-vi-07] Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mikamartini at Wed Jun 6 00:24:47 2007 From: mikamartini at (pueblo nuevo netlabel) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 00:24:47 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] difusion||pueblonuevo||05.06.07|| Message-ID: <> noticias || news || pueblo nuevo netlabel || || difusion 05.06.07 || >> ultimos lanzamientos / last releases >> novedades / news >> cartelera de presentaciones en vivo / live_acts >> sitios recomendados / recommended "Lo malo mio fue ser idolo en este pais chato y gris". Martin Vargas. Hola Microsound De vuelta ya en nuestro reducto santiaguino y sudamericano, nos encontramos nuevamente listos y dispuestos a enfrentar la dificil realidad del hacer cultura en Chile, fenomeno que es comun en general a todos los paises del barrio. Ustedes que reciben esta informacion en sus casillas de correo, retransmitanla, difundanla... exploren, dejense llevar por la curiosidad, pasen el dato por ultimo. Sabemos que talvez lo que hacemos no solucione ninguno de los apremiantes problemas que aquejan a nuestras comunidades, pero al menos, no nos quedamos mirando desde la vereda... Mientras preparamos los proximos lanzamientos, aqui va un cumulo de noticias y novedades. >> ultimos lanzamientos / last releases 22.05.2007 [pn016] truncado ep idm, glitch. insecto [cl] 12.04.2007 Musica Chilena de Raiz Electronica (Dicap) minimal, idm, experimental, electroacustica, etc. compilacion [cl] 12.03.2007 [pn015] cumbia bichera ep + remixes m?nimal, idm, experimental, cumbia, reggeaton. el remolon [ar] 27.02.2007 [pn014] mestizo minimal andino, glitch, experimental. mika martini [cl] >> novedades / news 31.05.2007 Especial sobre netlabels mexicanos en el programa "Sala de Maquinas". Programa emitido por la Radio Valentin Letelier de Valparaiso. Conducido por Javier Moraga. Invitada especial: Alisu. Para escuchar, click aqui: 31.05.2007 Netlabel Impar en super45. Lee la entrevista/cuestionario, respondido por Hans Carstens, aqui. 29.05.2007 Colectivo TROYANO en gira por Norte, Centro y Sud America. Los chicos del colectivo (Ignacio Nieto, Italo Tello y Ricardo Vega), estan presentando el libro "Instalando; Arte y Cultura Digital". Mika Martini participo en charla online realizada en la Universidad de San Diego, CA., comentando la experiencia de la plataforma "Pueblo Nuevo". Mas informacion y edicion PDF del libro para bajar, aqui: 29.05.2007 Hans Carstens en compilado de netlabel Sonic Walker. Hans Carstens, con el tema "En un mar carcelario", editado en "Memorias de un calabozo" [pueblo nuevo, pn006], participa en el compilado "De Recoleta a Puerto Madero [swm023]", del netlabel Sonic Walker. Baja el compilado aqui: 28.05.2007 Comentario del disco "Mestizo" [Mika Martini / pn014], en revista Blank_Out. Lee el comentario aqui: 28.05.2007 Manziping e Insecto participan en compilado "Histeresis", editado por Filtro Netlabel. El imprescindible netlabel mexicano Filtro esta de vuelta: "Llegamos a nuestro lanzamiento numero veinte de una manera parecida a nuestro inicio como sello: planteando una panoramica del estado de las cosas en la electronica minimalista y glitchy producida de manera independiente". Baja el compilado aqui: 27.05.2007 Curso de Reaktor por Daniel Nieto (Danieto). Toda la info aqui: 14.05.2007 Pueblo Nuevo adhiere al Manifiesto de la Cultura por la No Exclusion. Lee el manifiesto y los adherentes al 14 de mayo, pinchando aqui. 13.05.2007 "Los Cerros" de Normaldis, incluidos en emision radial de Furthernoise BCFM. Este track esta incluido en la compilacion "Pueblo Nuevo Primer Aniversario [pn010]", y fue cedido por Normaldis de su disco debut para ser distribuido gratuitamente por Pueblo Nuevo. Para escuchar o bajar el programa, click aqui: 09.05.2007 Reportaje "Derechos no Reservados", en 09.05.2007 Comentario disco "Musica Chilena de Raiz Electronica" (DICAP/Pueblo Nuevo), en 09.05.2007 Comentario disco "Fotogramas" de Alisu (impar), en 07.05.2007 "Ravel" de Djef, presente en CD "Caminando Sobre Nubes". El track, publicado originalmente en el disco "soft white ep" [pn002], ha sido incluido en un compilado de bandas americanas, editado y distribuido gratuitamente por la revista peruana "Freak Out": Ya viene: En vivo: Zbigniew Karkowski en Santiago, Chile. (Julio 2007) Ya viene: Festival Internacional de Musica Electroacustica de Santiago - Aimaako 2007. (octubre 2007) Ya vienen: Nuestro proximos lanzamientos seran sendas reediciones online de dos muy interesantes cds, aparecidos hace un par de a?os: "Son Ido" de Jose Perez de Arce [Chimuchina Records 2002 / pn017] y "En Memoria" de Mankacen [Crisis Records 2003 / pn018], este ultimo una reedicion conmemorativa por el 99? aniversario del natalicio de Salvador Allende. Y mas adelante, la diversidad seguira con "Guorx" de TEC (Rodrigo Castro) y "Pajamolia", de Soviet, el primer disco de Hip-Hop editado por Pueblo Nuevo... >> cartelera de presentaciones en vivo / live_acts Viernes 8 de Junio Primer encuentro cultural dial77 Djef & Karenn + Mika Martini + m?sica + arte... En este Primer Encuentro Artistico-Cultural organizado por la estacion virtual Dial77, se daran cita un sinnumero de artistas, agrupaciones y organizaciones que nos deleitaran con sus expresiones. ver mas info >> Desde las 20:00 y hasta las 02:00 en Carmen 340 (ex pe?a de los Parra). entrada liberada. Santiago, Chile. Viernes 8 de Junio Pueblo Nuevo showcase en Festival Urbandance Estaremos presentes en el Escenario "Liquid Lounge", con el siguente Line-Up: 22:00 Sokio (Live!) / Pueblo Nuevo 22:45 Mika Martini (Live!) / Pueblo Nuevo 23:30 Djef + Karenn (Live!) / Pueblo Nuevo 00:15 Freddy Musri (Live!) / Pueblo Nuevo 01:00 Franko & Stephanie / Love00 02:30 Andres Bucci (Chord) versus Vicente Sanfuentes (Original Hamster). Teatro Caupolican, San Diego 850 (entre Av. Matta y Copiap?). 22:00 a 01:00 hrs. Toda la info en: Santiago, Chile. Sabado 16 de Junio Lanzamiento "Truncado ep" Tocata de lanzamiento del disco de Insecto. ver flyer >> Centro de produccion "Vuelo ahora", Infante 750, 23:00 hrs. $2.500 c/cover. La Serena, Chile. >> sitios recomendados / recommended [cl] [cl] [ar] [mx] [mx] [mx] [cl] [us] [us] Hasta la proxima, saludos! Mika Martini & Pueblo Nuevo Crew para mas informacion visita / more info visit: From philippe-petit at Wed Jun 6 09:12:39 2007 From: philippe-petit at (Philippe Petit) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 15:12:39 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] BiP_HOp Generation Radio show ::: May 2007 Playlist In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> BiP_HOp Generation on Radio Grenouille // 88.8 FM Wednesday evenings : 19:00 - 20:30 PM // Marseille // France April 2007 Playlist ARTIST ALBUM label Spaceheads & Max Eastley : a very long way from anywhere else [BiP_HOp] Helen Money : s/t (Cellobird) Kammerflimmer Kollektief : jinx (Staubgold) Neurosis : given to the rising (Neurot) Efterklang : under giant trees (Leaf) ?Alos : ricordi indelibili (Bar La Muerte) Apparat : walls (Shitkatapult) P.V.T.V. : wing-chester (Off) John Wiese : magical crystal blah (Kitty Play) Tarwater: spider smile (Morr) VA. La Grande Illusion (Staubgold) Blaine L. Reininger : glossolalia (Off) Alessandro Bossetti : expos? (Die Schachtel) Andrey Kiritchenko : stuffed with/out (Nexsound) RM 74 : fireproof in 8 parts (Hinterzimmer) Yellow 6 : painted sky (Resonant) Twilight Sad : 14 autumns & 15 winters (FatCat) Artanker Convoy : cozy endings (The Social Registry) Bachi Da Pietra : non io (Die Schachtel) Pjusk : sart (12K) This Is Pop : s/t (Lollipop) Walk With The Penguin : steal a spoon for you (Amorfon) Seth Nehil/Jgrzinich : stria (Erewhon) Piana : eternal castle (Noble) M. Holterbach : aare am marzilibad (Erewhon) Zavoloka vs. Kotra : to kill the tiny groovy cat (Nexsound) Montag : going places (Carpark) Josh Hydeman : can read your mind (Kitty Play) Ginormous : the endless procession (Hymen) Sinner DC : montage (Ai) Khan : who never rests Tomlab) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From murmer at Wed Jun 6 14:43:22 2007 From: murmer at (. m u r m e r .) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 20:43:22 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 06.06.07 Message-ID: <099001c7a86a$9204db20$0202a8c0@murmer> framework broadcasts wednesdays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on from 1-2pm gmt next broadcast: 13.06.07 ~ time zone converter: ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: framework is supported by soundtransit: RESONANCEFM WILL SHUT ITS DOORS PERMANENTLY UNLESS WE CAN RAISE ?60,000 BY THE END OF AUGUST. IF YOU VALUE OUR PROGRAMMING, PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE BY MAKING A DONATION: HTTP://WWW.RESONANCEFM.COM. NOW IS THE TIME. THANK YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley some of you may have noticed that this edition didn't actually air at the appropriate time in the appropriate place on your fm dial - there were some technical difficulties at the studio. but not to worry, you haven't missed your chance, as this show will now be available, as is every edition, for streaming and podcasting for the next seven days! so now's your chance to make that virtual leap - isn't the internet wonderful? it was probably my punishment for engaging in some blatant self-promotion, in the form of airing not one, but both sides of my own shiny new 7" vinyl record on germany's drone records, entitled 'in their homes and in their heads'. it features heavily treated sound sources from a parisien apartment and a londonien secret garden, as well as a package with handmade paper (made by these very hands!) containing a smorgasbord of pulped personal items (including a summer's worth of hair, if you must know, and yes, only from my head). so if that was my punishment, now i'm really doomed... we also heard the 3rd of 4 tracks from the social interiors album 'spatial circumference', a solo yann novak work composed from the sounds of fans inflating 2 transparent vinyl houses (!), a sampling of the multiartist (ben owen, gill arno, andre goncalves, andy graydon, richard garet, and gil sanson) scored experiment that is ea, and another short recording from the french sound magazine sonatura. and one more time: framework's stock of listener provided introductions is running low! if you enjoy the show, please consider contributing by recording your very own framework introduction - frame and fortune will follow! find guidelines below in this mail, or on our website. again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series. send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! framework bp17 27910 perruel france framework at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.06.07 (this edition will be available online until 13.06.07) (start - finish / artist / title / album / label) 00:00 - 03:33 / elizabeth lewin / framework intro elewin at 01:37 - 09:39 / murmer / in his home / in their homes and in their heads / drone records, 07:48 - 23:30 / yann novak / [excerpt 1] / intermission / dragon's eye 16:08 - 36:49 / social interiors / things change things remain the same / spatial circumference / endgame 26:44 - 44:41 / ea / [excerpt] / balancing act with controlled dynamics / winds measure 41:49 - 49:52 / murmer / in her head / in their homes and in their heads / drone records, 46:56 - 59:03 / yann novak / [excerpt 2] / intermission / dragon's eye 58:27 - 59:30 / jean chevallier / pipistrelle commune / sonatura [compilation] / sonatura -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework intro submissions: 1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice 2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you - 3) read the following text: welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition. field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! 4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking 5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jef at Wed Jun 6 15:27:19 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 21:27:19 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium Message-ID: [English follows] -- Symposium ?lectroacoustique 2007 de Toronto 9 et 10 ao?t 2007, Facult? de musique, universit? de Toronto, Toronto, Canada APPEL ? COMMUNICATIONS ET PR?SENTATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- La Communaut? ?lectroacoustique Canadienne, la Facult? de musique de l'universit? de Toronto et "New Adventures in Sound Art" sont heureux d'annoncer les dates du Symposium ?lectroacoustique 2007 de Toronto. Le Symposium se tiendra ? la Facult? de musique de l'universit? de Toronto, les 9 et 10 ao?t 2007, ce qui en fait un pr?lude id?al pour la principale fin de semaine de performances du festival annuel "Sound Travels", sur l'?le de Toronto. On pourra entendre entre autres, lors de ces concerts, des oeuvres de Barry Truax et de Trevor Wishart, dont la pi?ce "Angel", une commande de New Adventures in Sound Art. Nous accueillons vos propositions pour des communications ou des d?monstrations techniques d'une dur?e de 20 minutes. Id?alement, ces pr?sentations seraient le fait de compositeurs ou artistes audio, et auraient pour objet des techniques ou des processus compositionnels personnels ou originaux. Cela dit, toutes les propositions reli?es de pr?s ou de loin ? la musique ?lectroacoustique sont les bienvenues. Il va de soi que l'ensemble du Symposium sera couvert par une ?dition du journal en ligne de la CEC, eContact!. Les propositions, d'une page en format PDF, doivent ?tre envoy?es au responsable des conf?rences, David Ogborn, ? l'adresse , au plus tard le 25 juin 2007, ? minuit. Veuillez sp?cifier dans votre r?sum?, s'il y a lieu, quels sont les ?quipements audio-visuels dont vous auriez besoin : le comit? d'organisation tentera de vous accommoder au meilleur de ses possibilit?s. Mises ? part les communications retenues par le comit? de s?lection, le symposium pr?sentera les conf?rences de Barry Truax et de Trevor Wishart, compositeurs en r?sidence du festival "Sound Travels". En fin de soir?e, un ?v?nement anim? par le groupe sera l'occasion d'improvisations ?lectroniques "? micro ouvert". COMIT? D'ORGANISATION DU SYMPOSIUM David Ogborn (Communaut? ?lectroacoustique Canadienne), responsable Dennis Patrick (Universit? de Toronto) Nadene Th?riault-Copeland ("New Adventures in Sound Art") DATES IMPORTANTES Date limite pour la r?ception des propositions : 25 juin 2007, ? minuit D?cision du comit? : 30 juin 2007 Symposium : 9 et 10 ao?t 2007 Concerts "Sound Travels" : du 10 au 12 ao?t 2007 LIENS UTILES University of Toronto, Faculty of Music New Adventures in Sound Art Canadian Electroacoustic Community eContact! ================================================== ================================================== Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2007 9-10 August 2007 University of Toronto, Faculty of Music Toronto, Canada CALL FOR PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canadian Electroacoustic Community, the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto and New Adventures in Sound Art are pleased to announce the dates for the 2007 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium. The symposium will take place at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, 9-10 August 2007, and will lead directly into the main performance weekend of the annual Sound Travels festival on Toronto Island. These concerts will include works by Barry Truax and Trevor Wishart amongst others and will feature a world premiere of Wishart's "Angel", commissioned by New Adventures in Sound Art. At this time we are inviting proposals for 20 minute papers or technical demonstrations. Although we are especially interested in submissions from composers/sound artists detailing personal and original elements of their compositional process and electronic techniques, proposals related to any aspect of electroacoustic music (broadly conceived) are welcome. