[Microsound-announce] jeff gburek-djalma primordial science in cologne

jeff gburek tsazmaniac at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 25 06:04:29 EDT 2006

the electro-acoustic digitagitations of jeff gburek
again with tanzerin ephia's remote and near skeletal
clatter combined with video projection by diegonante
will presented in a tribute to lucia and james joyce
tonight  at rachel haferkampf gallery , EIGELSTEIN
112, KÖLN, 20:00 hours

"MIRRORMINDED CURIOSITEASE" plays with understating
the overdraft of finnegan's wake wherein his
daughter's madness becomes the figure of
inspiration-separation from sense into oversense. the
sound of the text is winnowed and worried and waxed
and waned by gburek and the textual body is danced
outsdie its bones by ephia who emerges from the living
iconostasis of diegonante video projections as art
walks again through the walls


j.ff gbk




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