[Microsound-announce] NET RELEASE: trans004 CORY ALLEN | Gesemi Tropisms

bremsstrahlung recordings blungrec at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 15 01:08:17 EDT 2005

Cory Allen | Gesemi Tropisms
Net Release Date - August 2005 
Codecs: mp3, ogg VBR highest quality
Physical in 2006 
Edition 50

Compiling a lust for beauty, obsession with detail, and a unique philosophy concerning the “multidimensional architecture of sonic space,” Cory Allen is a composer who applies his endless study of cognitive science/philosophy with refined and abstract composition methods in order to delicately “tune in” the vibrations of his music to the perceiver’s nervous system. Using a Moog Voyager and other electronic devices, Allen creates throbbing, rolling, fountains of electronic elegance, causing the listener to relinquish their bodies to a state of bemused abstraction. 

Instruments include: Fender Rhodes Piano, Moog Voyager, Violin, Glockenspeil, Ring Modulator, Granulizer, Guitar, Computer.

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