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in a forthcoming issue of the CEC's online journal, eContact!. One-page abstracts in PDF format should be sent to the conference committee chair, David Ogborn , on or before the deadline of midnight, 25th June 2007. Notification of acceptance will be given by the 30th of June 2007. Please outline any audio-visual equipment requirements in your abstract - the symposium committee will endeavour to accommodate any audio-visual equipment requests outlined in the submitted abstracts. Alongside a selection of refereed papers and presentations, the symposium will feature keynote lectures by Sound Travels' composers-in-residence Barry Truax and Trevor Wishart. A late-night event hosted by the group will provide a space for live electronic and improvised expressions in an "open-mic" format. SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE David Ogborn (Canadian Electroacoustic Community), Chair Dennis Patrick (University of Toronto) Nadene Th?riault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art) IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for papers and presentations: midnight 25 June 2007 Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2007 Symposium: 9-10 August 2007 Sound Travels concerts: 10-12 August 2007 LINKS University of Toronto, Facult? de musique New Adventures in Sound Art Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne eContact! -- Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community c/o Dept. de Musique, Universit? Concordia RF-302 7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montr?al QC CANADA H4B 1R6 [ | | ] From icraigepps at Wed Jun 6 18:49:53 2007 From: icraigepps at (ianepps) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 18:49:53 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] FLOW @ Diapason Gallery 6.8.07 Message-ID: <008301c7a88d$0bfacf30$8802a8c0@electronisch> FLOW @ Diapason Gallery 9 PM Friday, June 8, 2007 $7 Experimenting with noise, sound, and image...FLOW brings you closer to the edge of dreams than you would normally find yourself. FLOW provides you with continual sound and vision with stimulating textures and rapid eye movements leaving you craving more. Come and watch the sound/visual experiences of these 4 acts as they navigate their way through the rapidly shifting textures of mind and creation! 1. Ian Epps and Blithe Riley 2. Jason Ajemian 3. Corridors 4. Red Chair Ian Epps : a Sonic/Visual Artist, was born in Lakenheath, UK in 1977. He received his BFA from Alfred University, in 1999. His sound explorations are deeply invested in a fascination with how an object speaks, utters, and dissolves itself within its given surroundings. Through this, he treats sounds as building blocks. The blocks become pieces of information that synthesize space. Each block speaks, sings,and erodes, but together sound out the warmth and infinitely complex nature of impermanence. His work has been exhibited in the Walker Art Center, Lovebytes Biennial (Sheffield, UK), Garage Projects (Atlanta, GA), A.I.R. Gallery (NY, NY), EYEDRUM (Atlanta, GA), and SIGGRAPH2004 (Los Angeles, CA). He has performed alongside and in collaboration with Rafael Toral, Andrew Deutsch and Pauline Oliveros, Ogurusu Norihide, Kenneth Kirschner, Mountains, Takeshi Mitsuhashi, Richard Devine, EVOL, Dave Gross and Liz Tonne, Joe McPhee, and collectively with Dan Walsh, and Jason Forrest aka Donna Summer under the name "the Computers". Epps's recent releases can be found on SoftL Music, Grain of Sound, Powershovel Audio, On;(do), and Seasonal further information: Blithe Riley : is a Brooklyn-based artist working with video, performance and installation. Incisive and uncomfortable, her works reveal us to ourselves and turn the audience-performer relationship on its head. Her work combines narrative elements with systemic based structures. Recent projects have explored the operations of spectatorship in various contexts, and use video to address the constructs of perception. Her work has been screened nationally and internationally at venues such as the Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center in Buffalo, NY, Roulette Performance Series, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's 125 Maiden Lane Space in New York City, Pittsburgh Filmmakers, The Warhol Museum, and Regina Miller Gallery, in Pittsburgh, PA. Jason Ajemian : is a double bassist and composer living in Chicago. He moved to Chicago in the fall of 2000 after receiving a Bachelors Degree in Music from William Paterson University. There he studied with bassist Rufus Reid and composer Kevin Norton. By 2003 many of his collectives for composing and performing began to get international recognition, which has taken him throughout Europe, Canada and the US to perform. The end of 2006 and early 2007 holds new releases from: Daydream Full Lifestyles, Who Cares How Long You Sink (Sundmagi), Dragons 1976 (Multikulti), A Cushicle, Lay All Over It, The Exploding Star Orchestra (Thrill Jockey) and The Chicago Underground Trio (Delmark). Corridors : Byron Westbrook is a composer/sound artist living in Brooklyn, NY. His work involves performance of processed instrumental and environmental recordings through a multi-channel environment with a focus on redistributing distilled energy of sound and light. In solo performances under the name CORRIDORS, a system of multiple amplifiers is used in conjunction with PA speakers to create a dynamic space within a space using sound and video projection. He has also collaborated with Rhys Chatham in the drone metal group Essentialist (Table of the Elements), as well as performed in Phill Niblock, Chatham, Glenn Branca and Jonathan Kane's ensembles. This performance will present a piece for live guitar feedback and voice. Red Chair : is Jeremy Slater and Patrick Todd Jeremy Slater : Otherwise known as ( ), is an aritst who works with video and sound in performance and installation settings. He was one of the 1999 recipients of the Computer Art Fellowship from New York Foundation of the Arts (NYFA) and has exhibited and performed nationally and internationally. Patrick Todd : Exploring the outer realms of manufacturing noise production through digital interface, Patrick Todd will bring us his raw sound in what will prove to be an electrifying evening of excessive/compulsive distortions and feedback. ( ) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thanielionlee at Wed Jun 6 19:58:30 2007 From: thanielionlee at (Thaniel Lee) Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 19:58:30 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] To whom it may concern...artist seeks work Message-ID: <> To whom it may concern My name is thaniel ion lee, I am an artist from new albany indiana, and I am currently seeking work doing either cd covers or flyers. I was educated at indiana university, and I have done work for keenan lawler [music fellowship/xeric], I have taught for VSA indiana and, I have designed logos for the digital resource center based out of southern indiana., and others. My art can be seen at I have very competitive rates and will try to work with in your budget -t -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jef at Wed Jun 6 18:21:23 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 00:21:23 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Fwd: Re: remix [symposium 070728] Message-ID: The DeGeM invites submissions to participate in the Re-mix project. An all-day (11-24h00) performance over the internet; participants are assigned "timeslots" and are to use the DEGEM-CD "90 Sekunden Wirklichkeit" as a basis for their contribution. Everything will be mixed live in Munich at DeGeM website (English, but the project is only in German): Contact: Frank Niehusmann -- >From: DEGEM / Frank Niehusmann >Subject: Re: remix >Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 18:42:56 +0200 >To: CEC jef chippewa > > >Internet-Netzwerk-Konzert & WebRadio Live-Stream >Im Rahmen des DEGEM-Symposiums: "Remix-Re?" > >Beim DEGEM-Symposium "Remix-Re?" am Samstag, den >28.Juli wird der Software-Entwickler Dr. J?rg >Stelkens (M?nchen) seine Software "tube-Plug" >vorstellen. >[ Die Software: ] > >Mit dieser Software soll w?hrend des Symposiums >ein Internet-Netzwerk-Konzert stattfinden, bei >dem alle Komponisten, Remixer, Musiker >teilnehmen k?nnen, die sich zuvor mit der >(kostenlosen!) Software "tube-Plug" vertraut >gemacht haben. >[ Anmeldung erforderlich: Frank Niehusmann = info at ] > >W?hrend dieses ganzt?gigen non-stop-Konzertes >sollen die weltweit verteilten Mitwirkenden von >ihren Computern live zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten >ihre individuellen Remixes der legend?ren >DEGEM-CD "90 Sekunden Wirklichkeit" ins Netz >einspielen und dort live mit anderen Teilnehmern >dieses Netzwerkes zu immer neuen >Interpretationen und Mischungen des >Originalmaterials finden. >[ Die CD: ] > >Dieser einmalige non-stop Internet-Remix wird >w?hrend des Symposiums mehrfach live auf der >Tonanlage der "t-u-b-e" in M?nchen h?rbar >gemacht und live im "DEGEM-WebRadio @ ZKM" >weltweit zu h?ren sein. Das WebRadio ist eine >Kooperation der DEGEM mit dem ZKM Zentrum f?r >Kunst und Medientechnologie (Institut f?r Musik >und Akustik). >[ Das Webradio: ] >[ Das ZKM-Institut: ] > >Das Symposium "Remix - Re?" ist als ganzt?giges Ereignis (11-24 Uhr) geplant. >Eindrucksvoller Ort des Geschehens wird die M?nchener "t-u-b-e" sein: >[ ] > >Kontakt: >Frank Niehusmann >[ info at ] >[ ] >DEGEM - Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Elektroakustische Musik e.V. >(German Association for Electroacoustic Music) >---------------- >Email: info at >Webseite: >DEGEM WebRadio @ ZKM: > >================ -- Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community c/o Dept. de Musique, Universit? Concordia RF-302 7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montr?al QC CANADA H4B 1R6 [ | | ] From moltrecht at Thu Jun 7 06:20:13 2007 From: moltrecht at (Elke Moltrecht) Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 12:20:13 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] DAEVID ALLEN + HUGH HOPPER + CHRIS CUTLER @ Ballhaus Naunyn Message-ID: <73ee01c7a8ed$82acb2a0$907ba8c0@Ballhaus> 10.06.07 21 h BRAINVILLE 3 Daevid Allen (GONG) Gitarre, Vocals Hugh Hopper (SOFT MACHINE) Bass Chris Cutler (HENRY COW) Schlagzeug, Perkussion Eintritt 10,-? Das Konzert findet im Rahmen des Projekts - "Sound of Cities" statt. Mit freundlicher Unterst?tzung von: "Magix" - "Staubgold" - "Gallery 24" - "Druckerei Gl?ser" - http://www.druckerei-gl? ___________________________________ Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur BALLHAUS NAUNYN Naunynstra?e 27 10997 Berlin infos: +49 (0)30 3474 598 45 fax: +49 (0)30 3474 598 55 tickets: 030-3 47 45 98 44 info at From bruce at Thu Jun 7 09:37:58 2007 From: bruce at (Bruce Tovsky) Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 09:37:58 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] =?iso-8859-1?q?Underpass_K=F8benhavn?= Message-ID: UNDERPASS | K?BENHAVN June 5 - 15 PLEX MUSIKTEATRE Kronprinsensgade 7 K?benhavn Denmark I am pleased to announce that after a very successful and rewarding series of performances in the EU the prestigious and innovative theatre complex PLEX in K?benhavn is presenting UNDERPASS | K?BENHAVN as a continuously running installation in their lobby exhibition space through June 15. The K?benhavn performance features the stellar contributions of three of Denmarks best improvisors: Emil de Waal (percussion + laptop), Gustaf Ljunggren (guitar + lapsteel + mandolin) and S?ren Kjaergaard (piano). If you are in K?benhavn please drop by and check it out. As a teaser, here are links to two post-performance improvisations we did as an encore: cheers bruce From vibri at Fri Jun 8 08:49:43 2007 From: vibri at (| || |||| || |||) Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 09:49:43 -0300 Subject: [Microsound-announce] ---> end of eurolatino tour Message-ID: <001101c7a9ce$b8113100$2401a8c0@tsukiko> .StartOfMessage \|/ ?`?.??.???`?.??.????`?? | | ----- Original Message ----- ---> end of tour last week in europe! ~ ~ ~ divendres/viernes/friday/venerdi 08-06-07 - 20.30 hs modular at uy carolina carr?n, pablo casacuberta, alfredo ghierra, andrea arobba, brian mackern, fernando lagreca. niu bcn almog?vers 208 - barcelona + info: ~ ~ ~ dissabte/s?bado/saturday/sabato 09-06-07 - 19.00 hs mostra de cultura digital i electr?nica . espai coopcorp tape, yes robot, fernando lagreca && brian mackern, etc. sala del cel - girona + info: ~ ~ ~ dissabte/s?bado/saturday/sabato 16-06-07 - 10.30 pm. Peam2007.Event directly from [.UY] 1> Brian Mackern soundtoys concert! (((? living stereo ?)) cd-rom in concert mode 2> Fernando Lagreca LIVE!---> Colpe di Sole && New Songs [visuals by Brian Mackern] 3> Andrea Gabriele DJset art direction: ecoteca via caboto, 19, pescara / it. + info: ~ ~ ~ info: Fernando Lagreca: Brian Mackern: ~ ~ ~ .EndOfMessage \|/ ?`?.??.???`?.??.????`?? | | ----- Original Message ----- From owen at Fri Jun 8 05:01:14 2007 From: owen at (Owen Green) Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 10:01:14 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Kresch and GungWho, Meadow Bar, Edinburgh, 13th June Message-ID: <> A night of improvised ear fodder: Wednesday, 13th June Kresch and GungWho (in various combinations) Meadow Bar (upstairs) 42-44 Buccleuch Street Edinburgh EH8 9LP 8-10pm Doors 7pm Entry ?3 /?2 concs Kresch are Paul Keene and Dave Murray-Rust GungWho is Owen Green From roger at Sat Jun 9 06:29:48 2007 From: roger at (Roger Mills) Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 11:29:48 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Furthernoise Playlist 24/04/07 Message-ID: <> Furthernoise on BCfm - Alternate Tuesday nights 10 -11 pm BST (+ 1GMT) BCFM 93.2 - Bristol, UK. See for your own location time. Online Stream - Podcast available at Playlist 24/04/07 (next program 19th June) Track Title Artist Label 1 The BBC Have Their Say Ergo Phizmiz Womb Records 2 In Case Of Fire Gail Priest Metal Bitch 3 Tripartite Collision Bill Thompson State Sanctioned Recordings 4 Excerpt 1 claudio parodi Extreme 5 Bangkok Bingo Bernhard Wagner Burning Shed 6 Language Josh Goldman Independant CDr 7 Lonely Drive Crowded Street Matt Weston 7272 Music 8 In The Zone Limbo Astral Recordings 9 Track 2 Dsic LF Records 10 Benadrilled & Taking On Water Blevin Blectum Praemedia 11 The Fall By Peel Pete Nidzgorski 12 Fledermaus Can't Get It Von S?denfed Domino Recording Co. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 972 bytes Desc: not available Url : From jef at Sun Jun 10 10:23:05 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 16:23:05 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] REMINDER: ISCM 2008 Canadian Section Call [deadline 15-vi-07] Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bruce at Mon Jun 11 12:42:37 2007 From: bruce at (Bruce Tovsky) Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:42:37 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Tovsky+Garet ar IPR Message-ID: hi everyone a reminder: richard garet and i are doing a rare duo performance using the 16 channel speaker matrix designed and choreographed by sound artist stephan moore. this will be our last performance in the old issue project room space, stay tuned for info on the new, improved ipr. Saturday, June 16 Issue Project Room bruce tovsky + richard garet + stephan moore tim hecker BRUCE TOVSKY: laptop, induction mics, theremin, kalimba, ukelele, contact mics RICHARD GARET: laptop TIM HECKER: solo drone, noise and contorted harmonics RADIUS: Sound artists Bruce Tovsky and Richard Garet do a rare duo sound performance on the hemispheric speaker installation in tribute to Issue's final days on the Gowanus canal. Bruce Tovsky is a visual/sound artist, who began painting at the age of 7 and started playing with tape recorders at the age of 10. Ever since then he has been figuring out ways of putting sound and pictures together. For the past several years, he has been creating live video and sound improvisations with artists such as John Hudak, David Linton and Kim Cascone at spaces such as Diapason, Experimental Intermedia, Issue Project Room and his own installation space 106BLDG30 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Richard Garet is a sound artist, a video artist, and a painter. He's interested in the phenomena found and produced in aural and visual time-based media, in nature's processes, and the observation of the relationships between nature and human beings. Though Garet's work suits the standard gallery environment, many of his other activities as an artist explore the various practices of experimental sound and video performance. All of these modes are additional examinations of the ways in which Garet's work exposes the visitors to visual and physical acoustic sensory perception. Tim Hecker is a Canadian-based musician and sound artist, born in Vancouver. Since 1996, he has produced a range of audio works for Mille Plateaux, Kranky, Alien8, Force Inc, Staalplaat and Fat Cat. His works have been described as "structured ambient", "tectonic color plates" and "cathedral electronic music". More to the point, he has focused on exploring the intersection of noise, dissonance and melody, fostering an approach to songcraft that is both physical and emotive. The New York Times has described his work as "foreboding, abstract pieces in which static and sub-bass rumbles open up around slow moving notes and chords, like fissures in the earth waiting to swallow them whole". His Radio Amor was recognized as a key recording of 2003 by Wire magazine. Last year's "Harmony in Ultraviolet" on Kranky, was in the top 20 of Pitchfork's best of 2006. His work has also included commissions for contemporary dance, sound-art installations and various writings. He is also an acclaimed producer of techno, having toured and produced under the name Jetone. Tim has presented his work in a live setting around the world, including performances at Sonar (Barcelona), Mutek (Montreal), Impakt Festival (Utrecht), Victoriaville in (Quebec), IDEAL (Nantes), Vancouver New Music Festival (Vancouver) and Transmediale (Berlin). He currently resides in Montreal. 8:00 p.m.; $10 Directions Brooklyn-bound F / G trains to Carroll St. 2.5 blocks from stop (between Bond & Nevins) 15 minutes from 2nd Ave. F stop 10 minutes from Metropolitan Ave. G stop Brooklyn-bound R train to Union St. Walk 3 blocks west; left onto Nevins; right onto Carroll From ampalias at Tue Jun 12 16:50:53 2007 From: ampalias at (Steffan De Turck) Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 13:50:53 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] TOFT/ERIKSEN/UTARM hit the Netherlands, this weekend! In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> 15.06.2007: STAPLERFAHRER STEN OVE TOFT UTARM JON ERIKSEN THE MELDY PEACHES Doors: 21:00 hrs, damage: 5 euro 013, Tilburg Veemarktstraat 44, 5038 CV + 16.06.2007: STEN OVE TOFT UTARM JON ERIKSEN THE JIM MORRISONS MACHINIST & INDUSTRIAL PASSAGE Doors: 21:00 hrs, damage: 6 euro Worm, Rotterdam Achterhaven 148, 3024 RC + 17.06.2007 STEN OVE TOFT UTARM JON ERIKSEN Doors: 18:00 hrs, damage: ? euro, but incl. diner! De Garage, Den Haag Zuidwal 52B ___________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it now. From mikamartini at Tue Jun 12 23:21:26 2007 From: mikamartini at (pueblo nuevo netlabel) Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:21:26 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] son-ido||newrelease||pueblonuevo||12.06.07|| Message-ID: <> new release || nuevo lanzamiento || pn017 || difusion 12.06.07 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Microsound (spanish version, please scroll down): Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel proudly presents "Son Ido (re-edition)", from chilean sono-archaeologist and musician, Jose Perez de Arce. In 2002, Jose Perez de Arce released "Son ido" (Chimuchina Records), an album filled with recordings made all along our country, calling our attention towards sounds that are disappearing from our planet: Selk?nam songs, kawesqar songs, four-eyed frogs, nazca antaras, woodpeckers, Isluga trompe, voices, tales, yamana songs, mosquitos, streams, all of them flowing into a beautiful sonic landscape. "Listening to this record became a turning point in my music, which derived in working using chilean native sounds and setting up Pueblo Nuevo Net-label. That's the reason why re-releasing this work on the internet is a real dream come true". (Mika Martini). Track List (non-stop): selk'nam de Tierra del Fuego / antara Nazca / sapito cuatrojos / kawesqar de los canales australes / viento / trompe de Isluga / pajaritos / yamana de Cabo de Hornos / lakitas de Tarapaca / ag?ita de cordillera / mosquitas 01. Track 1 [14:40] 02. Track 2 [06:00] 03. Track 3 [38:52] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 59:32 min / 86,8 MB (all tracks + cd covers zip): ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles: sonic art, ethnic, experimental. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Download for free "Son Ido" (re-edition) at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Release: "[pn017] Son Ido" (re-edition) / 06.2007 Copyright: Licensed to the public under Creative Commons: Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike - 3.0 Produced and edited by: Jose Perez de Arce at non-floating Chimuchina Records studio. 2002 / Santiago, Chile. jperezdearce at Original Artwork by Carlos Mu?oz. Reedition design: Mika Martini. English version: Gerardo Figueroa. (many thanks GFR!) Visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------- cd cover thumbnail > ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola Microsound : Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel se complace en presentar "Son Ido", del sono- arqueologo y musico chileno Jose Perez de Arce. Con grabaciones realizadas a lo largo de Chile, Jose Perez de Arce edita el a?o 2002 el disco "Son ido" (Chimuchina Records), haciendo un llamado de atencion sobre los sonidos que estan desapareciendo del planeta. Cantos selk?nam, cantos kawesqar, sapitos cuatro ojos, antaras nasca, pajaros carpinteros, trompe de Isluga, voces, relatos, cantos yamanas, mosquitas, arroyos, todo confluye en una hermosa edicion sonora. "La escucha de este disco marco un punto de inflexion importante en el desarrollo de mi carrera musical, la que posteriormente se deriva en mi trabajo con sonoridades etnicas chilenas y, tambien, en la creacion de Pueblo Nuevo. Por ello, reeditar y dejar disponible en nuestro catalogo este trabajo de Jose Perez de Arce, es un anhelado deseo que llega a feliz termino". (Mika Martini). Track List (continuos): selk'nam de Tierra del Fuego / antara Nazca / sapito cuatrojos / kawesqar de los canales australes / viento / trompe de Isluga / pajaritos / yamana de Cabo de Hornos / lakitas de Tarapaca / ag?ita de cordillera / mosquitas 01. Track 1 [14:40] 02. Track 2 [06:00] 03. Track 3 [38:52] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 59:32 min / 86,8 MB (all tracks + cd covers zip): ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Estilo: arte sonoro, musica etnica, experimental. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baja gratuitamente "Son Ido" (re-edicion) en: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Informacion: Release: "[pn017] Son Ido" (re-edicion) / 06.2007 Copyright: Licenciado para el publico bajo Creative Commons: Reconocimiento - No Comercial - Compartir Igual - 3.0 Producido y editado por: Jose Perez de Arce en los estudios no flotantes de Chimuchina Records. 2002 / Santiago, Chile. jperezdearce at Dise?o grafico original por Carlos Mu?oz. Dise?o reedicion: Mika Martini Version en ingles: Gerardo Figueroa (muchas gracias GFR!). Visita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Para ver cartelera completa de presentaciones y Live_Act visita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hasta la proxima, saludos! Mika Martini & Pueblo Nuevo Crew para mas informacion visita / more info visit: Si no quieres recibir mas info responde NO+ From richard at Wed Jun 13 06:52:49 2007 From: richard at (Richard Whitelaw) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:52:49 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Sonic Arts Expo Plymouth 22-25 June 2007 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Sonic Arts Network and i-DAT present... EXPO PLYMOUTH Fri 22 June ? Mon 25 June 2007 This year Expo makes a landfall in Plymouth and occupies the extraordinary historic and public spaces of the city. Join us for a packed weekend of events including installations, sonic-ferry tours, performances, exhibitions, film-screenings, happenings, a large-scale sonic picnic, workshops and gigs in spectacular sites across Plymouth. Featuring the work of over 60 Artists including: Evan Parker & Behaviour, Louise K Wilson, Semiconductor, Portable, Jane Edden, Patrizia Paolini and Adam Bohman, Icarus, Francis Dhomont, Tom Bugs & Hilary Jeffery, Halal Kebab Hut, Mikhail Karikis, The Splicegirls, Oscillatorial Binnage, Semorphonic Orchestra, The Sunmaids, Leigh Landy, Vatican X-Ray Department, Snorchestra, Le Couteau Jaune and many more... ALL EVENTS ARE FREE -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From junior at Wed Jun 13 09:26:48 2007 From: junior at (Mike Hallenbeck) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 06:26:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] St Paul MN : Art Dialogue : MMAA : 6/19/07 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Here's some info on an upcoming event: a discussion between a few of us whose work is featured in the Minnesota Museum of American Art's "Sound in Art/Art in Sound" exhibition. Three men enter; one man leaves. Stop by if you please. Hope all's well with you. Best, Mike -------------- MMAA?s New Exhibition Sound in Art/Art in Sound ART DIALOGUE Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Minnesota Museum of American Art Kellogg Boulevard at Market Street, St. Paul 7 pm on the patio FREE Join exhibition artists Shawn Decker, Mike Hallenbeck and Abinadi Meza for a discussion of the challenges of working with sound as an art medium and today?s trends in art and sound technology. Exhibition curator Theresa Downing will moderate. Also, hear an experimental sound performance by composer Noah Keesecker on his mbira and laptop following the discussion. The night will end with a reception on the patio and complimentary refreshments. Exhibition on view through: July 1, 2007 Sound in Art/Art in Sound presents an auditory exploration of the power and nuance of sound. The artwork is comprised of both sound art pieces and visual art which incorporates sound as a critical element, and ranges from sound art, digital projection, and sculpture to interactive works. Artists in the exhibition include J. Anthony Allen, Christopher Baker, Leif Brush, Cheryl Wilgren Clyne, Shawn Decker, Matthew Garrison, Mike Hallenbeck, Helena Keeffe, Abinadi Meza, Jack Pavlik, and Anne Wallace. Admission to the exhibition is free. For more information, visit or call 651.266.1037 From murmer at Wed Jun 13 09:04:28 2007 From: murmer at (. m u r m e r .) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 15:04:28 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 13.06.07 Message-ID: <00a801c7adc7$bbe2d250$fb4a4151@murmer> framework broadcasts wednesdays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on from 1-2pm gmt next broadcast: 20.06.07 ~ time zone converter: ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: framework is supported by soundtransit: RESONANCEFM WILL SHUT ITS DOORS PERMANENTLY UNLESS WE CAN RAISE ?60,000 BY THE END OF AUGUST. IF YOU VALUE OUR PROGRAMMING, PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE BY MAKING A DONATION: HTTP://WWW.RESONANCEFM.COM. NOW IS THE TIME. THANK YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley this edition of framework:afield was produced in bangalore, india, by keith de mendonca. keith recently relocated there, and in this edition he takes us on a tour of his newly discovered local sound environment, from the street merchants to the particular traffic and weather noises, to the buzzing of emergency power generators during the frequent power cuts. for more information on keith's activites see again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series. send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! framework bp17 27910 perruel france framework at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework intro submissions: 1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice 2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you - 3) read the following text: welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition. field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! 4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking 5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From murmer at Wed Jun 13 10:33:33 2007 From: murmer at (. m u r m e r .) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 16:33:33 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 13.06.07 Message-ID: <00af01c7adc7$e70af2a0$fb4a4151@murmer> framework broadcasts wednesdays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on from 1-2pm gmt next broadcast: 20.06.07 ~ time zone converter: ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: framework is supported by soundtransit: RESONANCEFM WILL SHUT ITS DOORS PERMANENTLY UNLESS WE CAN RAISE ?60,000 BY THE END OF AUGUST. IF YOU VALUE OUR PROGRAMMING, PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE BY MAKING A DONATION: HTTP://WWW.RESONANCEFM.COM. NOW IS THE TIME. THANK YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley this edition of framework:afield was produced in bangalore, india, by keith de mendonca. keith recently relocated there, and in this edition he takes us on a tour of his newly discovered local sound environment, from the street merchants to the particular traffic and weather noises, to the buzzing of emergency power generators during the frequent power cuts. for more information on keith's activites see again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series. send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! framework bp17 27910 perruel france framework at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework intro submissions: 1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice 2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you - 3) read the following text: welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition. field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! 4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking 5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ondasonoraradio at Wed Jun 13 13:01:08 2007 From: ondasonoraradio at (Onda Sonora Radio) Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 19:01:08 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Microsound-announce] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 09-06-07 Message-ID: <> ONDA SONORA (Experimental Radio Sessions), Madrid (ES) ?Radio C?rculo de Bellas Artes 100.4 FM Sabados / Saturday. 20h ?Listen any time CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 09-06-07 01. MELT BANANA Track: T for Tone / Slide Down / Lock The Head / One Drof, One Life / In Store Album: Bambi's Dilemma Label: A-zap 02. RHYS CHAThAM Track: A Crimson Grail, Pt 1 Album: A Crimson Grail Label: Table Of The Elements 03. JOHN FAHEY Track: Sharks / Planaria / Eels / Coelacanths Album: Sea Changes & Coelacanths: A Young Person's Guide To John Fahey Label: Table Of The Elements 04. BADGERLORE Track: Mountain Wine Album: We Are All Hopeful Farmers, We Are All Scared Rabbits Label: Table Of The Elements Nota: Este mensaje no ha sido solicitado, pero hemos considerado que podr?a interesarte. De no ser as?, responde con un mensaje titulado "borrame" y ser?s inmediatamente eliminado del mailing. Muchas gracias Note: This is an undemanded message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If that's not your case, then reply us with this subject for the message: "delete me", and you will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you --------------------------------- ?Descubre una nueva forma de obtener respuestas a tus preguntas! Entra en Yahoo! Respuestas. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From yatra_arts at Thu Jun 14 16:52:09 2007 From: yatra_arts at (yatra_arts) Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 16:52:09 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] raster-noton R.P.M June 26 Drake Toronto Reminder Message-ID: Yatra-Arts presents raster-noton R.P.M. (Revolutions Per Minute) Frank Bretschneider - Live (raster-noton / 12k Germany) Senking - Live (raster-noton / Karaoke Kalk Germany) Sans Soleil w/ visuals by Additv - Live (Canada) Tuesday June 26 @ 10 pm - Drake Underground 1150 Queen St. W Toronto $7 at the door ***ONLY One of Three North American dates (Montreal / Toronto & Boston). *Be sure to check out the merch table, which will feature an assortment of raster & 12k goodies for sale. info: pb at raster-noton is one of the premier imprints fusing minimal electronic music / installation art / visual presentation and graphic design. "raster-noton . archiv f?r ton und nichtton" is meant to be a platform - a network covering the overlapping border areas of pop, art and science. emerged from the fusion of the two labels rastermusic and noton (in 1999), they realize music projects, publications and installation works. The common idea behind all releases is an experimental approach - an amalgamation of sound, art and design. So far the catalogue of the label consists of about 74 releases. Most of the projects follow the concept of a series with contributions by very different artists such as: Frank Bretschneider, William Basinski, alva noto, Ivan Pavlov aka COH, Ryoji Ikeda, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Senking, Richard Chartier, Pixel, Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic), Robert Lippok etc. Olaf Bender and Carsten Nicolai run raster-noton and the label is based in Chemnitz, Germany. *New promotions office now based in the GTA and managed by Praveer Baijal / sales office & curatorial projects based in Montreal managed by Eric Mattson. FRANK BRETSCHNEIDER is a founding member of Raster-Noton and one of the pioneering figures in ultra minimal post techno. Using the most basic sound sources--sine waves and white noise--Bretschneider creates minimal, flowing pieces with delicate textures and complex rhythmic patterns. Frank's new album "Rhythmic" will be released this week in Barcelona at the Sonar Festival. TORONTO DEBUT SENKING is Cologne's Jens Massel, who also records as Fumble and as part of Poto & Cabengo. As Senking, Massell makes darkly atmospheric music that is deep, dubby, and intensely cinematic. His most recent CD, List, is out now on Raster-Noton. TORONTO DEBUT SANS SOLEIL aka Michael Trommer is a Toronto based producer and visual artist who has recorded for such electronic music labels as Transmat, Wave, Truffle, Interchill, Nice'N'Smooth, Dragonfly, Ultra-Vista, Instinct, Impact, Liquid Sound Design and Dakini. He records under his own name, as well as aliases such as 'Sans Soleil" Broad-minded in his approach to electronic music, Michael also creates gallery-based audio installation work. 2005 saw him creating a site-specific sound installation for Australia's 'Liquid Architecture' exhibition. Another of his recent works was a net-based audio-manipulation project which was part of the 'from 0 to 1 and back again' exhibition at Kunsthalle Schirn in Frankfurt; this became the subject of many radio specials on both Deutsche Welle and Hessischer Rundfunk. In 2000, his work was nominated for the Prix Italia for experimental music. His field-recording based material has been featured on London's Resonance FM,,, and" Special live set for June 26 with visuals by Additv. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From douglas at Fri Jun 15 09:30:40 2007 From: douglas at (douglas benford) Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 13:30:40 +0000 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Sprawl: INTERPLAY, final call! Message-ID: ------------------------------------------------------------------- S P R A W L June 2007 bulletin 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** FINAL CALL: the last London Interplay events sold out, so booking advised! ** ** please also note the Dublin date change below ** This month: Sprawl presents INTERPLAY 4, LONDON (for other cities, see below) date: next weds JUNE 20 live acts: THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY EKKEHARD EHLERS vs BRIAN DUFFY (Modified Toy Orchestra) IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB biographies; Films before these London Interplay performances: TJ Norris Trimix project DVD (w. Ryan Jeffery/Scanner/ Clinker/Asmus Tietchens/Sue Costabile/Beequeen) and DFUSE. 7.30pm start. The Spitz, 109 Commercial Street, Old Spitalfields Market, London, E1 6BG, UK on-line tickets: support the Spitz! in collaboration with the Goethe Institute and the German Embassy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- other INTERPLAYS, 2007 tour: Bristol JUNE 21 THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY EKKEHARD EHLERS vs BRIAN DUFFY (M.T.O) IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB Cube Microplex, Dove St. South, Bristol, UK Dublin JUNE 23 (please not date change) THOMAS K?NER vs MAX EASTLEY IRIS GARRELFS vs SI-CUT.DB DAVID LACEY vs FERGUS KELLY Darklight Festival, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland biographies; Films before Bristol/Dublin Interplay performances by: U-sun, (music: Pimmon), Stephan Mathieu, Semiconductor In collaboration with the Goethe Institute and the German Embassy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- other UPCOMING PERFORMANCES etc ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUNE 15 SI-CUT.DB live Oh! bar, 111 - 113 Camden High Street London, NW1 7JN, UK JUNE 15/16 IRIS GARRELFS - live + installation 15.6.07, 20:00 live, 16.6.07, 16:00 installation Centre for Contemporary Arts, Celje, Slovenia JUNE 16 IRIS GARRELFS - film showing 19:00. Glebe Estate / as part of Camberwell Arts Festival London, UK JULY 6 IRIS GARRELFS presents a Clear Spot radio show on music workshops 19:00 on Resonance FM 104.4 fm (London) and streamed on JULY 19/22 SI-CUT.DB live Glade Festival, Aldermaston, Berkshire, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------- best wishes Iris Garrelfs si-cut.db [d.benford] from SPRAWL E-MAIL From incite at Fri Jun 15 17:48:31 2007 From: incite at (incite at Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 23:48:31 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Hoerbar in June 07 Message-ID: H?rbar Hamburg presents: Friday, June 29 B-Movie Brigittenstr 5 Hamburg St. Pauli 5? -murmer + Elffriede Release event for Soundrawings, CD-compilation + Book (Drawings by Elffriede, music by murmer, J?rg Piringer, Nikolaus Gansterer, incite/, John Grzinich, Barbara Kaiser, Gr?nrekorder, Phil Niblock, Bernadette Reiter, Billy Roisz and many more - released by Transacoustic Research, Vienna) -Phase In -Die Puppen des Komissar Hjuler info: best, Kera + Andr? --- incite/ --- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ondasonoraradio at Sun Jun 17 17:47:23 2007 From: ondasonoraradio at (Onda Sonora Radio) Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 23:47:23 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Microsound-announce] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 16-06-07 Message-ID: <> ONDA SONORA (Experimental Radio Sessions), Madrid (ES) ?Radio C?rculo de Bellas Artes 100.4 FM Sabados / Saturday. 20h ?Listen any time CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 16-06-07 01. the threshold houseboys choir Track: Part One - A Time Of Happening Album: Form Grows Rampant Label: Threshold House 02. smegma Track: Antics Album: 33 1/3 Label: Important 03. BONESFIELD Track: Aip Soundtracks Album: Gammacamera Label: Harsh Noise ( 04. UNIREVERSE (Live in El Perro de la Parte de Atras del Coche 22-06-07, 22:00h) Track: Neurogalactic Damage Album: Moonship J Label: Smoking Skull 05. ROSVITA (Live in El Perro de la Parte de Atras del Coche 22-06-07, 22:00h) Track: Hoy No He Visto La Luz Album: Podrida Ser Label: - 06. GONGORA Track: Dale Brillito / Solo Suena Una / Argh Album: - Label: - 07. GITHEAD (Live in Moby Dick 21-06-07, 22:00h) Track: Drive By / Jet Ear Game Album: Artpop Label: Swim 08. FUJIYA & MIYAGI (Live in Lowclub 23-06-07, 23:00h) Track: Ankle Injuries / Electro Karaoke Album: Transparent Things / Electro Karaoke In The Negative Style Label: Tirk / Massive Advance Nota: Este mensaje no ha sido solicitado, pero hemos considerado que podr?a interesarte. De no ser as?, responde con un mensaje titulado "borrame" y ser?s inmediatamente eliminado del mailing. Muchas gracias Note: This is an undemanded message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If that's not your case, then reply us with this subject for the message: "delete me", and you will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you --------------------------------- LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. Llamadas a fijos y m?viles desde 1 c?ntimo por minuto. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vze26m98 at Sun Jun 17 18:53:05 2007 From: vze26m98 at (Charles Turner) Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 18:53:05 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Closet Cleanout... Message-ID: Hi all- Selling a TASCAM 32 reel-to-reel on eBay, along with some minor computer stuff. Advance search on user ID: "tadturner". Thanks! Charles From a.ludovico at Mon Jun 18 05:31:17 2007 From: a.ludovico at (Alessandro Ludovico) Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:31:17 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] new Neural mag (#27) [Kim Cascone, Girl Talk, Live Coding...] Message-ID: The new printed Neural issue in English is available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . celebrates 10 years of activity! please check it and subscribe to RSS feeds, if you want. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! 3 issues + EXCLUSIVE DVD BY GRENZE (Helsinki, 2006) Europe 24,90 Euro - World 38.97 U.S. Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BACK ISSUES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Neural n. 27 contents] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornelia Sollfrank (interview), . Arthur Kroker (interview), . news (Mire.project, Journal, Wordie, Email Clock Independent Robotic Community) . reviews (Book of Imaginary Media, In Human Format, City2City Electronic Literature Collection 1, At the Edge of Art Words in Flux, GameScenes, Designing Interactions) . centerfold: 'netPong' by Oriol Ferrer Mesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Girl Talk (interview), . Kim Cascone (interview), . Alex McLean, Live Coding (interview), . news: (SoniColumn, Deep House for Symphonic Band and Choir, Ambient Addition, Breadboard Band, Forester) . reviews: (Vj, RT-32 Acoustic Space Lab, Synken, We Are All Drifting, 7ft_Konka, Women Take Back The Noise) . reviews cd: (Muslimgauze, @C, Funkstorung, Johan Johannsson, Kim Cascone, Nathan Davis, Mattin, Giuseppe Ielasi, Rosy Parlane, Strange Attractor vs Disinformation, Eric La Casa, Freiband, Flim, The Alps, Cagesan, Chris Watson & Bj Nilsen, Peter Rehberg, Marc Behrens and Paolo Raposo, Nick Didkovsky, Blotnik Brothers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pirate Bay legal response style, . Thieves of the Invisible, . An Education and Labor Dispatch, by Trebor Scholz, . news (PigeonBlog, Fake Progress Bar, View Finder Heatmap, Ad Generator, Logo.Hallucination). . reviews: ([the] xxxxx [reader], M.White - The Body and the Screen, H. Wagenbreth - Cry for Help, 36 scam Emails from Africa, F.Snelting+P.Westenberg - The Language of Sharing, T. Hansen - What Does Public Mean?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEURAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Alessandro Ludovico Neural Magazine - English ( Italian ( Latest Printed Issue - Subscribe - From robert at Mon Jun 18 08:55:54 2007 From: robert at (robert van heumen) Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 14:55:54 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Concert Wednesday June 20: New Interfaces for Performance Message-ID: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Interfaces for Performance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a polar produce project | | NIP is a practical, artist led, European workshop and touring event, which examines techniques for creating new media and interactive work for live performance. Over 2007 the tour and workshop series will be happening in Bristol, UK, Amsterdam, NL and Lisbon, PT and focus on gesture-based interfaces. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIP Amsterdam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the live performances at STEIM, Amsterdam the NIP artists will be joined by STEIM director Michel Waisvisz. Together the group will create an evening of short compositions and performances using existing and emerging techniques for live and gesture-based performance interaction. Live Performances: Wednesday 20th June 2007 Time: 20.00 Venue: STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam Admission: ?5 Reservations and more information: knock at or +31 (0)20 6228690 Performance Schedule Birds of Paradise (UK) Recently formed, Birds of Paradise are Teresa Dillon and Kathy Hinde. Together they draw on contemporary audio-visual and live art techniques to create playful and brutal real-time compositions. TokTek, Crackle-Canvas (NL) Visual artist and sound maker, TokTek ?plays? his unique Crackle Canvas sound paintings live. Feltro (PT) Fragmented, delicate and resonant computer music compositions by Portuguese multimedia artist Andr? Gon?alves. Ivan Franco, Air Stick (PT) Ivan Franco will play his self-made ?Airstick? a Theremin style, physical instrument for gesture based musical performances. Sonia Cillari, Conscious Space 01 (NL) Responsive body-space environment, which explores our sense of touch and proximity using electromagnetic activity, computer algorithms and real-time audio composition. Michel Waisvisz (NL) Composer, musician, instrument maker and director of STEIM, Michel Waisvisz will create a short The Hands improvisation with visuals from Andr? Gon?alves. Forthcoming NIP: Lisbon, 19th-21st September ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIP is created and produced by Polar Produce and funded by the PRS Foundation for New Music, the Mondriaan Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with support from Watershed, Bristol, Steim, Amsterdam and Restart, Lisbon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- More information on concerts: To unsubscribe from this list please go to STEIM (studio for electro instrumental music) (studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek) Achtergracht 19 1017 WL Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: 020-6228690 Fax: 020-6264262 Email: knock at Website:? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 18747 bytes Desc: not available Url : From robert at Mon Jun 18 09:26:18 2007 From: robert at (robert van heumen) Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 15:26:18 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Concert: Jac Berrocal, Aki Onda, Dan Warburton / Atsuhiro Ito / DoraVideo Message-ID: STEIM presents:? Jac Berrocal (FR) / Aki Onda (US/JP) / Dan Warburton (UK) trio Atsuhiro Ito (JP) DoraVideo (JP) Date: Thursday, June 21 Venue: STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam Time: 20.30 hrs. Entrance: 5 euros Reservations and more information: knock at or 020-6228690 The fascination with Japan and its music is often puzzling to the Japanese artists themselves, and common characterizations such as "extreme, subtle, poetic, minimal, loud, Zen,?eclectic, pop, cute" are rarely intended. Despite what it may seem from the outside - most Japanese musicians will tell you that Japan is not an underground music utopia, if anything, it is the complete?opposite. Consumerism is the nation's driving force, pushing non-commercially minded artists to the fringes of society.?These artists often need international recognition before receiving domestic acceptance, making the utopian perception even more ironic. What is fascinating, however, is that a country with so little governmental and social support for the arts has managed to produce a steady stream of interesting artists over the years. For the next STEIM concert we are very happy to present some of the best and most respected musicians from the Japanese music scene. A?Japanese musician playing cassette tapes with an anarchist French trumpeter and a free jazz?British?violinist, a Japanese musician who plays a very loud, flickering, florescent light, and a Japanese musician who controls videos of a samurai dancing to samba with his drums - this may not be your usual musical experience, but the intentions are quite simple: to perform good music.? Here are some links to videos of their performances. Jac Berrocal/Aki Onda/Dan Warburton trio? Atsuhiro Ito? Doravideo? com/watch?v=aF7iN95Jkn8&NR - Takuro Mizuta Lippit Artist Biography: Jac Berrocal/Aki Onda/Dan Warburton trio Merely describing Jac Berrocal as a "trumpeter" does justice neither to the adopted Burgundian's legendary live performances with Michel Potage, Roger Ferlet and cult groups such as Catalogue (with Gilbert Artman and Jean-Fran?ois Pauvros) nor his mythic albums Musiq Musik and Parall?les and his recorded work with the likes of Steven "Nurse With Wound" Stapleton and James Chance. Berrocal is quite simply one of the most exciting and charismatic performers of his generation, as anyone who caught his bloodcurdling performance with Aki Onda in Paris in 2003 will testify. Since he established himself as a spectacularly original producer in Audio Sports with Eye Yamatsuka and Nobukazu Takemura, Nara-born Aki Onda has released a string of exquisite solo albums featuring contributions from musicians as diverse as Blixa Bargeld and Linda Sharrock, culminating in 2003's Cassette Memories series and the highly acclaimed albums Ancient & Modern and Bon Voyage! on which Onda performs with multiple cassette recorders and electronics, using sounds he has field-recorded himself as a diary. In addition to editing the cult internet magazine Paris Transatlantic and?writing for The Wire, Paris-based British violinist, pianist and composer Dan Warburton has played and recorded free jazz with Arthur Doyle, ultra?minimal improv with Radu Malfatti and psychedelic musique concr?te with Reynols, in addition to releases on labels as diverse as Tzadik,?Wergo and Durtro and numerous other collaborations with the likes of?Jean-Luc Guionnet, Edward Perraud, Ralf Wehowsky, Tu m', Jac Berrocal and Aki Onda. In November 2005 the Berrocal/Onda/Warburton trio toured France, Sweden and Switzerland, performing six shows to great public acclaim in Tours, Paris, Stockholm, Norrk?ping, Geneva and Nice. Atsuhiro Ito? Atsuhiro Ito launched his career as a visual artist in the late 1980s, and?in 1998 began presenting sound performances at art exhibitions, most?notably using a musical device of his own invention, the Optron.?A fluorescent light tube stuffed with small microphones, when played?like a guitar and plugged into an amplifier, the optron generates both?epileptic noises and flickering lights to create a truly audio-visual?experience.?He continues to refine the instrument while approaching sound and music?from a contemporary-art-based perspective.?In addition to his solo exhibition and performance projects,?Ito is active in a number of musical units.?Between 2000 - 2005, Ito presented various sound (music)/visual image-related?events at Off Site, the now-defunct gallery/free space in Yoyogi, Tokyo. DoraVideo DoraVideo is the brain child of Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (drums and?computer), who appeared in the 2005 summer grand bazaar commercial for?the department store Laforet Harajuku, won an honorary mention in the?Digital Music division of Europe's largest media art festival, ARS?Electronica, and has been active as the drummer in the band Yamaguchi,?which has stirred up quite a storm of prizes and awards world wide.?He has created a very exciting and fun group which involves a drum?and computer controlled system. He placed impact sensors all over the?drum set, creating a huge video deck, and allowing him to using the?drum set to control the video image. As a drummer, he not only?creates first class works, but also has a highly developed sense of?nonsensical fun and entertainment. Ichiraku and Ito have already?toured France and Korea to great acclaim, and this year plan to tour?Europe, England, and America.?The DVD released in July of this year, 'DoraVideo Volume 1', managed?to violate every imaginable law, committing copyright infringement,?slander, indecent exposure, has been awarded a spot in the Guinness?Book of World Records for offensiveness, and went out of print just?before release. This concert series is partly funded by Gemeente Amsterdam. More information on concerts: To unsubscribe from this list please go to STEIM (studio for electro instrumental music) (studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek) Achtergracht 19 1017 WL Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: 020-6228690 Fax: 020-6264262 Email: knock at Website:? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 19715 bytes Desc: not available Url : From paul.crabbe at Tue Jun 19 08:17:21 2007 From: paul.crabbe at (Paul Crabbe) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 14:17:21 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Atelier SuperCollider Message-ID: <> Hello list, the following is for french readers: ATELIER SuperCollider ? Confluences les 9,10,11 et 12 juillet 2007. L'Espace Culture Multim?dia de l'association Confluences vous propose un atelier de 4 jours autour du langage libre "Supercollider". Cet atelier est destin? aux personnes int?ress?es par la synth?se sonore, la composition assist?e par ordinateur et le traitement temps-r?el en vue de performances. L'atelier se d?roulera dans l'espace ECM ?quip? de 4 postes multim?dias (linux). Vous ?tes encourag? ? apporter votre ordinateur portable (Mac pr?f?rablement). Ces quatre journ?es seront anim?es par Paul Crabbe et Vincent Rioux. Nous ne pouvons pas accueillir plus de 8 personnes. Le co?t pour ces 4 journ?es est de 100 euros. quelques infos et un wiki sont disponibles ? l'adresse suivante: merci de bien vouloir faire suivre... et d?sol? pour les annonces crois?es. Renseignements et inscriptions: Espace Culture Multim?dia Confluences 190 bd de Charonne 75020 Paris vincent.rioux [at] t?l: 01 40 24 16 64 paul.crabbe [at] t?l: 08 70 29 78 32 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From moltrecht at Tue Jun 19 08:41:59 2007 From: moltrecht at (Elke Moltrecht) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 14:41:59 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR @ BALLHAUS NAUNYN Message-ID: <017a01c7b26f$4cef3e90$907ba8c0@Ballhaus> 23.06.07 21 h ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR Hildur Gudnadottir, Ilpo V?is?nen, Dirk Dresselhaus, Phillipp Geist, Mika Vainio ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ausf?hrliche Informationen @ More infomation @ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 23.06.07 21 h ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR Hildur Gudnadottir - Cello Ilpo V?is?nen - Electronics Dirk Dresselhaus - Electronics & Guitar Phillipp Geist - Live Video Special Guest: Reinhold Friedl - Inside Piano Anschlie?end Party mit DJ Mika Vainio Eintritt: 10.- / erm. 7.- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TICKETS: 030 3 47 45 98 44 Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur BALLHAUS NAUNYN Naunynstr.27 10997 Berlin E-mail: info at Tel.: 030/3474598-45 Fax: 030/3474598-55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From grainofsound at Mon Jun 18 20:47:54 2007 From: grainofsound at (grain of sound) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:47:54 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] New CD on GOS: David Maranha - "Marches of the New World" Message-ID: Grain of Sound is very proud to announce our latest CD release: David Maranha "Marches Of The New World" CD gos21 'Marches of the new World', new record by legendary Portuguese underground figure David Maranha, who has also been putting out music with the mythical Osso Ex?tico unit for almost 20 years (his previous release was with Patr?cia Mach?s and drone duo Minit as Organ Eye, who put out a self-titled album on the Staubgold label), is his more recent study & advancement in exploring, witnessing and generating new slices of blissful, savaged drone music. Coming from the higher education of minimalist pioneer Yves Klein, with his 'Monotone Symphony' from the late forties, while also being informed by the Tony Conrad/Theatre of Eternal Music-Terry Riley axis, he mainly works with Hammond organ going through various tone & texture altering devices, until he reaches the raw keyboard sound put on tape here. In this record his continuous sound science is given wider possibilities, with the aid of a backing band and collaborators he's invited for the release. Besides the Hammond, Maranha also uses violin and his dobro/resophonic guitar. His rhythm section of Jo?o Milagre (bass) and Ant?nio Forte (drums) is augmented by contributions from cello virtuoso Helena Espvall (free improviser of merit, member of Philadelphia's most celebrated folk troupe in the last few years, the Espers) and Tiago Miranda (member of Lisbon's own current free expression kings, the Loosers, and owner of the awesome Ruby Red Label) on various minimal percussions. The result is a grandiose sound ensemble, intermingled with more sparse numbers, yet another travel into the infinite oscillation trip of pure drone, the admiration of its sound and ritual. With the rhythmic components able to draw up some lyricism that is seldom found in these molds, metrics and dynamics are opened up with some wonderfully disjointed gravitational balance. The keys and strings keep you gliding around the eternal line of infinity with perfect equilibrium and freedom, in these 'Marches' to which Mr. Maranha found the right pace for walking. Fists up, with a direct line to the cosmos, rooted below, forward as always.' Pedro Gomes + info: ....;:.,..,...;......;.. recently released on GOS: @c - "Study" cd gos20 -- -- --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- no more news? please reply with: Remove From batta.barnabas at Tue Jun 19 10:49:52 2007 From: batta.barnabas at (Batta Barnabas) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:49:52 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] Batta has Tagged you! :) Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mikamartini at Tue Jun 19 15:32:13 2007 From: mikamartini at (pueblo nuevo netlabel) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 15:32:13 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] live_act||pueblonuevo||19.06.07|| Message-ID: <> live_act || pueblo nuevo || en vivo || difusion 19.06.07 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Microsound : Esta semana te invitamos a conocer y escuchar a Lucrecia (Mil records / Series netlabel), joven cantautora colombiana de visita por Santiago, quien compartira distintos escenarios junto a Djef, Mika, Tec, Freddy Musri, entre otros destacados exponentes de la electronica nacional. Y el sabado nos trasladamos a Valparaiso, junto a Tonossepia, Djef y Hans Carstens... Aqui toda la info... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JUEVES 21 DE JUNIO Bluebird Restobar Av. Providencia 1670-b, Galer?a El Patio, Providencia, Santiago. Lucrecia Live Act + Djef (dj-set) 22:30 hrs. / $ 5.000 consumo m?nimo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIERNES 22 DE JUNIO Club Gran Central Las Urbinas 44, Providencia, Santiago. Lucrecia (Live Act) + TEC (Live Act) + Mika Martini (Live Act) + Early (Live Act) + Freddy Musri (dj) + Pece (dj) Visuales por supersentido & ntrx. 22:30 hrs. / Valor: $ 6.000.- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SABADO 23 DE JUNIO Club El Clan Bombero Nu?ez 363, Bellavista, Santiago. Lucrecia (Live Act) + TEC (dj) + Subversivo (dj) 22:30 hrs. / Valor: $ 3.000.-. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SABADO 23 DE JUNIO Epif Caf? / Ciclo de Musica Electronica en Valparaiso Dr. Grossi N? 268, Cerro Alegre, Valpara?so. Djef (Live Act) + Hans Carstens (Live Act) + Tonossepia (Live Act) 21:00 hrs. / Valor: $ 1.500 c/cerveza. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Para ver cartelera completa de presentaciones y Live_Act visita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hasta la proxima, saludos! Mika Martini & Pueblo Nuevo Crew para mas informacion visita / more info visit: Si no quieres recibir mas info responde NO+ From steinbruchel at Tue Jun 19 17:55:39 2007 From: steinbruchel at (steinbr=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=chel) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 23:55:39 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] : new compilation release : In-Reply-To: Message-ID: : : YASUJIRO OZU : HITOKOMAKURA : : 2cd : and/26 : : : feat. : ALEJANDRA & AERON : AONO JIKKEN ENSEMBLE : ASUNA : MARC BEHRENS : KEITH BERRY : LAWRENCE ENGLISH : HERIBERT FRIEDL : BERNHARD G?NTER : HACO : JOHN HUDAK : JASON KAHN : HITOSHI KOJO : KOURA : DALE LLOYD : YOSHIO MACHIDA : ROEL MEELKOP : KIYOSHI MIZUTANI : DEAN MOORE : STEVE RODEN : SAWAKO : MICHAEL SHANNON : STEINBR?CHEL : TAKU SUGIMOTO : SUKORA : TOSHIYA TSUNODA : : have a nice summer! : -- .:.: :.:. From steinbruchel at Tue Jun 19 17:56:37 2007 From: steinbruchel at (steinbr=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=chel) Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 23:56:37 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] EXTRACT portraits of soundartists In-Reply-To: Message-ID: -- OUT NOW on nvo http://www.nonvisualobjects -- artists: 22 various artists title: extract - portraits of soundartists cat#: nvo_o11 format: book (hardcover, 96 pages) + 2 cds release date: may 07 limited edition: 500 -- cd 1 01 Keith Berry | Finger Pointing At The Moon | 6?00 02 Richard Chartier | A Field For Recordings 2 | 8?43 03 Taylor Deupree | Live In Osaka | 6?00 04 Heribert Friedl | nbvto | 5?52 05 Richard Garet | Pr?cis | 6?00 06 Andy Graydon | Microclimates For Paliku | 5?57 07 Bernhard G?nter | Listen to what you see | 6?00 08 John Hudak | Radio | 6?00 09 I8U | Steganography | 4?22 10 Dean King | In Absentia | 5?53 11 Dale Lloyd | Provisional | 4?06 cd 2 01 Roel Meelkop 1 | (hole in a heap) | 5?30 02 Will Montgomery | Split Chance | 5?55 03 Tomas Philips | Each More Melodious Note | 6?01 04 Steve Roden | air into form/voice into breath | 6?49 05 Jos Smolders | Aiolos (Vangsaa Interior) | 6?00 06 Steinbr?chel | Parallel | 7?02 07 Nao Sugimoto (mondii) | Nature Out | 5?33 08 Asmus Tietchens | Vierte Beisetzung in Wien | 4?37 09 Toshiya Tsunoda | Scenery of vibration/Listening... | 5?36 10 Ubeboet | Lux Vivens | 3?43 11 Michael Vorfeld | Geste | 5?29 -- Since we started the label Nonvisualobjects two years ago, many collab- orations with artists worldwide have arisen, a large, growing network has evolved and an extensive body of work has been formed that we would like to explore and try to sum up. The book developed from the idea of presenting an extract of artists involved in the current experimental electro-acoustic music scene, often following a rather reduced approach in their work. We would like to present artists that work in different areas in this field of electroacoustic music, to cover a large spectrum even in this quite specific area. With essays, interviews, photos, drawings and other materials presented in this book, we try to look at the motivation and intention behind the sound production from different perspectives, to possibly allow for a new/extended approach to this form of music. Many of the artists involved in this project do not exclusively work with sound, but also in other artistic disciplines. In this book we would like to present these other sides of their work to allow crossreferences/crosslinks to open up new aspects of the music. EXTRACT contains interviews, essays, photos, drawings and 22 tracks by: Keith Berry, Richard Chartier, Taylor Deupree, Heribert Friedl, Richard Garet, Andy Graydon, Bernhard G?nter, John Hudak, I8U, Dean King, Dale Lloyd, Roel Meelkop, Will Montgomery, Tomas Philips, Steve Roden, Jos Smolders, Steinbr?chel, Nao Sugimoto (aka mondii), Asmus Tietchens, Toshiya Tsunoda, Ubeboet and Michael Vorfeld. -- .:.: :.:. From roger at Wed Jun 20 10:28:15 2007 From: roger at (Roger Mills) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:28:15 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Furthernoise on BCfm - Playlist 19-06-07 Message-ID: <> Furthernoise on BCfm - Playlist 19-06-07 (next program 3rd July) Track Title Artist Label 1 Unity Club Mix Holzkopf Dainty Deathy 2 I'll Probably Die Following A mermaid Green Mine Dokuro 3 Excerpt 1 (LIve) Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox Independant 4 Excerpt 2 (LIve) Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox Independant 5 Interlude 1 (For Prepared Piano) John Cage Wergo 6 Space To Space Iris Garrelfs Lich Tung 7 Solent Stuart Chalmers Independant CDr 8 Deliver Me Diamanda Galas Mute -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 513 bytes Desc: not available Url : From murmer at Wed Jun 20 13:14:41 2007 From: murmer at (. m u r m e r .) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:14:41 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 20.06.07 Message-ID: <018e01c7b35e$846cf7a0$0202a8c0@murmer> framework broadcasts wednesdays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on from 1-2pm gmt next broadcast: 20.06.07 ~ time zone converter: ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: framework is supported by soundtransit: RESONANCEFM WILL SHUT ITS DOORS PERMANENTLY UNLESS WE CAN RAISE ?60,000 BY THE END OF AUGUST. IF YOU VALUE OUR PROGRAMMING, PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE BY MAKING A DONATION: HTTP://WWW.RESONANCEFM.COM. NOW IS THE TIME. THANK YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley almost exclusively unreleased works in this edition, except for the final instalment of our focus on social interiors' cd on endgame records. we played the entire cd over the last 4 regular editions, as it seemed so appropriate to us, this last track being the one collaboration between the 3 artists on the disc, after the 3 solo tracks we've heard over the last several weeks. meanwhile this week we also featured the outcome of our listener participation project from a few weeks back. you may remember my description of sebastiane hegarty's project, which involved sending several heavy pressed vinyl 7" records through the mail unprotected and sleeveless, and asking the receivers to make an ambient recording of the record and send it back to him. well we decided to take this one step further and air our copy of the record on framework, asking listeners to make an ambient recording of the broadcast and send it back to us. in this edition you'll find 4 such recordings, made in very different circumstances around the world. along with these works we heard new unreleased material by marcelo radulovich (including a stunning piece of hurdy-gurdy manipulation), a recent sonic experiment by dallas simpson (that also originally included some filmed images), an exquisite collection of bowed metal fences by stephen cornford, and a framework introduction recorded for us by gordon tebo. and speaking of which: framework's stock of listener provided introductions is running low! if you enjoy the show, please consider contributing by recording your very own framework introduction - frame and fortune will follow! find guidelines below in this mail, or on our website. again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series. send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! framework bp17 27910 perruel france framework at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.06.07 (this edition will be available online until 27.06.07) (start - finish / artist / title / album / label) 00:00 - 04:21 / gordon tebo/ framework intro 01:25 - 10:08 / marcelo radulovich / 917 / index / - 04:54 - 17:33 / dallas simpson / canalisation 2 / - / - 06:37 - 14:28 / stephen cornford / attempt on this mesh / attempts to shatter steel with sound / - 16:42 - 21:43 / patrick mcginley / mo (nu) ment, by sebastiane hegarty, rerecorded from broadcast 20:24 - 39:35 / social interiors / spatial circumference / spatial circumference / endgame 38:01 - 44:28 / jane cheadle / mo (nu) ment, by sebastiane hegarty, rerecorded from broadcast jane.cheadle at 40:34 - 55:37 / marcelo radulovich / indian / index / - 45:17 - 51:14 / stephen cornford / attempt on babbage road / attempts to shatter steel with sound / - 46:30 - 50:34 / origami boe / mo (nu) ment, by sebastiane hegarty, rerecorded from broadcast 47:59 - 57:09 / stephen cornford / second attempt / attempts to shatter steel with sound / - 50:12 - 55:59 / stephen cornford / attempt near train tracks / attempts to shatter steel with sound / - 54:30 - 59:30 / sebastiane hegarty / mo (nu) ment, by sebastiane hegarty, rerecorded from broadcast sebastiane73 at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework intro submissions: 1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice 2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you - 3) read the following text: welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition. field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! 4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking 5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kcpaul at Wed Jun 20 18:31:06 2007 From: kcpaul at (Kevin Paul) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:31:06 -0600 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Ecotone Physical Theatre in Chicago this weekend Message-ID: <> Ecotone Physical Theatre comes to Chicago to perform "Voodo Cabaret, a rambunctious evening of improvised music and dance-theatre. Ecotone Physical Theatre is a New Mexico-based performance ensemble that mine the veins of improvisation: sonic, kinesthetic, textual. This diverse ensemble consists of musicians, dancers and actors. Each performance is unique, a blend of slapstick dramedy, angular sound and gesture, rife with potential for hap and mishap. Ecotone Physical Theatre makes extensive use of computers and digital technology, random props and costumery, reluctant audience participation and a little backyard voodoo to transmogrify the performance environment to the point where, really, anything can happen. Performances are Friday and Saturday, June 22-23 at 8pm at Links Hall, 3435 N. Sheffield, near Wrigley Field. Tickets are $10 in advance or at the door. For more information call 773-281-0824 or visit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From azimuths at Wed Jun 20 18:34:52 2007 From: azimuths at (Thanos Chrysakis) Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:34:52 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] AURAL TERRAINS [new label] Message-ID: Hello everyone, It has been my plan for a while to open up a creative space, which I've worked on the last few months and am now very pleased to announce the launch of the AURAL TERRAINS record-label. It starts with my own work "klage" which contains compositions based on a relatively wide range of timbral, rhythmic, and melodic material, aiming to achieve a confluence between its structuring forces; at times creating a sense of hovering, suspending time, while at others a more directional trajectory. With future releases AURAL TERRAINS aims to bring forth other manifestations of explorative music. Very Best Regards, Thanos From sirr at Thu Jun 21 00:41:49 2007 From: sirr at (sirr) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:41:49 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [sirr] 2 new releases: anthony pateras + steve peters Message-ID: <> we are very excited to present these two new releases! anthony pateras | chasms | cd sirr0030 Chasms is the extraordinary debut solo prepared piano album from Australian composer/pianist Anthony Pateras. Chasms takes things further, re-configuring the instrument into a psychoacoustic percussion orchestra, exploring extended timbral continuums through complex rhythms and physically intense performance strategies. Through purely acoustic means, the work attempts to enhance piano performance via a compositional sympathy with algorhythmic computer composition and studio technology. This is electro-psycho-acoustic music created purely with prepared piano. Anthony Pateras is a composer and performer. Live, he appears regularly throughout Europe and Australasia on prepared piano in the Pateras/Baxter/Brown trio, on voice & electronics with Robin Fox, prepared piano solo or as a conductor of his own notated works. Pateras has released and produced numerous albums, recording for Tzadik (New York), Editions Mego (Vienna), Synaesthesia (Melbourne) and Quecksilber (Berlin). listen more excerpts at: info at: or steve peters | three rooms | cd sirr0029 Alvin Curran once described the music of Steve Peters as "pure, restrained, and rigorously beautiful." These three delicate pieces - or rooms, as the title states - are the result of very personal investigation regarding the interaction between physical spaces and the experience of listening. The selected compositions aim to create room(s) for the listener, intensifying quietly and subtly our awareness. These pieces explore tactile interaction with the interior surfaces and materials of architecture; approach breathing rhythms to acheve miniature compositions that evoke the contemplative space of a Japanese rock garden; or reveal the complex dance of overtones in the air and ever-deepening pure waves from a single bell strike. Steve Peters makes music/sound for various contexts and occasions, using recorded sounds of the world and found/natural objects, or through exploration of acoustic phenomena, as well as normal instruments and spoken text. In recent years his work has focused primarily on site-specific sound environments that explore ideas about place/presence and encourage subtle listening for extended durations. listen or ? ? ----------------------- new on distribution: news from: Cronica and Grain of Sound: # The Beautiful Schizophonics | Musicamorosa Cronica, 029, CD Marcel Proust has been one of the main sources of inspiration. The image of a sleepless solitary writer confined to a Parisian soundproof room, has everything to do with the experience of a modern laptop composer, alone in the dark of a room, in a sort of headphone ecstasy with his acoustic fragments of reality. ("La letrice" is Colleen reading Proust in Paris.) # Ran Slavin | The Wayward Regional Transmissions" Cronica, 028, CD # David Maranha | Marches of the New World Grain of Sound, gos21, CD for further information please contact: sirr at thanks for your attention! ---------- remove? send email saying unsubscribe -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sirr029.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 54240 bytes Desc: not available Url : -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sirr030.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 72433 bytes Desc: not available Url : From blungrec at Thu Jun 21 18:58:04 2007 From: blungrec at (bremsstrahlung recordings) Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:58:04 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] New physical release: TRANS001 Spellewauerynsherde, Interpretations Various & Sundry Message-ID: <> With the hope of being able to bypass the traditional commercial aspects of a recording label TRANS>PARENT RADIATION was formed in 2005 as a web-based sub-label of bremsstrahlung recordings. The releases are made available for free download for a period of time and then taken down and released as limited edition CDRs. We are please to announce our first physical CDR. TRANS001 Spellewauerynsherde, Interpretations Various & Sundry Release date: 070621 Edition:100 Price: $9 ? including shipping Order direct: Utilizing source material taken from found reel to reel recordings of Icelandic a capella lament songs made in the late 1960's or early 1970's 10 sound artists interpret these haunting sounds in their compositions. A CD LP by Akira Rabelais based on this source material can be found at Samadhi Sound. Reworkers include Fennesz, Kit Clayton, Taylor Deupree, Steve Roden, Stephen Mathieu, I8U and others. The packaging includes a self-latching CD case created from a custom die-cut and the cover is hand stamped. It is a limited edition of 100 and will not be reissued. The CDRs themselves are labeled via the heat transfer process rather than inkjet printing to ensure text durability. The CDRs are silver on both sides. To view packagings click here. Reviewed in VITAL WEEKLY 581 Reviewer: Frans de Waard "Bremsstrahlung is a small label which have brought us some nice releases in the past - a small but good catalogue. They also have a sub division called Trans>parent Radiation which consists of MP3s. After a while they are removed from the website and then the material is released as a CDR. The first one is a compilation of re-composed source material taken from found reel to reel recordings of Icelandic a cappella lament songs made in the late 1960s or early 1970's. Ten composers using this material and they all seem to be from the field of microsound, but they are by no means the least in the field. Fennesz, Roden, Kit Clayton, Taylor Deupree, Takemura, Alejandra & Aeron and Stephan Mathieu - one could wonder why not release this as a real CD. The lament song part is pushed to the back in the most part. The emphasis lies more on the ancient tape hiss and crackle, although some use the faint traces of voices. Most of the time it turns out to be shimmering, humming, crackling and hissing pieces of music. The noise collage played by Nobekazu Takemura is a bit out of place here, or it's certainly a break with the rest. Some people add their own instruments such as guitars (Fennesz and Josh Russell) but they keep in spirit with the overall sombre and melancholic tone of this release. The Takemura piece is the longest and perhaps also the one that is a bit out of place here. It perhaps breaks the mood but in this case it's not so great. Otherwise this is a more than excellent compilation with all equally great sorrowful pieces of music, which could have as easily been on a real CD." josh russell From moltrecht at Fri Jun 22 06:27:58 2007 From: moltrecht at (Elke Moltrecht) Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:27:58 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR @ BALLHAUS NAUNYN Message-ID: <001401c7b4b8$133d38f0$907ba8c0@Ballhaus> 23.06.07 21 h ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR Hildur Gudnadottir, Ilpo V?is?nen, Dirk Dresselhaus, Phillipp Geist, Mika Vainio ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ausf?hrliche Informationen @ More infomation @ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 23.06.07 21 h ANGEL & HILDUR GUDNADOTTIR Hildur Gudnadottir - Cello Ilpo V?is?nen - Electronics Dirk Dresselhaus - Electronics & Guitar Phillipp Geist - Live Video Special Guest: Reinhold Friedl - Inside Piano Anschlie?end Party mit DJ Mika Vainio Eintritt: 10.- / erm. 7.- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TICKETS: 030 3 47 45 98 44 Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur BALLHAUS NAUNYN Naunynstr.27 10997 Berlin E-mail: info at Tel.: 030/3474598-45 Fax: 030/3474598-55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jef at Sun Jun 24 08:10:46 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 14:10:46 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium [deadline 070625] Message-ID: [English follows] -- Symposium ?lectroacoustique 2007 de Toronto 9 et 10 ao?t 2007, Facult? de musique, universit? de Toronto, Toronto, Canada APPEL ? COMMUNICATIONS ET PR?SENTATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- La Communaut? ?lectroacoustique Canadienne, la Facult? de musique de l'universit? de Toronto et "New Adventures in Sound Art" sont heureux d'annoncer les dates du Symposium ?lectroacoustique 2007 de Toronto. Le Symposium se tiendra ? la Facult? de musique de l'universit? de Toronto, les 9 et 10 ao?t 2007, ce qui en fait un pr?lude id?al pour la principale fin de semaine de performances du festival annuel "Sound Travels", sur l'?le de Toronto. On pourra entendre entre autres, lors de ces concerts, des oeuvres de Barry Truax et de Trevor Wishart, dont la pi?ce "Angel", une commande de New Adventures in Sound Art. Nous accueillons vos propositions pour des communications ou des d?monstrations techniques d'une dur?e de 20 minutes. Id?alement, ces pr?sentations seraient le fait de compositeurs ou artistes audio, et auraient pour objet des techniques ou des processus compositionnels personnels ou originaux. Cela dit, toutes les propositions reli?es de pr?s ou de loin ? la musique ?lectroacoustique sont les bienvenues. Il va de soi que l'ensemble du Symposium sera couvert par une ?dition du journal en ligne de la CEC, eContact!. Les propositions, d'une page en format PDF, doivent ?tre envoy?es au responsable des conf?rences, David Ogborn, ? l'adresse , au plus tard le 25 juin 2007, ? minuit. Veuillez sp?cifier dans votre r?sum?, s'il y a lieu, quels sont les ?quipements audio-visuels dont vous auriez besoin : le comit? d'organisation tentera de vous accommoder au meilleur de ses possibilit?s. Mises ? part les communications retenues par le comit? de s?lection, le symposium pr?sentera les conf?rences de Barry Truax et de Trevor Wishart, compositeurs en r?sidence du festival "Sound Travels". En fin de soir?e, un ?v?nement anim? par le groupe sera l'occasion d'improvisations ?lectroniques "? micro ouvert". COMIT? D'ORGANISATION DU SYMPOSIUM David Ogborn (Communaut? ?lectroacoustique Canadienne), responsable Dennis Patrick (Universit? de Toronto) Nadene Th?riault-Copeland ("New Adventures in Sound Art") DATES IMPORTANTES Date limite pour la r?ception des propositions : 25 juin 2007, ? minuit D?cision du comit? : 30 juin 2007 Symposium : 9 et 10 ao?t 2007 Concerts "Sound Travels" : du 10 au 12 ao?t 2007 LIENS UTILES University of Toronto, Faculty of Music New Adventures in Sound Art Canadian Electroacoustic Community eContact! ================================================== ================================================== Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2007 9-10 August 2007 University of Toronto, Faculty of Music Toronto, Canada CALL FOR PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Canadian Electroacoustic Community, the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto and New Adventures in Sound Art are pleased to announce the dates for the 2007 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium. The symposium will take place at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, 9-10 August 2007, and will lead directly into the main performance weekend of the annual Sound Travels festival on Toronto Island. These concerts will include works by Barry Truax and Trevor Wishart amongst others and will feature a world premiere of Wishart's "Angel", commissioned by New Adventures in Sound Art. At this time we are inviting proposals for 20 minute papers or technical demonstrations. Although we are especially interested in submissions from composers/sound artists detailing personal and original elements of their compositional process and electronic techniques, proposals related to any aspect of electroacoustic music (broadly conceived) are welcome. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in a forthcoming issue of the CEC's online journal, eContact!. One-page abstracts in PDF format should be sent to the conference committee chair, David Ogborn , on or before the deadline of midnight, 25th June 2007. Notification of acceptance will be given by the 30th of June 2007. Please outline any audio-visual equipment requirements in your abstract - the symposium committee will endeavour to accommodate any audio-visual equipment requests outlined in the submitted abstracts. Alongside a selection of refereed papers and presentations, the symposium will feature keynote lectures by Sound Travels' composers-in-residence Barry Truax and Trevor Wishart. A late-night event hosted by the group will provide a space for live electronic and improvised expressions in an "open-mic" format. SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE David Ogborn (Canadian Electroacoustic Community), Chair Dennis Patrick (University of Toronto) Nadene Th?riault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art) IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for papers and presentations: midnight 25 June 2007 Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2007 Symposium: 9-10 August 2007 Sound Travels concerts: 10-12 August 2007 LINKS University of Toronto, Facult? de musique New Adventures in Sound Art Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne eContact! -- Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community c/o Dept. de Musique, Universit? Concordia RF-302 7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montr?al QC CANADA H4B 1R6 [ | | ] From jef at Sun Jun 24 18:17:20 2007 From: jef at (CEC jef chippewa) Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 00:17:20 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] eContact! 9.4 est maintenant en ligne! / is now up! Message-ID: PRESS RELEASE -- for immediate diffusion Please forward at large. Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community eContact! 9.4 Perte auditive et sujets connexes / Hearing (Loss) and Related Issues eContact! 9.4 est maintenant en ligne! / is now up! [F] Le nouveau num?ro d'eContact! parle de perte auditive et sujets connexes, avec des contributions de musiciens, compositeurs et chercheurs; il y sera question de pr?vention et de soins, et de solutions pour y faire face. Notre relation avec les bruits forts est examin?e du point de vue artistique, perceptuel et philosophique. Un certain nombre de pages Wiki ont ?t? d?velopp?es -- et vont continuer ? ?tre aliment?es -- gr?ce aux contributions de la communaut?. [E] The newest issue of eContact! looks at hearing-related issues, with contributions from musicians, composers and researchers. Prevention and care are addressed, as well as solutions to living with them. Our relation to "loud" sounds is looked at from the artistic, perceptual and philosophical perspectives. Building on our "living journal" concept, a number of related Wiki pages have been developed -- and will continue to grow -- thanks to the contributions of the community. The publication of eContact! is made possible through CEC membership fees, and through the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Writing and Publishing Section. -- Communaut? ?lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community c/o Dept. de Musique, Universit? Concordia RF-302 7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Montr?al QC CANADA H4B 1R6 [ | | ] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mikamartini at Mon Jun 25 21:30:19 2007 From: mikamartini at (pueblo nuevo netlabel) Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 21:30:19 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] en-memoria||newrelease||pueblonuevo||25.06.07|| Message-ID: <> new release || nuevo lanzamiento || pn018 || difusion 25.06.07 || ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Microsound (spanish version, please scroll down): Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel proudly presents "En Memoria" (commemorative re- edition 99? anniversary birth of Salvador Allende Gossens), from chilean electronic musician, Mankacen. 2003 meant for us the 30th anniversary of the death of Salvador Allende - and the succession of events that led our country to a dark and deadly era. Facing this, I felt the need to create some music centered on the image of the president. I approached it from one of the two ways i usually work with (conceptual or formal). This time, concept was the guide. With no previous political background or participation, or any particular tie to his ideas, I felt the ideals Allende stood for somehow were also mine. Tribute? I wish it would be one, but this music may be more oriented towards exploring different techniques and aesthetic lines, so it is not a tribute in its own. I placed each sample of the president's voice milimetrically, in an almost obscene manner, to emphasize his message - or maybe to make him say what i wanted him to say... I want to dedicate humbly and modestly "Piensen" track to Chilean youth. Things we all know are not said, and what's not said may be forgotten... Memory is subjective, just like this look on Allende, where the historical character merges into with this new one, coming from my personal view. In profound respect to Salvador Allende Gossens. Mankacen (June, 2007). Track List: 01. Primera parte (Una voz atraviesa el tiempo) [06:21] 02. Segunda parte (Piensen) [08:06] 03. Tercera parte (La decision) [02:55] 04. Final (me seguiran oyendo, siempre estare con ustedes) [03:13] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:35 min / 43,4 MB (all tracks + cd covers zip) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles: electronic, experimental. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Download for free "En Memoria" (re-edition) at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Release: "[pn018] En Memoria" (re-edition) / 06.2007 Copyright: Licensed to the public under Creative Commons: Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike - 3.0 Produced by: Mankacen (Alejandro Albornoz), Santiago, Chile. mankacen at Released in 2003 by: Crisis Records / info at Mastering: Tonko Yutronic (at Laberintos de la Nada). Exec. Producer: Hector Aguirre P. Original Artwork: Alejandro Albornoz y Hector Aguirre P. Reedition design: Mika Martini. English version: Gerardo Figueroa. ------------------------------------------------------------------- cd cover thumbnail > ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola Microsound : Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel se complace en presentar "En Memoria" (re- edicion conmemorativa por el 99? aniversario del natalicio de Salvador Allende Gossens), del musico electronico chileno Mankacen. El a?o 2003 se cumplieron 30 a?os de la muerte de Salvador Allende y de los hechos que llevaron a nuestro pais a un periodo oscuro y mortal. Confrontado con este hecho historico, senti necesario componer algo centrado en la figura del presidente. Era el momento para tomar una de las dos formas que tengo de trabajar: conceptualmente o formalmente, siendo, claro, la primera opcion la que tome. Sin tener un background politico o estar particularmente vinculado a sus ideas politicas, senti que los ideales representados por Allende me indentificaban de alguna forma. ?Homenaje? Ya quisiera yo que asi fuera, pero tal vez esta musica que busca explorar diversas tecnicas y esteticas, no alcanza a merecer por si misma ser un homenaje. Casi obscenamente dispuse milimetricamente cada sample de la voz del presidente, para que asi se potenciara su mensaje o tal vez para que dijera lo que yo queria que dijera... Quiero dedicar con sencillez y austeridad el track titulado "Piensen" a todos los jovenes de Chile. Lo sabido por sabido se calla y lo callado por callado se olvida. La memoria es subjetiva, y asi lo es tambien esta mirada, donde parte del Allende historico se mezcla con este nuevo que surge de mi propia vision personal. Dedicado con profundo respeto a la memoria de Salvador Allende Gossens. Mankacen (Junio, 2007). Track List: 01. Primera parte (Una voz atraviesa el tiempo) [06:21] 02. Segunda parte (Piensen) [08:06] 03. Tercera parte (La decision) [02:55] 04. Final (me seguiran oyendo, siempre estare con ustedes) [03:13] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:35 min / 43,4 MB (all tracks + cd covers zip) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Estilo: electronica, experimental. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baja gratuitamente "En Memoria" (re-edicion) en: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Informacion: Release: "[pn018] En Memoria" (re-edicion) / 06.2007 Copyright: Licenciado para el publico bajo Creative Commons: Reconocimiento - No Comercial - Compartir Igual - 3.0 Producido por: Mankacen (Alejandro Albornoz), Santiago, Chile. mankacen at Editado el a?o 2003 por: Crisis Records / info at Mastering: Tonko Yutronic (at Laberintos de la Nada). Productor ejecutivo: Hector Aguirre P. Dise?o grafico original: Alejandro Albornoz y Hector Aguirre P. Dise?o reedicion: Mika Martini. Version en ingles: Gerardo Figueroa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Para ver cartelera completa de presentaciones y Live_Act visita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hasta la proxima, saludos! Mika Martini & Pueblo Nuevo Crew para mas informacion visita / more info visit: Si no quieres recibir mas info responde NO+ From robert at Tue Jun 26 06:43:02 2007 From: robert at (robert van heumen) Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:43:02 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Concert: Jon Rose / Joel Ryan / Frances-Marie Uitti / Wouter Snoei Message-ID: STEIM presents:? Jon Rose (AU) / Joel Ryan (US/NL) / Frances-Marie Uitti (US/NL)? Wouter Snoei (NL) Date: Saturday, June 30 Venue: STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam Time: 20.30 hrs Entrance: 5 euros Reservations and more information: knock at or 020-6228690 Please join us for a special concert featuring a rare set of improvisations with Jon Rose, Frances-Marie Uitti and Joel Ryan. Jon first mixed improvised violin with live digital technology in Australia back in the early 1980s through the use of the world's first sampler - the pre-MIDI Fairlight CMI. Since 1985 he has been a regular visitor to Steim where his unique bow powered Hyperstring project has undergone many transformations.? Frances Marie is known world wide for her pioneering use of two bows on the cello. She has had more solo pieces written for her than there are canals in Amsterdam - possibly premiering more new music than any other string player. She is a virtuoso for all seasons. Joel is our third pioneer for the evening, a key innovator in the application of digital signal processing to acoustic instruments. He has been active at STEIM since 1984 and has influenced, advised, and inspired two generations of musicians through his job at the Sonology department at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. For this concert of stringology, Jon and Frances will limit themselves to the acoustic instrument, leaving all the digital transformation to Joel.? We are also very happy to have up and coming composer Wouter Snoei performing his quadraphonic live electronics piece. Wouter is among the emerging new generation of musicians educated in the Hague, for whom low level programming tools like Supercollider and custom controllers are not only the norm, but also essential to the realization of their work. His recent work includes compositions specifically for Wave Field Synthesis systems. Artist Biography: Jon Rose Frances-Marie Uitti Joel Ryan Wouter Snoei This concert series is partly funded by Gemeente Amsterdam. More information on concerts: To unsubscribe from this list please go to STEIM (studio for electro instrumental music) (studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek) Achtergracht 19 1017 WL Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: 020-6228690 Fax: 020-6264262 Email: knock at Website:? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/jpeg Size: 23794 bytes Desc: not available Url : From roger at Tue Jun 26 10:05:53 2007 From: roger at (Roger Mills) Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:05:53 +0100 Subject: [Microsound-announce] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN ONLINE RESIDENCY & PERFORMANCE Message-ID: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ONLINE RESIDENCY & PERFORMANCE Expressions of interest are being accepted for a unique internet audio file mixing opportunity in our online A/V studio VisitorsStudio to be performed live on our radio program and recorded for our next net label release 'Explorations in Sound'. Musicians and sound artists are invited to collaborate in an online residency developing an audio mix over the period of a month before performing it live on air. The online mixing studio allows you to upload and mix mp3 audio files in real time with others in different locations and can be accessed 24 hours a day. Participants will be shown how to use the studio in an online workshop which will form the basis of a selection process. Please send expressions of interest including biog & relevant URLs to roger at Roger Millls 'Colluding with musicians, artists, noisemakers & net nomads, reinventing worlds that straddle earthly and digital zones'. From bbrace at Tue Jun 26 10:24:32 2007 From: bbrace at ({ brad brace }) Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:24:32 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN ONLINE RESIDENCY & PERFORMANCE In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Many headed monsters -- unless, of course, there's no such thing as chance, in which case Brad - for all his age and sensitivity - was nothing less than a time-bomb, ticking softly away until his appointed time; in which case, we should either - optimistically - get up and cheer, because if everything is planned in advance, then we all have a meaning, and are spared the terror of knowing ourselves to be random, without a _why, or else, of course, we might - as pessimists - give up right here and now, understanding the futility of thought, decisions, action, since nothing we think makes any difference anyway; things will be as they will. Where, then, is optimism? In fate or in chaos? It was only a matter of time... Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media pdf-books -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation of island parameters... bbs: brad brace sound From yatra_arts at Tue Jun 26 14:43:49 2007 From: yatra_arts at (yatra_arts) Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 14:43:49 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] raster noton Drake Underground Update TONIGHT! Message-ID: Sadly due to parcels being held up at Canada Customs, there will not be any raster-noton or 12K cd's at tonight's show...but don't let that stop you, when you can have the real thing and rare appearances as well! Only three stops on this brief r-n North American run. There will be plenty of time to get the new releases via the label directly or from Eric Mattson in Montreal: em at **Olaf Bender (formerly Byetone) will also be performing tonight. Doors at 10 pm, first act - Sans Soleil at 10:30 Yatra-Arts presents raster-noton R.P.M. (Revolutions Per Minute) Olaf Bender - Live (raster-noton Germany) Frank Bretschneider - Live (raster-noton / 12k Germany) Senking - Live (raster-noton / Karaoke Kalk Germany) Sans Soleil w/ visuals by Additv - Live (Canada) Tuesday June 26 @ 10 pm - Drake Underground 1150 Queen St. W Toronto $7 at the door ***ONLY One of Three North American dates! info: pb at or yatra_arts at raster-noton is one of the premier imprints fusing minimal electronic music / installation art / visual presentation and graphic design. "raster-noton . archiv f?r ton und nichtton" is meant to be a platform - a network covering the overlapping border areas of pop, art and science. emerged from the fusion of the two labels rastermusic and noton (in 1999), they realize music projects, publications and installation works. The common idea behind all releases is an experimental approach - an amalgamation of sound, art and design. So far the catalogue of the label consists of about 74 releases. Most of the projects follow the concept of a series with contributions by very different artists such as: Frank Bretschneider, William Basinski, alva noto, Ivan Pavlov aka COH, Ryoji Ikeda, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Senking, Richard Chartier, Pixel, Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic), Robert Lippok etc. Olaf Bender and Carsten Nicolai run raster-noton and the label is based in Chemnitz, Germany. OLAF BENDER is a founding member of the Raster-Noton label, as well as its lead designer. Bender (formerly known as Byetone) creates his music digitally, assembling sine tones into complex sound fabrics of deep sub-bass and rhythmic clicks and crackles. He creates abstract animations to support his abstract music -in this way the rhythm of music is transformed into a graphic equivalent, which Bender controls in real time. FRANK BRETSCHNEIDER is a founding member of Raster-Noton and one of the pioneering figures in ultra minimal post techno. Using the most basic sound sources--sine waves and white noise--Bretschneider creates minimal, flowing pieces with delicate textures and complex rhythmic patterns. Frank's new album "Rhythmic" will be released this week in Barcelona at the Sonar Festival. TORONTO DEBUT SENKING is Cologne's Jens Massel, who also records as Fumble and as part of Poto & Cabengo. As Senking, Massell makes darkly atmospheric music that is deep, dubby, and intensely cinematic. His most recent CD, List, is out now on Raster-Noton. TORONTO DEBUT SANS SOLEIL aka Michael Trommer is a Toronto based producer and visual artist who has recorded for such electronic music labels as Transmat, Wave, Truffle, Interchill, Nice'N'Smooth, Dragonfly, Ultra-Vista, Instinct, Impact, Liquid Sound Design and Dakini. He records under his own name, as well as aliases such as 'Sans Soleil" Broad-minded in his approach to electronic music, Michael also creates gallery-based audio installation work. 2005 saw him creating a site-specific sound installation for Australia's 'Liquid Architecture' exhibition. Another of his recent works was a net-based audio-manipulation project which was part of the 'from 0 to 1 and back again' exhibition at Kunsthalle Schirn in Frankfurt; this became the subject of many radio specials on both Deutsche Welle and Hessischer Rundfunk. In 2000, his work was nominated for the Prix Italia for experimental music. His field-recording based material has been featured on London's Resonance FM,,, and" Special live set for June 26 with visuals by Additv. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From murmer at Wed Jun 27 08:13:57 2007 From: murmer at (. m u r m e r .) Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:13:57 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 27.06.07 Message-ID: <005c01c7b8b4$a3c1f550$0901a8c0@murmer> framework broadcasts Wednesdays on resonance104.fem. in london (uk) or worldwide on from 1-Pam gmt next broadcast: 04.07.07 ~ time zone converter: ~ for general info, playlists, podcast, or to stream the latest edition: is supported by sound: RESONANCEFM WILL SHUT ITS DOORS PERMANENTLY UNLESS WE CAN RAISE ?60,000 BY THE END OF AUGUST. IF YOU VALUE OUR PROGRAMMING, PLEASE HELP US TO CONTINUE BY MAKING A DONATION: HTTP://WWW.RESONANCEFM.COM. NOW IS THE TIME. THANK YOU! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley this edition of framework:afield was produced in paris, france, by harold shellinx. for more information see "BACK TO BERLIN - The Master of Germany" 'In february of this year HarS went back to Berlin, to pick up tapes trashed in the streets, and to participate in Rinus van Alebeek's 'das kleine field recordings festival'. As always, in his pocket there was a dictaphone. And pinned to his jacket, there was a small microphone. And he recorded. Hours and hours and hours. But not the performances. And not the concerts. All of these recordings were made around it. On the way to a performance. Late at night out in Berlin streets; or in bars, long after the evening sessions had finished. "Back to Berlin - The Master of Germany" is a one hour selection from these recordings, made especially for Framework: low fi field recording 'das kleine field recordings festival'. Thanks to all those that, knowingly or unknowingly, found themselves field recorded. You can listen to the full 24/7 "Back to Berlin" audio webstream at, and read about 'das kleine field recordings festival' in the SoundBlog, at' again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of our guest-curated series. send proposals or material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! framework bop 27910 prequel france framework at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- framework intro submissions: 1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice 2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you - 3) read the following text: welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition. field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen! 4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking 5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From neil at Thu Jun 28 11:32:14 2007 From: neil at (Neil Wiernik) Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:32:14 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Microsound-announce] Vague terrain 07: sample culture launched Message-ID: <20070628113203.D1709@dormir> The latest edition of the Toronto based digital arts quarterly is now live. The issue, vague terrain 07: sample culture is a provocative exploration of contemporary sampling of sound, image and information. This body of work examines the remix as a critical practice while addressing broader issues of ownership and intellectual property. Vague terrain 07: sample culture contains work from: brad collard, christian marc schmidt, defasten, des cailloux et du carbone, [dNASAb], eduardo navas, eskaei, freida abtan, jakob thiesen, jennifer a. machiorlatti, jeremy rotsztain, noah pred, ortiz, rebekah farrugia, and an interview with ezekiel honig conducted by evan saskin. For more information please see From list at Thu Jun 28 16:08:57 2007 From: list at (isjtar) Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 22:08:57 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] [OKNO] Network Summer Meetings Message-ID: <> :: okno / network meetings :: :: date : 12.07.07 13.07.07 :: :: location : okno HQ, koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 4th floor, 1080 BXL :: :: :: :: entrance free :: This summer, okno (code31, so-on, r?seau citoyen) will take a look at artistic networks. In a series of meetings, we share our research and collaborate in hands-on experiments with wireless technology. Whether you're a visual artist, writer, musician, coder, hardware developer or just have a keen interest in wireless networks, we would like to invite you to come over and join us. Together, we'll look for new ways of using networks, investigate their artistic value and their social and geographical context. Wireless technolgies are affordable and powerful instruments. By learning how to make and use them, we can break out of the limits imposed by corporate and government-regulated restrictions. //meh In our hands-on experiments, we'll be builing antenna's, setting up the network and use it for audio and video. The first two meeting will take place on July 12th and 13th, with C?dric Thernon (r?seau citoyen) and Patrick De Kooning (antenna's and low power network modules). July 12/2007: 2pm ? 7pm an introduction to the Reseau Citoyen-network and how to work with it by C?dric Thernon Reseau Citoyen is a Brussels project for a user-run wireless network via wi-fi; free of big operators, run by the people for the people. R?seau Citoyen is not an organisation, it's much more a phenomenon. Beside its technological aspects, R?seau Citoyen is a vector for ideas. Community network projects are coordinated by citywide user groups who freely share information and help using the Internet. They often emerge as a grassroots movement. Reseau citoyen is run on a voluntary basis. Reseau Citoyen has a distinct ideological approach in putting up a free and open network. The volunteers provide the technological expertise and in a collaborative spirit make it available to the inhabitants of Brussels. Okno tries to complement the social and technological infrastructure from a cultural point of view, hoping to put together a vehicle for socio-cultural activities in the information age. July 13/2007- 2pm-7pm hands on experiments with meshed networks by Patrick De Kooning In this session, we'll go straight to the technological basics. What is a wireless network? What material do we need? We make our first connections over several ranges, hook up our material and hope to get the network live and streaming. When we get the nodes talking to eachother, what will they talk about? How can we use it? Why not just use the internet? What can low power, inexpensive networks add to artistic and social practices? From mailing at Thu Jun 28 20:22:38 2007 From: mailing at (Noisejihad Mailing) Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 02:22:38 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] Amsterdam 7-13/7 Message-ID: <> Does anybody know if anything of interest is happening in Amsterdam in the period 7-13 June? Be it concerts, galleries, must-see's, recommendations etc. please let me know. If any organizers in or nearby Amsterdam are interested in a deathdrone/harsh ambient performance in said period, let me know and we'll see what can be worked out. in any case, reply off list. best regards and with all wishes of a great summer. Lars // Noisejihad From list at Sat Jun 30 14:32:27 2007 From: list at (ben) Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 14:32:27 -0400 Subject: [Microsound-announce] performance - NY - July 07 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> hello everyone, first of a series of phonography concerts happening in the NY area this summer/autumn season. join us upstate in Acra, NY at the free103point9 Wave Farm for Tune (Out))side, an outdoor multi-band radio performance. the days performances are also available as live streaming audio from the 's web-page. the free103point9 web-page has travel information to Acra, feel free to contact me offlist for any assistance. best, ben july 07 2007 phonography meeting I free103point9 Acra, NY 3 - 9 pm Tune (Out)))side 2007 CHANNEL TWO (under large tree in the forest) Gill Arno Richard Garet Scott Allison Andy Graydon ben owen Michael Farley Andy Hayleck Koen Holtkamp Bruce Tovsky set 1 - 70'00 to 80'00 - start 3:15 pm unprocessed / raw field recordings ben owen richard garet bruce tovsky andy graydon micheal farley scott allison andy hayleck set 2 - 70'00 to 80'00 - start 5:15 pm compositions using field recordings gill arno richard garet bruce tovsky andy graydon koen holtkamp micheal farley scott allison set 3 - 60'00 to 70'00 - start 7:30 pm duo performance's ben owen + andy hayleck gill arno + koen holtkamp richard garet + scott allison bruce tovsky + micheal farley andy graydon + ilya monosov -- From gregorybuettner at Sat Jun 30 16:28:23 2007 From: gregorybuettner at (gregory buettner) Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:28:23 +0200 Subject: [Microsound-announce] NEW 1000FUSSLER RELEASE Message-ID: hello microsound list Sorry if you get this email twice i post it before to the wrong list... ---- new release on 1000f?ssler: Nicolai Stephan, Asmus Tietchens, Stefan Funck, Gregory B?ttner ?Heizung Raum 318? CD, (54:24 min), Limited Edition of 300 Copies ? 2007 / 1000f?ssler 008 The four musicians have been meeting weekly in room 318 for years, but only now did they create music using the acoustics of the room. To be more precise, using one element in the room: the heating. The heating has two problems: first, it doesn?t heat. Second, it whistles. Problem one is unnerving, especially during the winter. Problem two can be used aesthetically: by turning the radiator knobs, not only can the pitch of the whistling be varied, by using several radiators a multitude of sounds and noises can be created. To add to that, the three radiators used influence one another so that the musicians can provoke aimed acoustic situations. The three radiators were played simultaneously and recorded using a room microphone to create the material for the seven tracks. The unedited version can be heard on track eight. Tracklist: Stefan Funck version paris-dakar 6?26 Stefan Funck version hare 6?37 Gregory B?ttner heiz 14?23 Asmus Tietchens keine W?rme 10?04 Nicolai Stephan ziehung 5?07 Stefan Funck version vier h?user 6?20 Stefan Funck version alm?hi 0?22 sourcematerial / ausgangsmaterial 5?05 You can listen to a mix of some tracks on > the 1000fuessler says thanks for your advertency.